Stanley M. Brooks
Stanley M. Brooks is a film and television producer. Brooks served as President of Guber-Peters Television. In 1989, he founded his first independent production company, Once Upon a Time Films. He started a new company, Stan & Deliver Films, in 2011.
Every day for divorced (Wendi McLendon-Covey) is like the movie Groundhog Day – mundane and every day just like the previous. But when new prisoner Casey White (Rossif Sutherland) is brought to her facility, the two develop a secret infatuation. Vicky gives Casey special attention, believing he’s the only man to see her the way she wants to be seen. But when Casey’s inevitable transfer to a lengthy prison sentence approaches, Vicky decides to take desperate action. Risking everything, Vicky manages to break Casey out of jail and takes him on the run, eluding authorities on an eleven-day dash for freedom. For Vicky, even the probable tragedy ahead of them is worth the chance to live life fully once more.
Executive Producer
The story of 16-year-old Kayla Adams, whose mother, Karen is advised by the school’s counselor to send Kayla to get treatment at a youth residential treatment center after she gets expelled from school. Kayla arrives at the Utah facility on the same day as her roommate Amanda, a treatment program veteran who knows exactly what the girls were in for. Led by headmistress Miss Connie, the staff uses draconian methods including force-feeding medications, arbitrary punishments, solitary confinement, verbal and physical abuse to keep the students in line. After being pushed to their limits and stripped of their lifelines, including any ability to freely communicate with the outside world, the two young women must band together to survive and fight to expose the abuse before it’s too late.
The story of 16-year-old Kayla Adams, whose mother, Karen is advised by the school’s counselor to send Kayla to get treatment at a youth residential treatment center after she gets expelled from school. Kayla arrives at the Utah facility on the same day as her roommate Amanda, a treatment program veteran who knows exactly what the girls were in for. Led by headmistress Miss Connie, the staff uses draconian methods including force-feeding medications, arbitrary punishments, solitary confinement, verbal and physical abuse to keep the students in line. After being pushed to their limits and stripped of their lifelines, including any ability to freely communicate with the outside world, the two young women must band together to survive and fight to expose the abuse before it’s too late.
Executive Producer
The Long Island Serial Killer: A Mother’s Hunt for Justice tells the story of Mari Gilbert’s search for the truth behind what happened to her daughter Shannan, a sometime escort who disappeared after a ‘date’ on Long Island. After Shannan (Katharine Isabelle, Hannibal) fails to come home, her mother Mari (Kim Delaney) knows something is terribly wrong. Pleading to police to take her concerns seriously, she keeps pushing the police for answers. Mari’s insistence that her daughter not be overlooked eventually leads to a horror hidden on Long Island for more than a decade – 19 bodies of young women discovered buried in shallow graves along Ocean Parkway in the area of Jones Beach State Park.
The Long Island Serial Killer: A Mother’s Hunt for Justice tells the story of Mari Gilbert’s search for the truth behind what happened to her daughter Shannan, a sometime escort who disappeared after a ‘date’ on Long Island. After Shannan (Katharine Isabelle, Hannibal) fails to come home, her mother Mari (Kim Delaney) knows something is terribly wrong. Pleading to police to take her concerns seriously, she keeps pushing the police for answers. Mari’s insistence that her daughter not be overlooked eventually leads to a horror hidden on Long Island for more than a decade – 19 bodies of young women discovered buried in shallow graves along Ocean Parkway in the area of Jones Beach State Park.
High school senior Sonya is ready to graduate and start college away from her traditional Romani parents, George and Morgan. Fearing Sonya is straying too far from the Romani way of life, George and Morgan are eager to find a husband for her. When George and Morgan’s community leader, Ian suggests Sonya marry his son, Alex, George and Morgan decide to share the news of Sonya’s arranged marriage at her 18th birthday party.
La historia gira en torno a dos hermanas canadienses que, hartas del alcoholismo de su madre y sus tormentosas relaciones con hombres indeseables, deciden elaborar un plan para matarla. Tras ahogarla en la bañera tendrán que apañárselas para, con ayuda de sus amigos, esconder el crimen del mundo durante un año entero.
Una joven periodista de Los Ángeles investiga varios asesinatos que se están produciendo y que cree que podrían estar conectados. Entre las víctimas se encuentra Sarina, una adolescente de raza negra muy conflictiva que últimamente frecuentaba ambientes marginales muy peligrosos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
Monique Lamont, la fiscal de distrito de Massachusetts, le encarga un trabajo especial a Winston Garano, un prometedor investigador de homicidios que está a su servicio: el brutal asesinato, en 1962, de una joven invidente británica. Se baraja la hipótesis de que podría haber sido la primera víctima del estrangulador de Boston. Garano no entiende por qué no se ocupa del asunto Scotland Yard, dado que la víctima era inglesa. Pero parece que Lamont espera que la resolución del caso contribuya a consolidar sus ambiciones políticas. Telefilm que adapta la novela "The Front" de Patricia Cornwell.
