A young girl, who struggles with her pilot father's death in a plane crash years before, visits her grandmother in Newfoundland. While there, she encounters the ghosts of two pilots, who are condemned to Earth to constantly re-live their own crash that occurred in 1927. The girl decides to help the pair by helping them re-build their airplane and complete their flight so they may be released and, in turn, deal with her own emotional bondage.
When Erin's special effects whiz father gives she and her friend Marty the first tickets to a new theme park ride, they think they have won the jackpot. However, when the ride breaks down midway through, things quickly go from bad to worse.
A finales de los 50, en el estado de Louisiana, el gobernador progresista Earl Long no cuenta con las simpatías de una sociedad conservadora que no tolera la conducta de un hombre capaz de pedir el voto por la calle y de considerar a los negros tan capacitados como los blancos.