Aman Khanna, a once successful singer, is drowning his life into alcohol, despair and self- destruction after his 6 years old son died in a freak accident. Aman's wife, Meera who has an autobiographical bestseller to her credit is trying to cope with their financial burdens and Aman's lack of responsibility.
Yashpal Sharma
A high profile defence lawyer is promised a Rajya Sabha seat if he wins a case of an accused with charges of killing two migrant children. However, there's much more than what meets the eye in this courtroom drama that explores the uncertainty of human mind and the journey of criminal discovery.
Shattered by the brutal murder of her daughter, A distraught mother takes justice into her own hands and seeks vengeance by fighting the system.
Saru (Mawra Hocane) es una chica muy tradicional que sueña con casarse y formar una familia, pero no tiene suerte en el amor y los pretendientes no paran de rechazarla. Un día conoce a un joven muy atractivo, cuando ambos se quedan atrapados en el ascensor. Inder (Harshvardhan Rane) es un chico atormentado que ahoga sus penas en el alcohol. ¿Quién iba a pensar que un pequeño encuentro cambiaría para siempre sus vidas?.
A young Parsi woman's quest exploring the mysteries of a magical book which contains the essence of the message of the first prophet and addresses the concerns of her dwindling community.
I Am is a 2011 Indian anthology film by Onir. It consists of four short films: "Omar", "Afia", "Abhimanyu", and "Megha". Each film shares the common theme of fear and each is also based on real life stories. The film was financed by donations from more than 400 different people around the world, many of whom donated through social networking sites like Facebook. There are four stories but the characters are interwoven with each story. "Abhimanyu" is based on child abuse, "Omar" on gay rights, "Megha" is about Kashmiri Pandits and "Afia" deals with sperm donation. I Am was released with subtitles in all regions as six different languages are spoken in the film: Hindi, English, Kannada, Marathi, Bengali and Kashmiri.
When a womanizer is accidentally struck dead by one of his many girlfriends, he is given a second chance - he is reincarnated as a WOMAN. This isn't a second chance, this is a punishment!
Veer, un piloto de la Armada India, conoce a Zaara, una chica Pakistaní que viaja hacia un pequeño pueblo para enterrar las cenizas de una antigua criada, y decide guiarla. En ese viaje surge el amor, pero Zaara está comprometida.
Gurukul Boy
Narayan Shankar (Amitabh Bachchan), es un hombre severo que exige a los estudiantes de su escuela, la máxima dedicación, teniendo graves implicaciones académicas los escarceos fuera de ella, especialmente amorosos. La leyenda cuenta que hace años, uno de sus estudiantes desafió esta norma y mantuvo una relación con la hija del director y éste le expulsó inmediatamente sin siquiera mirarle a la cara. La hija del director con el corazón destrozado, acabó suicidándose. La llegada de Raj Malhotra (Shah Rukh Khan), un nuevo profesor, revoluciona la escuela, poco a poco empieza a animar a sus estudiantes a ir en contra de las normas, y a perseguir a sus respectivos intereses amorosos.