Executive Producer
Un investigador del estado se ve obligado a volver a casa desde Knoxville, Tennessee, donde está terminando un curso en la Academia Forense Nacional. Su superior, la fiscal del distrito, una mujer tan atractiva como ambiciosa, tiene previsto presentarse a gobernadora del estado y, a modo de aliciente para el electorado, planea poner en marcha una nueva iniciativa en la lucha contra el crimen llamada "En Peligro" (At Risk), cuyo lema es "Cualquier crimen en cualquier momento". Concretamente, ha estado buscando la manera de utilizar una tecnología de vanguardia para el análisis de ADN, y cree que la ha encontrado en un asesinato cometido veinte años atrás, en Tennessee. Si la fiscalía resuelve el caso, su carrera política se beneficiará claramente. (FILMAFFINITY)
Executive Producer
Based on the Ann Rule novel, about a woman who for decades killed family members who dared to cross her.
Executive Producer
La idílica vida de Bart, casado con una bella mujer y padre de dos adorables hijos, se ve truncada cuando un día su mujer es hallada muerta de un disparo en la cabeza en lo que parece ser un suicido.
Executive Producer
Bobby Griffith (Ryan Kelley), un chico adolescente gay, se suicida a causa de la intolerancia religiosa de su madre (Sigourney Weaver), una devota cristiana. Después de este trágico hecho, su madre se replanteará su escala de valores y su posición ante la homosexualidad... Basada en un suceso real ocurrido en los años setenta detallado en el libro homónimo de Leroy Aarons.
Executive Producer
David Cubitt (Medium) y Jason Godrick (Llamaradas) protagonizan un thriller repleto de acción basado en la impactante historia de uno de los incidentes más violentos de la historia legal de EE.UU. Con la idea de comprar tierras para construir un complejo de supervivencia, una banda de extremistas contrarios al gobierno acumulan un arsenal de armas y planean un arriesgado robo a un banco en las afueras de la ciudad californiana de Norco. Pero el atraco sale mal, y la policía local, liderada por un célebre sheriff (Gedrick), se apresura a capturar al grupo de milicianos fuertemente armados, liderados por el implacabale George Smith (Cubitt). Una sangrienta batalla se traslada desde las calles a las montañas en una de las persecuciones más largas e intensas de la historia de EE.UU. Cuando la persecución en coche llega hasta las montañas, se desata un duelo mortal con muchas más balas.
Executive Producer
Katya Livingston (Jennifer Love Hewitt) es una fashion-victim obsesionada en ascender hasta la cumbre de la élite social. Una joven dispuesta a arruinar la fiesta del año en la que ella no esté invitada... Basada en el Best-Seller del New York Times " Confessions of a sociopathic social climber".
Executive Producer
Behind the scenes of Aaron Spelling's nighttime soap opera.
Executive Producer
Esta es la historia de Heidi Fleiss, más conocida como "La madame de Hollywood", hija de un famoso doctor de Los Angeles y eventualmente prostituta de lujo. Atractiva e inteligente, Heidi estuvo ganado más de 300.000 dólares al mes acostándose con la clase alta de Hollywood, hasta que en 1993 acabó en la cárcel por evasión de impuestos.
Executive Producer
Patsy McCartle, una viuda con dos niños pequeños, sobrevive a duras penas con su sueldo de media jornada. Su amiga Carrie, madre de un niño de seis años, le cuenta que también ella tuvo que sufrir muchas privaciones hasta que empezó a traficar con drogas. Entonces es cuando le ofrece a Patsy la oportunidad de salir de la pobreza de la misma manera. Patsy, desesperada, acepta, aunque no muy convencida, y le asegura a Carrie que sólo lo hará hasta que encuentre otro trabajo.
Executive Producer
Para los habitantes de una pequeña ciudad norteamericana ha comenzado la cuenta atrás. Un tornado de gran magnitud se dirige a la ciudad, pero la amenaza del desastre alcanza proporciones incalculables.
Executive Producer
James Van Praagh (Ted Danson), un hombre con la capacidad de ver los espíritus de las personas muertas, se ve envuelto en una investigación de asesinato.
Executive Producer
Una cuenta momento a momento del hundimiento y rescate de la tripulación del submarino USS Squalus, que fue el primer rescate de la tripulación viva en un submarino.
A mother and her two children are stuck in a mall during a power outage while police hunt for a killer.
