Set in Sapporo during the oil crisis of the early '70s, the film centers on the Hokkaitei soba stand run by a stoic patriarch and his perky wife. One New Year's day, a haggard-looking mother and her two adorable moppets poke their heads into the restaurant and ask for a single bowl of kakesoba. Noticing that the trio is looking a little low in the heels, she puts in an extra scoop of noodles. The youngest boy declares that the soba is delicious. The next year, the same threesome appears again asking for one bowl of kakesoba. This time the old man dumps in two helpings. He is struck by how much the youngest looks like their own son who was hit by a truck three years previous. The following year, the three return and this time the mother tells her story...
Mineko Negishi conocida como Neko es aparentemente una chica normal y corriente, pero tiene poderes psíquicos como los de una bruja. En una noche de luna llena con su amigo de Haruka Saiki, un chico con poderes de teletransportación, conoce a Keichiro, un chico capaz de transformarse en un león. Misteriosamente son transportados a otro mundo llamado El Reino Medio. Esta tierra está bajo el poder de un poderoso y opresor general llamado Durán III. Además, Mineko resulta ser la reencarnación de la legendaria reina Nerula.
Mr. Matsuzawa is a novelist who lives in Chiba Prefecture. Only his daughter Kazuko knows that the family dog, Don Matsugorou, can talk. Don is wounded in a fight with the neighbors' dog, King, a nouveau-riche mongrel with ideas above his station. At the vet, however, he falls in love with a little patchwork puppy called Chotaro. (Source: The Anime Encyclopedia)