Fergus McDonell


Unman, Wittering and Zigo
A new schoolteacher learns that the previous teacher was killed by his students, and he fears the same fate will befall him.
La familia Crompton
Estamos en Lancashire, Reino Unido. Una muchacha se niega a acabar su plato, lo cual enfurecerá inmensamente a su padre y provocará una serie de acontecimientos fuera de control, hasta llegar a un problema de proporciones disparatadas.
Only When I Larf
A master conman leads a pair of British accomplices on an international adventure of highly profitable dirty tricks.
Charlie Bubbles
Charlie Bubbles, a writer, up from the working class of Manchester, England, who, in the course of becoming prematurely rich and famous, has mislaid a writer's basic tool – the capacity to feel and to respond. Now he must visit his estranged wife and son, whom he has set up on a farm outside his native city. His journey accidentally becomes an attempt to reestablish his connections with life, people, and his own history.
Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
Jamie McGregor (Barry Evans) is a virginal sixth-former in suburbia delivering groceries for the local supermarket, but he is more interested in other matters - Mary, Linda, Paula and Caroline. He tries to seduce the girls of his dreams in the swinging sixties.
A finales del siglo XIX, en Sudán, región bajo dominio anglo-egipcio, se pone en marcha un movimiento independentista acaudillado por "El Esperado", un visionario que proclama la Guerra Santa contra los infieles. Inglaterra envía entonces al mítico general Gordon para intentar restablecer la paz y el orden.
Four in the Morning
The parallel stories of two couples in crises and their connections to a drowned woman found in a river.
¿Qué tal, Pussycat?
El famoso playboy Michael James (Peter O'Toole), director de la más prestigiosa revista de moda parisina, se ve continuamente asediado por mujeres muy promiscuas, por lo que es incapaz de serle fiel a su prometida. Tratando de enderezar su compleja vida amorosa, acude a la consulta del doctor Fritz Fassbender (Peter Sellers), un desequilibrado psiquiatra, más adicto al sexo que el propio Michael, de modo que, en lugar de ayudarle a resolver su problema, se lo agrava.
Nothing But the Best
Success has James Brewster's name written all over it, and he also has his heart set on his boss's daughter. A con artist hires him to help out on a bank scheme, but then again, James will do anything to get rich and be the most successful businessman in Britain-even if it means murder!!!
The Caretaker
Aston, a quiet, reserved man, lives alone in a top-floor cluttered room of a small abandoned house in a poor London district. He befriends and takes in Mac Davies, an old derelict who has been fired from a menial job in a café. In time Aston offers him a job as caretaker of the house. Aston's brother, Mick - a taunting, quasi-sadist - harasses the derelict when his brother is away, countermanding his orders...
Some People
Art Direction
Four teen-aged Teds are persuaded to form a rock group and undertake the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme to keep them out of trouble.
They Took Us to The Sea
Made for the NSPCC by the noted film director John Krish, They Took Us To The Sea follows a group of children taken by Inspectors of the NSPCC on an outing from Birmingham to Weston-Super Mare.
Western Brigade
This short dramatic film illustrates a cooperative program of fire protection that was carried out across Alberta in the late 1950s. It presents the problems inherent in a voluntary fire brigade, as well as the everyday heroes who step up and get the job done. The film is an entertaining look at how a crew that was once considered to be the joke of the town can evolve into the best fire brigade in the West.
The Pony
This short film tells the heart-warming Christmas story of two Saskatchewan farm children and a pony named Pancho. There’s no real place for a horse on a fully mechanized wheat farm, but with will and heart they prove that one can be found.
The Dikes
A look at the destruction that follows the breaking of long-neglected dikes and the measures being taken to prevent future problems.
Private Information
A woman suspects that the local council is corrupt and building defective drains that could cause public health issues.
Prelude to Fame
Prelude to Fame is a 1950 British drama film directed by Fergus McDonell from a story by Aldous Huxley. While vacationing in Italy, Nick Morell (Robin Dowell), son of John Morell (Guy Rolfe), a famous English philosopher and amateur musician and his wife Catherine (Kathleen Ryan), becomes friendly with young Guido (Jeremy Spenser), and Morell discovers the boy has an extraordinary instinct for orchestration and a phenomenal music memory. A neighboring couple, Signor and Signora Boudini (Henry Oscar and Kathleen Byron) become aware of the boy's talents, and she appeals to his parents to let her educate him musically. Torn by their love for their son and, they feel,the duty to let the world hear his talent, they consent.
The Small Voice
A man and his wife take to their house some men they rescue from a road crash and then find they have picked up some dangerous criminals.
Larga es la noche
Irlanda, principios del siglo XX. Johnny McQueen es uno de los militantes más importantes del Sinn Fein, el brazo político del IRA (1905), cuyo objetivo es la independencia de Irlanda. La necesidad de conseguir fondos para financiar la lucha armada lo lleva a elaborar un plan para atracar un banco.
Hacia adelante
Listos para luchar y morir por su país, un grupo de civiles de toda clase y condición se someten a un entrenamiento básico ante el inminente estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Aunque al principio se quejan de la rígida disciplina que implica su nuevo régimen de vida, no tardan en adaptarse y adquirir las habilidades necesarias para cumplir con su cometido, además de sentirse orgullosos de ello. Durante su participación en la invasión del norte de África, su barco será alcanzado por los alemanes. (FILMAFFINITY)
On Approval
Two wealthy Victorian widows are courted tentatively by two impoverished British aristocrats. When one of the dowagers suggests that her beau go away with her for a month to see if they are compatible, the fireworks begin.
The Dummy Talks
A ventriloquist is murdered during a theatre variety performance. A dwarf goes undercover as the dummy...
Asking for Trouble
A London fishmonger helps a young woman evade her unwanted upcoming marriage by pretending to be her fiancé, a big game hunter from Africa. Comedy.
I Met a Murderer
An Englishwoman who writes novels meets a farmer who has just killed his nagging wife.
Catch as Catch Can
On board a luxury liner, young Barbara Standish attempts to smuggle stolen jewels from France to America
The Nativity Cycle
The Christmas story, presented in the form of a medieval York mystery, or miracle play, by a cast of junior school children. They follow the text, in verse and prose, used by strolling players five centuries ago when a miracle play meant the portrayal of the mystery of Christ's birth. The story is divided into scenes, with costumes and settings patterned after biblical times. Between acts a children's "angel choir" sings familiar Christmas carols to introduce each scene.