Inspired by an novel by Graciliano Ramos, Alexandre e Outros Heróis is a beautiful way to celebrate his 60th year of death. The story of a man, his life and his death in the Brazil's backwoods.
The story of Paulo Honório, a poor ploughman who becomes a rich farmer. Obsessed by his desire to get even richer, he doesn't pay much attention to his wife, Madalena, a teacher who reacts against his tyrannical ways.
Vidas secas narra la historia de una familia Fabiano, su mujer, la sinhá Vitória, y sus dos hijos en el sertao de los años cuarenta. Realizado en una época de gran agitación política y social, en vísperas del golpe de estado que iba a instaurar la dictadura militar en Brasil, es uno de los títulos mayores del cine latinoamericano. (FILMAFFINITY)