Peter Elliott

Peter Elliott

Nacimiento : 1956-03-06, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand


Peter Elliott is a stage, film and television actor from New Zealand, best known for playing recurring character Dr. David Kearney on the television soap _Shortland Street_ between 1996 and 1999.


Peter Elliott
Peter Elliott
Peter Elliott


Venus and Mars
Quentin Doig
When an attack on a Palmerston North fraud detective made headlines in October 1996, the New Zealand public followed the media reports with fascination. They read like a plot of a Hollywood film or detective novel. Poison pen letters, satanic worship, a police hate crime, and a mysterious and violent pyromaniac. But little did the public know that as the truth emerged, the story was going to get far more bizarre, and the police would turn the focus of their investigation on one of their own.
Safe House
D.I Andrew Hunter
Safe House is the story of a struggle for survival in an unfamiliar and threatening world, based on the true life experience of a woman in the early days of the witness protection programme in New Zealand. TV Movie
El cascanueces
Corren los años 20 en Viena. María, una niña a de 9 años vive en una casa repleta de objetos encantadores y soledad. Molestada por su irritante hermano Max y desatendida por sus bien intencionados pero distraídos padres, añora la compañía y la aventura. La víspera de Navidad su querido tío Albert llega con el regalo de un muñeco de madera cascanueces. Más tarde esa noche, la imaginación de Mary vuelve el muñeco a la vida. Presentándose como NC lleva a Mary a un viaje maravilloso a través de una increíble dimensión donde los juguetes asumen forma humana y donde todo es diez veces más grande.
Until Proven Innocent
Murray Gibson
In 1993 David Dougherty was found guilty and imprisoned for the abduction and rape of his 11 year old neighbor. It took two trials, two high court appeals, a petition to the Governor General and 3 years, 6 months and 1 week in prison before David finally won his freedom and was found not guilty of the crime he didn't commit. But it wouldn't have happened without the unrelenting efforts of three individuals - a journalist, a lawyer and a scientist - who put their own personal and professional lives on the line in order to prove that David Dougherty was innocent.
We're Here to Help
Bill Birch
A Kafkaesque docudrama of an actual case involving a Christchurch small businessman and the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department. Most people can relate to running up against a bureaucrat (especially the tax man), who knows he can cause you trouble if you say something he doesn't like and then proceeds to use his power to hurt you. In this case, the businessman, Dave Henderson refuses to give in and, for the most part, kept his sense of humour.
Secuestro en alta mar
Trevor Denning
El apuesto agente Kyle Considine y su hijo Zach deciden darse una oportunidad embarcándose en un lujoso crucero. Pero poco después de zarpar, el barco es inesperadamente secuestrado por una banda de terroristas que para recaudar una importante suma de dinero toman como rehén al joven Zach. A partir de entonces, Kyle emprenderá una lucha desesperada por salvar la vida de su hijo y de toda la tripulación.
La cima de la muerte
La vulcanóloga Janet Fraser cree que su hija hará mejores migas con su padrastro si los acompaña en una pequeña excursión. El lugar elegido es el Mount Extreme, un volcán de Nueva Zelanda que parece extinguido. No será así, pues la montaña volverá a la actividad justo cuando los tres estén a medio camino.
This Is Not a Love Story
In an inner city loft Belinda(Smuts-Kennedy) lives her dream of being a writer. Across the street is Suzanne (Rutter), a painter who has the success Belinda craves. Suzanne lives with Tony (Lovatt), an actor frustrated by his dead-end role in a soap, who is looking for a way out. Soon Belinda is caught up in a love triangle - which is just the experience she needs to inspire her first novel. This is about sex and love, success and failure, creativity and careers.
Criaturas celestiales
Bill Perry
Nueva Zelanda, mediados del siglo XX. La amistad entre dos compañeras de colegio adolescentes es tan intensa y estrecha que despierta el recelo de los padres de una de ellas. Las chicas crean un mundo imaginario y lleno de fantasía en el que se refugian para vivir de espaldas al resto del mundo. Basada en hechos reales.