Marcy Gross


Amor a la carta
Executive Producer
Una ejecutiva es enviada a un pequeño pueblo a renovar la imagen de un restaurante como parte de una adquisición estratégica. Pero el restaurante resulta estar en su pueblo natal, el cual no ha visitado en años, y su dueño es su amor adolescente.
Mis novios, sus perros y yo
Executive Producer
Un día de intensa lluvia, los dueños de un pequeño restaurante se ven sorprendidos, justo cuando están cerrando, por la llegada de una joven vestida de novia. La chica les ruega poder resguardarse en el local junto a sus tres perros.
Executive Producer
Erin, a struggling actress, has little faith in men. She works for a detective agency, her job is to seduce married men and let their wives catch them in the act. But lately, Erin is been getting threatening phone calls and someone is trying to hurt her. Is it her boss, who's in-love with her? or is it a former "client" trying to get back at her? or maybe, this new man she's been seeing?
La Puerta de las Galaxias
Executive Producer
Un adolescente que se siente inadaptado, un día bromeando, utiliza su equipo y antena parabólica para enviar un mensaje al espacio a la espera que algún tipo de vida extraterrestre contestara, en el mensaje pide que se lo lleven del planeta, pero lo que nunca imagino, es que el mensaje llegara realmente a un destino, donde se tomaron muy en serio su mensaje.
Invisible Child
Executive Producer
A nanny is hired by a troubled mother and finds herself fighting to hold together the entire family when she realizes the woman has an imaginary daughter.
The Spree
Executive Producer
A policeman becomes obsessed with a female cat burglar, who convinces him to join her in crime.
Have You Seen My Son
Executive Producer
A woman fears for her son's health when her ex-husband kidnaps him.
A Place for Annie
Executive Producer
Baby Annie is HIV positive and has been left in the clinic by her drug addicted mother. To prevent that she's deported to a home where they'd just wait for her to die, nurse Susan takes charge of Annie at her home. Two years later she plans too adopt her -- but suddenly Annie's mother reappears and demands her back. And under the law, Susan, as foster-mother, has no claim to the child.
Jonathan: The Boy Nobody Wanted
A Down-syndrome boy left in an institute by his parents. Ginny works in the institute and wants to have Jonathan but has to fight the system and the parents.
Always Remember I Love You
Executive Producer
Just after he turns sixteen, Robert finds out that he is adopted. His parents find to their horror that he was kidnaped from his real parents. They decide to tell him about this, even though they fear they might lose him. Robert runs away to find his real parents. He finds and gets close to them, without revealing his true identity. Eventually he must decided where he belongs.
I Love You Perfect
Executive Producer
A woman, her lover and her best friend cope with the tragedy of her misdiagnosed medical condition.
Deep Dark Secrets
A woman finds hidden truths when her husband disappears and is presumed dead.
Getting Physical
The world of female bodybuilding provides the backdrop for this tale of an aspiring young actress who initially becomes interested in the sport as a means of self-defense following a physical attack by two men, but then finds that while concentrating on building up her body her relationship with her parents, with whom she is living, and her new-found boyfriend, a young cop, is breaking down. Several noted bodybuilders and iron-pumpers, male and female, put in appearances to give this production an added authenticity.
Getting Physical
The world of female bodybuilding provides the backdrop for this tale of an aspiring young actress who initially becomes interested in the sport as a means of self-defense following a physical attack by two men, but then finds that while concentrating on building up her body her relationship with her parents, with whom she is living, and her new-found boyfriend, a young cop, is breaking down. Several noted bodybuilders and iron-pumpers, male and female, put in appearances to give this production an added authenticity.
Miss All-American Beauty
After winning a beauty contest in Texas, a teenage girl is unprepared for the demands of travel, press conferences and interviews that go with winning the title and participating in a national beauty pageant.