Erich Kettelhut

Nacimiento : 1893-11-01, Berlin, Germany

Muerte : 1979-03-13


Sabine und die hundert Männer
Production Design
Los crímenes del Dr. Mabuse
Production Design
El asesinato del reportero de televisión Peter Berg no es un hecho aislado. El clarividente Cornelius ha tenido una visión del crimen, pero por alguna extraña razón no ha podido ver al asesino. Como el hotel Luxor parece estar relacionado con los asesinatos, la policía intensifica la investigación en sus alrededores. Una terrible sospecha empieza a cobrar forma: el doctor Mabuse, un genio del crimen que pretendía dominar el mundo y a quien todos habían dado por muerto, quizá no lo esté.
Tempest in a Water Glass
Production Design
Art Direction
The Man Who Sold Himself
Production Design
Meant to be a diatribe against yellow journalism and current social ills, this weakly limned drama by Josef von Baky features a reporter who works for one of the tabloid papers. The reporter digs up dirt on the past life of a local hotel owner, and wanting to take full advantage of the muck, he strings out his revelations in a series of perjorative, damning articles on the man. The result of this campaign turns out to be much worse than simply ruining the hotel owner's reputation.
Confess, Dr. Corda
Production Design
A doctor goes to meet a beautiful girl at a park bench near a wooded area. When he arrives, he finds her battered body lying next to a stream! He then finds himself to be the prime suspect. Who's the killer?
Das Mädchen Marion
Art Direction
Drei Mädels vom Rhein
Production Design
Drei Tage Mittelarrest
Production Design
Eine Frau genügt nicht?
Production Design
Children, Mother, and the General
Production Design
Laslo Benedek interrupted his thriving Hollywood career to return to Europe as director of the German Kinder, Mutter und ein General (Children, Mother and the General). The film is set in Berlin during the last days of WW II. Desperate for manpower, Hitler has ordered that all able-bodied teenaged boys --some as young as 15 -- be drafted into the army. Frau Asmussen (Hilde Krahl) is one of five mothers who learn to their horror that their boys have been slated to be cannon fodder on behalf of the Third Reich. Asmussen and the other mothers head directly to the front to plead with the German generals for the lives of their sons. Not directly an indictment of Germany's involvement in (or incitement of) the recent war, Kinder, Mutter und ein General stresses the futility and heartbreak of all wars everywhere.
Der Vetter aus Dingsda
Production Design
Die Rose von Stambul
Production Design
Mask in Blue
Production Design
Pension Schöller
Production Design
Sensation in San Remo
Production Design
Fahrt ins Glück
Production Design
The Brothers Noltenius
Art Direction
Wolf Noltenius is a real globetrotter. Early on, this talented young man travelled far and wide, where he earned fame as a construction planner. He moved to Brazil; but one day, homesickness got the best of him. He spontaneously travelled back to his hometown to visit his brother Werner and his family. Wolf and Werner, who both went into the same profession, couldn't be any more different: the one is worldly and an experienced man-about-town; the other a small bourgeois.
La mujer de mis sueños
Production Design
Estamos en la Alemania nazi, pero sin casi referencias políticas salvo que las ambientaciones de ciertos números musicales están localizadas en Italia, España y Japón. Cuenta la historia de una artista de variedades que triunfa con sus obras musicales, donde canta y levanta pierna con mucha habilidad. Cansada de tanta gira huye de su manager en tren. Por casualidad queda atrapada en una estación alpina en pleno invierno, donde conocerá a dos ingenieros que trabajan en un nuevo trazado del ferrocarril. Uno de ellos suspira por una mujer a la antigua, el otro por una mujer a la moderna. ¿Con quién se quedará nuestra starlette?
Art Direction
Der 5. Juni
Production Design
The Curtain Falls
Production Design
Art Direction
An operetta directed by Herbert Maisch.
La novena sinfonía
Set Decoration
Un famoso músico y director de orquesta adopta a un niño que había sido abandonado por sus padres en un orfelinato. Una mujer, que acaba de regresar de los Estados Unidos, solicita el puesto de institutriz en la casa. Esa mujer resulta ser la madre del niño.
La novena sinfonía
Production Design
Un famoso músico y director de orquesta adopta a un niño que había sido abandonado por sus padres en un orfelinato. Una mujer, que acaba de regresar de los Estados Unidos, solicita el puesto de institutriz en la casa. Esa mujer resulta ser la madre del niño.
