Mrs. Sidney Drew

Nacimiento : 1890-04-18, Sedalia - Missouri - USA

Muerte : 1925-11-03


A Million Bid
To satisfy her controlling mother and secure both of their futures, a daughter hesitantly enters a loveless marriage to a wealthy businessman. Years later, after she has uncovered and overcome her mother's deceptions and manipulations, her newfound happiness is threatened with the appearance of a mysterious "man from the sea."
The Unconventional Maida Greenwood
The Unconventional Maida Greenwood
The Unconventional Maida Greenwood
The Unconventional Maida Greenwood
A Gay Old Dog
The Professional Patient
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Drew starred in a series of polite situational comedies, first for Vitagraph and then for their own company, releasing through Metro. Mr. Drew -- uncle of John, Lionel and Ethel Barrymore -- died after his son was killed in the first world war and his wife -- who wrote and seems to have directed a sizeable number of their comedies, starred. In this one, Mr. Drew has been fired from his regular job and, money growing short, takes up a position as a professional patient of a dentist, to reassure the other patients in the room. There he meets and falls in love with Mrs. Drew.
His First Tooth
Ma Hornby
New parents’ anxiety over their son’s first tooth is worsened by the suggestion that the baby might experience convulsions from teething— in spite of assurance from both the child’s doctor and nurse that all is well.
By Might of His Right
Henry's Wife
By Might of His Right premiered in December 1915. The comedy shows what happens when a boorish houseguest overstays his welcome. Henry’s brother-in-law takes to stealing his chair and cigarettes but the last straw comes when, in a display of boxing prowess, he knocks his host out cold.
Diplomatic Henry
Anne Newlywed
Henry and Anne are newlyweds. In a letter to his dear aunt Becky, he complains about Anne not being as gifted to take care of him as the aunt was. So Aunt Becky and Anne decide to teach Henry a lesson.
How John Came Home
Mary Jones
Sidney Drew hits a long shot, quits his job and goes on a toot. His wife thinks he has drowned. When he runs out of money he returns home to find that her rich uncle has died and left her a fortune and he pretends to have no memory of where he has been.
Miss Sticky-Moufie-Kiss
Cloy Cloymore, Miss Sticky-Moufie-Kiss
A young husband is pleased to discover that his new wife is totally devoted to him. However, things begin to get sticky when he realizes that not only is she devoted to him, but she speaks only in baby talk and won't leave him alone for a second.
Fox Trot Finesse
Ferdie's Wife - Eva
Ferdie's wife is fox-trot crazy, wanting to go dancing all the time. To get out of it, Ferdie fakes an ankle injury. When his wife spies him walking without his crutch, she writes a letter to her stern mother, inviting her to stay with them while Ferdie heals. Rather than face his mother-in-law, Ferdie admits he was faking his injury, and tears up the letter.
Playing Dead
Husband solves love triangle by playing dead.
Playing Dead
Jeanne Blagwin
Husband solves love triangle by playing dead.
Boobley's Baby
Ethel - the Stenographer
A man with a baby gets a scarce seat on the streetcar, leaving Mr. Boobley standing. Boobley gets the bright idea to carry a doll with him to be sure of getting a seat.
Wanted, a Nurse
Helen Worth
After witnessing a minor accident, a wealthy man falls in love with the nurse who treats the injured person. He cooks up a scheme in which he pretends to be sick in order to see her again.
Auntie's Portrait
Mrs. Honeypet
A rich Auntie sends an ugly portrait of herself to Mr. and Mrs. Honeypet. They hide it in the attic, thinking she won't visit for a long time, but soon Auntie arrives unannounced.
A Florida Enchantment
Bessie Horton
Una joven señorita, cansada de su prometido, encuentra un frasco de semillas con el poder de transformar las mujeres en hombres y viceversa. Decide, ella, entonces probar las semillas consigo misma, con su empleada doméstica y con su prometido.
A Million Bid
Theatre Play
Agnes Belgradin is in love with a young doctor, Loring Brent. When Agnes' father dies, her mother takes her on a trip abroad. She insists that the young couple separate before they set sail, and promises that if they still love each other after a year they can reunite. But Mrs. Belgradin intercepts all the letters Agnes and Brent write one another, and convinces her daughter to marry a wealthy Australian millionaire.