Megan Neuringer

Megan Neuringer


Megan Neuringer


10 Minutos menos
Jewel Thief
Un criminal pierde la memoria tras un atraco fallido a un banco. Para descubrir quién es el responsable de su caída en desgracia, tendrá que hacer todo lo posible por recuperar los 10 minutos que han desaparecido de su mente.
Village People
When a man’s wife flakes on a last-ditch effort to save their marriage, his overeager brother-in-law joins him on a trip to a hipster resort in Nicaragua.
See You Around
See You Around is a comedy that follows Tom who, try as he might, can't get his ex girlfriend out of his head.
Slow Learners
High school guidance counselor Jeff and his platonic friend and co-worker Anne are responsible, well intentioned, kind… and boring. They frustratingly watch on as their peers find love and companionship, while they continue to fail in spectacular fashion when it comes to romance. As they reach their loneliness breaking point, they make a pact to forgo their familiar, vanilla personas in exchange for their unexplored, confident alter egos. They wave goodbye to Jeff’s awkward all-male book club and Anne’s flailing attempts to catch the eye of Jeff’s sexy neighbor Max, and say hello to raucous summer nights filled with booze, dancing, and sex. Naturally things don’t exactly go according to plan.
The Last of the Great Romantics
Cameron Hill is plumbing the depths of heartbreak, loneliness, and despair. Or so he informs the loyal viewers of his video blog after being dumped by his girlfriend Marla. Wearing Marla's old pink terrycloth bathrobe, Cameron is completely disconnected from the real world until he strikes up an unlikely friendship with his new neighbor Kate, but their relationship is put to the test when Marla returns and wants Cameron back.
Una fría noche de diciembre, un equipo de investigaciones paranormales ponen la mira en un sangriento sanatorio de Hillcrest para contestar a una vieja pregunta: ¿Hay vida después de la muerte? Hay rumores en la zona de niños desaparecidos, y el equipo encontrará la respuesta de la manera más cruda cuando miembros del equipo empiezan a desaparecer de forma misteriosa dejando una desconcertante evidencia tras de ellos.
How to Be a Man
When former comedian Mark McCarthy is faced with a rare form of cancer, he hires a young, impressionable cameraman to document his crude and comical lessons on what it means to be a man for his unborn son.