Jonny, haute-couture
Art Direction
Prince Woronzeff
Production Design
Baron Franz von Naydek is constantly being mistaken for Prince Woronzeff, since both look identical. One day, Woronzeff decides that this similarity might come in handy. Since he is very ill and can no longer deal with the intrigues of his relatives, he begs his friend Naydek to play the role of prince for a while. Naydek agrees and everything seems to be going splendidly. Woronzeff’s ex-nag Diane sees through the game, however, but says nothing, since she’s fallen for Naydek. He, in turn, has the hots for Nadja, Woronzeff’s daughter, long thought lost and who has now reappeared. The prince’s relatives fear for their inheritance and so refuse to acknowledge Nadja’s existence. In the interim, Woronzeff dies. Now Naydek is obliged to play the role for a much longer time than he bargained for.
Die Töchter ihrer Exzellenz
Production Design
Die Freundin eines großen Mannes
Art Direction
Kind, ich freu' mich auf Dein Kommen
Production Design
Her Majesty Love
Art Direction
Fred von Wellingen is a wealthy industrialist, part of a large family-owned corporation. Fred has fallen for Lia, a comely bartender in the Berlin Cabaret. He proposes to her, much to the horror of his family, which considers Lia and her unsophisticated father far below their caste. The family convinces Fred to give up the girl in exchange for increased position and income in the company. But Fred's lapse is momentary, and he again pursues Lia. But she, by this time, has learned of his erstwhile agreement and has agreed to marry someone else.
F.P.1 Doesn't Answer
Production Design
F.P.1 is a huge airplane landing dock in the Atlantic where pilots making the transatlantic flight can stop. Yet a saboteur tries to sink the technical wonder in this classic German science fiction film from 1932. The film was also created with English and French speaking actors at the same time.
A Blonde Dream
Art Direction
Rival window cleaners Willy I and Willy 2 befriend Jou-Jou, an aspiring dancer, who has been tricked out of money by a con-man posing as an American movie mogul, and together they turn an old railway carriage into a "Villa Hollywood" for her.
Art Direction
A woman staying at a health spa (Lillian Harvey, goes to the theater every night to see "Quick" a comic performer, who wears clown make-up. She meets him off stage, without make-up and doesn't recognize him. He courts her, hoping she'll like him for himself but she maintains her crush on "Quick."
Art Direction
Lilian Harvey plays Eva, a young girl taking some time in a health spa and spending her evenings in the town's vaudeville theatre enamoured by a heavily made-up clown called Quick. Quick takes a shine to her and tries to woo her without make-up and masquerading as the theatre's manager. Unable to resolve her feelings for Quick and the theatre manager, Eva is angered when she finally learns that they are one and the same.
Art Direction
Fresh out of prison a small-time crook finds his girlfriend's dropped him, which sends him into a murderous rage.
The Tempest
Art Direction
Two inspiration sources appear clearly: contemporary American gangster movies and Alfred Döblin’s novel Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929).
Bombs Over Monte Carlo
Art Direction
The captain of a battleship of a small Balkan country is fed up with following strange orders from the country's queen.
About an investigation
Art Direction
Cuando asesinan a una prostituta, las sospechas recaen en el protagonista, un estudiante hijo de un magistrado. Víctima de las pruebas circunstanciales, debe aguantar el infierno de una audiencia preliminar.
Art Direction
When a prostitute is murdered in a cheap Berlin boarding house, an investigating judge suspects that the killer is her boyfriend, unaware that his own son and daughter are also mixed up in the case.
Her Highness Commands
Art Direction
Simultaneously made French version of "Ihre Hoheit Befiehlt": An officer, posing as a deli clerk, and a princess, posing as a manicurist, meet at a ball. The court especially the prime minister oppose a marriage, for political reasons.
Her Grace Commands
Art Direction
An emancipated Princess, who has just returned home to her court in the Balkans from England, goes in disguise to a servants’ bal and falls in love with an alleged caterer, who turns out next day to be a lieutenant of the guard. Without letting on to her masquerade, she makes sure he climbs the ranks quickly. At the same time, she tries to thwart her engagement to an unpopular prince.
In the act
Art Direction
Simultaneously made French version of "Einbrecher": A wealthy old husband looks for the successor for his young wife.A devious gentleman burglar is one possibility he toys with.
Art Direction
The young wife of a rich old husband is prevented of a fling by a gentleman-burglar, who falls in love to her.
Darling of the Gods
Art Direction
Also known as Darling of the Gods, this was Emil Jannings' second talkie appearance. Jannings stars as famed operatic singer Albert Winkelmann, who is greeted with cheers, applause and romantic propositions whenever he performs in his native Vienna. But when he embarks on a tour of South America, tragedy strikes. The sweltering climate causes Winkelmann to lose his voice on stage, a disaster met with hoots and cat-calls. Dispirited he returns to Europe, where he soon learns that no one is aware of what happened in South America. Intending to retire so as not to be exposed to further humiliation, Winkelmann is goaded back on stage -- where, miraculously, his gorgeous voice returns.
