William Spier


La viuda del diablo
Una mujer rica y madura, se niega a envejecer y vive una vida llena de placeres y juegos prohibidos en una gran mansión junto a jóvenes a los que mantiene para su gozo personal... Un dia, uno de sus jóvenes amantes se enamora locamente de una campesina, lo que desatará los celos y la locura de su señora y desembocará en una espiral de sacrificio, muerte y horror.
Lady Possessed
A pianist takes his ailing wife out of a London hospital at the same time that another female patient there has suffered a miscarriage. Afterwards, the second woman feels empty and withdrawn, and, thinking that getting her away from London will help, her husband takes her to live at a country estate, which turns out to be the former residence of the pianist who left after his wife died. The woman begins to get visions of the wife and her final days; is she becoming possessed by the dead wife of the pianist?