Olivia Pigeot

Olivia Pigeot


Olivia Pigeot


Sean's Mother
A young teen struggles to navigate the floating drug world of the west, haunted by a familial past and an unknown future. A lone wolf comes to his defence, but it will take more than friendship to survive.
I'm You, Dickhead
Doctor Beckett
A man travels back in time to force his 10 year old self to learn guitar, so that he can get more action with the ladies in the present day.
Mañana, cuando la guerra empiece
Mrs. Linton
Lo que comienza como una aventura veraniega para adolescentes despreocupados adquiere pronto tintes apocalípticos al estallar una imprevisible guerra contra Australia. Ellie (Caitlin Stastey) y sus amigos del instituto deciden pasar una semana de acampada en un valle paradisíaco que los aísla completamente de la realidad. Pero una noche aparecen en el cielo aviones de guerra que vuelan a poca altura. A partir de ese momento, tendran que aprender a sobrevivir y a luchar contra fuerzas militares hostiles. Stuart Beattie, guionista de las entregas de "Piratas del Caribe" y "Collateral", debuta en la dirección adaptando una novela que causó furor en Australia en los 90
Small Claims: White Wedding
Jo has a family wedding to attend, but the wedding is in crisis. Chrissy and Jo face the twin tasks of bringing the wedding to a successful conclusion, whilst at the same time, investigating a murder in which all the suspects are key figures in the wedding party.
Una joven aprende a distinguir entre el sexo y el amor gracias a las nuevas experiencias. Aclamadísimo film ganador de casi todos los premios australianos posibles.
A Cold Summer
A Cold Summer constructs three truthful portraits of people dealing with death in their lives in radically different ways and creates an environment, in which after unpeeling the layers, they expose their lives before the camera. The film makes a positive statement through two very selfish and cynical characters and how someone who still believes in honesty and love touches their lives.
A Cold Summer
A Cold Summer constructs three truthful portraits of people dealing with death in their lives in radically different ways and creates an environment, in which after unpeeling the layers, they expose their lives before the camera. The film makes a positive statement through two very selfish and cynical characters and how someone who still believes in honesty and love touches their lives.
Ihaka: un caso sin resolver
Temuera Morrison es el sargento detective Ihaka, un policía sin sentido en el Auckland PD. Después de un incidente muy público que implica un atracador, un policía herido y un bate de béisbol, Ihaka es enviado a Sydney, Australia por un par de semanas. Él es enviado a Sydney para asistir a un simposio internacional sobre técnicas policiales y se encuentra con Kirsty Finn, una "jinete de escritorio" detective de la Policía Federal de Australia. Uno de los ejercicios del simposio es revisar los procedimientos utilizados en un caso pasado, para luego informar de sus hallazgos. A Ihaka y a Finn les dan el caso no resuelto de la violación / asesinato de una prometedora modelo, Se supone que el asesino es un psicópata .
By the time his Qantas flight from Bangkok had taxied to the terminal Brad's brain was fried. A lot was riding on this deal for Chrissie. Money had changed hands. Promises made. The consequences of missing the drop were fatal. Peter Jess, recovering prescription drug addict, struggling med student and ex-lover was her last, best hope. Brad's prognosis was bad - he was dead. Chrissie had a contingency plan. But none of them counted on Detective Lyle Draper stumbling into the picture.
Della, a 45-year-old wanna-be, coulda-been jazz singer and her lover, Dale, a 23 year old small time criminal, are in the final stages of their dysfunctional relationship.