The Love Waltz
Art Direction
Originally Liebeswalzer, this German operetta was the third talkie vehicle for the effervescent Lillian Harvey. The plot is a typical Graustarkian affair, with Princess Eva (Harvey) preparing to marry a duke whom she's never met. Getting cold feet, the duke ducks the wedding, persuading a handsome young commoner named Bobby (Willy Fritsch) to take his place. The wedding goes on as planned, with Eva never suspecting that her new hubby is a ringer. Eventually, the false duke confesses everything, leading to all sorts of intrigue before a happy ending can be realized. Love Waltz was simultaneously filmed in an English-language version, which posed no problem for the British-born Harvey but caused a few uncomfortable moments for her Teutonic co-stars (eventually, Willy Fritsch was replaced by John Batton, who'd played a bit role in the German version).
Art Direction
Una mujer bien vestida (Betty Amann) roba una piedra preciosa de una joyería de Berlín. Ella intenta seducir al policía (Gustav Frölich) que la captura, y él sucumbirá gradualmente a sus encantos.
Fräulein Else
Art Direction
While staying with her aunt at a fashionable spa, Else receives an unexpected telegram from her mother, begging her to save her father from debtor’s jail. The only way out, it seems, is to approach an elderly acquaintance in order to borrow money from him. Through this telegram, Else is forced into the reality of a world entirely at odds with her romantic imagination – with horrific consequences.
Hungarian Rhapsody
Art Direction
Directed by Hanns Schwarz.
Berlín: Sinfonia de una gran ciudad
Art Direction
Inspirado en el documental soviético "Kino-Nedelia" (1918) de Dziga Vertov, Ruttmann realizó en 1927, contando con los mejores fotógrafos alemanes de la época, un documental basado en la vida, durante un día, de la ciudad de Berlín.
Art Direction
En una megalópolis del año 2000, los obreros están condenados a vivir recluidos en un gueto subterráneo, donde se encuentra el corazón industrial de la ciudad. Sin embargo, incitados por un robot, se rebelan contra la clase dominante y amenazan con destruir la ciudad exterior. Freder (Gustav Frölich), el hijo del soberano de Metrópolis, y María, una muchacha de origen humilde, intentarán evitar la destrucción apelando a los sentimientos y al amor.
Production Office Assistant
En una megalópolis del año 2000, los obreros están condenados a vivir recluidos en un gueto subterráneo, donde se encuentra el corazón industrial de la ciudad. Sin embargo, incitados por un robot, se rebelan contra la clase dominante y amenazan con destruir la ciudad exterior. Freder (Gustav Frölich), el hijo del soberano de Metrópolis, y María, una muchacha de origen humilde, intentarán evitar la destrucción apelando a los sentimientos y al amor.
Set Designer
En una megalópolis del año 2000, los obreros están condenados a vivir recluidos en un gueto subterráneo, donde se encuentra el corazón industrial de la ciudad. Sin embargo, incitados por un robot, se rebelan contra la clase dominante y amenazan con destruir la ciudad exterior. Freder (Gustav Frölich), el hijo del soberano de Metrópolis, y María, una muchacha de origen humilde, intentarán evitar la destrucción apelando a los sentimientos y al amor.
Los nibelungos: la venganza de Krimilda
Set Decoration
Cuando Kriemhild, sedienta de venganza, se casa con Etzel, rey de los hunos, invita al rey Gunther y a su corte a visitarlos, con la intención de tomar finalmente la vida del hombre responsable de su desgracia.
Los nibelungos: la muerte de Sigfrido
Set Decoration
Siegfried, hijo del rey Siegmund de Xanten, viaja a Worms, capital del reino de los burgundios, para pedir al rey Gunther la mano de su hermana, la bella Kriemhild.
The Stone Rider
Set Decoration
In a distant Teutonic village, people dance and drink merrily celebrating a wedding feast. However, an elderly man tells the villagers that the valley where they live wasn't always happy but sorrowful. This was due to the tyranny of the master of the mountains who ruled the valley despotically.
Dr. Mabuse, el jugador
Art Direction
La primera versión cinematográfica del Dr. Mabuse consta de dos partes: “El gran jugador” y “El infierno”. El doctor Mabuse es un villano que no se siente atraído por los bienes materiales, sino por el placer que le proporciona jugar con el destino de los hombres.
The Indian Tomb, Part II: The Tiger of Bengal
Production Design
Rowland falls sick with leprosy while Mac Allan is captured by the Maharajah, who offers Irene a deal: one night with him in exchange for letting Rowland to be cured. She accepts, but tries to commit suicide.
La tumba India
Production Design
Un rajá celoso y vengativo ordena a un poderoso yogui que atraiga a un famoso arquitecto inglés con objeto de que construya un maravilloso mausoleo en el que yacerá la esposa infiel del príncipe.