Edith Iglauer, una periodista de Nueva York a quien le gustan las cosas bonitas y la alta cultura, de mala gana acepta una asignación para cubrir el sector de la pesca en la Columbia Británica. Cuando se encuentra con el solitario pescador John Daly, se llevan fatal al principio. Sin embargo, el combate deja traslucir una latente tensión romántica que toma el control cuando los dos se encuentran en una situación de peligro con sólo uno al otro para confiar.
Meredith Sanders es una triste y solitaria escritora que regresa a su ciudad natal en Inglaterra por primera vez desde que tenía 6 años y fue adoptada por una familia americana que se la llevó a los Estados Unidos. Allí, decide buscar la tumba de su madre biológica y, para su sorpresa, descubre que sigue viva. Entonces, decide buscarla. Telefilme basado en una novela de la autora de best sellers de corte romántico, Barbara Taylor Bradford, y que no hay que confundir con el thriller de idéntico título que protagonizó Patrick Swayze. Protagonizan Melissa Gilbert, la inolvidable Laura Ingalls de "La casa de la pradera" y la veterana actriz británica, Jean Simmons ("Ellos y ellas").
After losing her husband and two daughters in a robbery, Mallory must face up to her bereavement and ensuing depression.
Baby Annie is HIV positive and has been left in the clinic by her drug addicted mother. To prevent that she's deported to a home where they'd just wait for her to die, nurse Susan takes charge of Annie at her home. Two years later she plans too adopt her -- but suddenly Annie's mother reappears and demands her back. And under the law, Susan, as foster-mother, has no claim to the child.
Baby Annie is HIV positive and has been left in the clinic by her drug addicted mother. To prevent that she's deported to a home where they'd just wait for her to die, nurse Susan takes charge of Annie at her home. Two years later she plans too adopt her -- but suddenly Annie's mother reappears and demands her back. And under the law, Susan, as foster-mother, has no claim to the child.
Three women, who seem to have nothing in common: Abigail is a college student at Yale and daughter of one of the professors; Meredith is a married mother and owner of a bowling alley; Janet is a successful broker -- yet all of them decide to pose for Playboy magazine, shocking their friends and co-workers.