Dave Salmoni

Dave Salmoni


Dave Salmoni


Sharks: Are They Hunting Us?
Son tiburones realmente paquete cazadores como los leones o lobos? ¿Están adquiriendo el gusto por la carne humana? Son ataques contra la subida? A veces es difícil saber si el monstruo es sólo un mito. Entonces, ¿cuál es la verdad sobre tiburones antropófagos? En este documental de una hora, exponemos la línea entre lo que es real y lo que no
Into the Lion's Den
Into the Lion's Den is a Discovery Channel documentary about zoologist and big cat trainer Dave Salmoni, armed only with a camera on a pole, carefully conditioning a wild pride of lions to accept his presence. The footage has been published as a 90-minute movie (2004) directed by Anton Truesdale and narrated by Robert Jimenez. It is set in the Thornybush reservation in South Africa and depicts Salmoni's initial attempt to confirm his theory of safe cohabitation alongside a wild pride.