Earl the Radical Bicyclist
It is May 2001 in a pre-9/11 world. Arthur Lieberman, a ne'er-do-well tennis instructor from West Palm Beach, is the son of losing Vice-President candidate Joe Lieberman. Arthur is so crazy that six months later he is still upset over the fraudulent 2000 presidential election. in an attempt to keep from "making waves" his father strikes a corrupt deal to land him in a fancy co-op apartment in New York City. Arthur's desperation for relevance and burning desire to appear on the Charlie Rose Show lead him to start an "Intellectual Salon". There, Arthur pleads with misfits, sluts, and drunks to vote him president of their group. Soon, Arthur is unwittingly inculcated by two radical Jewish zealot Postal workers to commit a terrorist attack. Hilarity ensues!
Claire Winslow decide poner rumbo al país centroamericano de "El coronado" para encontrar a su novio, Will, que ha desaparecido en la inestable zona, con un país al borde de revolución contra el dictador Presidente Ramos. Cuando Claire descubre que su prometido ha estado suministrando armas para los soldados rebeldes, también ella se verá envuelta en su causa
A pilot about a pair of slacker beat cops that Conan O'Brien produced for Fox.
Un barril de desperdicio tóxico cayendo accidentalmente a un lago en las cercanías de un pequeño pueblo en Arizona, Estados Unidos. El material afecta paulatinamente a la fauna local, incluyendo los insectos que un entomólogo usa para alimentar a las exóticas arañas que mantiene en su museo como débil atracción de turistas. Las arañas comienzan a crecer. La sheriff Parker y un grupo de vecinos encabezados por Chris McCormack, dueño de las minas locales, tendrán que enfrentarse a la amenaza arácnida para salvar lo que quede de la pequeña comunidad
A documentary team gets a grant to do a film on a rare fatal disease that is attacking homeless people. However, they quickly find the film too depressing. Ducking into a nightclub, they discover a young Manhattan comedienne and decide instead to follow her as she makes the circuit of auditions in L.A. as she tries to get a TV pilot. Unfortunately, she has failed to tell her boyfriend of this move. He decides he will trail her out west. There, the boyfriend runs into an old friend who has already made a break on a TV pilot. Seizing the opportunity, the actress turns her attentions to the established actor. However, the actress goes nowhere in auditions, but her ex-boyfriend is suddenly noticed and becomes the next hot prospect.