Executive Producer
A mother and her two children are stuck in a mall during a power outage while police hunt for a killer.
Executive Producer
Jamie, una jovencita de trece años que vive en una pequeña población de Estados Unidos, es el centro de atención de sus padres al ser hija única. Pero todo cambia cuando su madre se queda embarazada...
Executive Producer
A popular high school senior gets accused of statutory rape after he impregnates a tawdry sophomore girl.
Después de cumplir una condena de ocho años de trabajos forzados, Clinton sale de la cárcel obsesionado con la idea de vengarse de sus antiguos compañeros, a los que culpa de haberle delatado. Cuando consigue dar caza a uno de ellos, el hijo de la víctima intentará, con la ayuda de la banda, vengar la muerte de su padre. El enfrentamiento tendrá lugar en la frontera mejicana.
Executive Producer
A mother is so consumed with a possessive love for her son that she may have committed murder in order to keep him by her side. When the son's new wife is found murdered, the mother is arrested for the crime. In denial about his mother's guilt, the son, a successful lawyer, agrees to defend her. Based on a true story.
Executive Producer
An ambitious young female lawyer meets a former lover while investigating a sexual harassment case aboard a US Navy support ship that turns into a murder case when the victim is discovered dead.
Executive Producer
This highly-rated television film covers the life of American movie/TV/pop music idol Annette Funicello. The movie starts with the move of her family from New York to California, where in 1955 shy Annette becomes one of the cast of The Mickey Mouse Club. The movie covers her child stardom, her teen idol years, her singing career with big hits like "Tall Paul", her romance with Paul Anka, her classic beach party films with Frankie Avalon, and her first marriage. It also shows her large comeback in the late 1980s and her second marriage, and the day when she found out she had multiple sclerosis.
Executive Producer
A polygraph examiner has an affair with a murder suspect after her test clears him, but new evidence then suggests that he's guilty after all.
Executive Producer
When Meg gets thrown out of her apartment window by a serial killer, she's determined to make him pay. But finding this criminal might be difficult considering she's suffering from amnesia. Still, it won't take Meg long to cross paths with this sociopath — because he now lives in her building. This thriller has a finale you'll never ever ever see coming!
Executive Producer
After being sent to an abusive psychiatric facility by her well-meaning parents, a rebellious teenager must fight for her release.
On their way home from Brooklyn, psychiatrist Vic, daughter Julie and sister Stacey run short of gas. They leave the highway to search for a petrol station - but end up erring around in South Bronx. A youth gang led by the sadistic Ice stops their car and starts terrorizing them. Without fuel, the 3 women soon have to flee by foot and defend their life with all means possible.
David y Eli son solteros y quieren seguirlo siendo el resto de su vida, hasta que de pronto aparece una guapa rubia en la vida de David y esto trastoca todos sus planes, ante el horror de su amigo.
Executive Producer
Elizabeth Blande (Dyan Cannon) es la presentadora de un famoso programa de cocina. Su mánager Alex Yardley (Tony Curtis) la convence para que invite a su programa especial de Navidad a Jefferson Jones, un heroico guardia forestal. De manera inevitable, surgirá el amor entre Elizabeth y Jefferson
Executive Producer
A gambler, a Texas ranger and an FBI agent are investigating a series of vigilante murders.
Executive Producer
A small town is terrorized by an unknown stranger who kidnaps and abuses little girls. When her only child is kidnapped right in front of her, the school bus driver begins the desperate chase to catch the criminal.
Executive Producer
Un Ranger de Texas tiene que proteger a sus dos hijas mientras que investiga a un asesino en serie que ataca a animadoras. Mientras tanto él se encuentra trabajando en el caso de un cracker que afirma ser inocente de los cargos presentados contra él.
In order to get better results, a young athlete starts using steroids and begins his downfall.
Dr. Loeb
In order to get better results, a young athlete starts using steroids and begins his downfall.
In a deadly battle for survival, four women are hunted by a ruthless group of killers they accidentally stumble upon while camping.
Supervising Producer
Linda y Jerry son un matrimonio que se han mudado a un pequeño pueblo costero, donde deciden comprar una vieja casa. En el contrato acuerdan que deben dejar a su antigua dueña, una viejecita, a vivir en la casa de invitados. Pero pronto en el lugar comienzan a pasar cosas extrañas...
A neighborhood boy (Bill Barrett) might have the solution to his problems, though. For two silver candlesticks, he promises to give Conrad a rare, vicious, growling and cunning animal with supernatural abilities, which supposedly was coveted in the past by Egyptian pharaohs, Borneo pirates and even Napoleon Bonaparte himself. Eventually the trade is made, Conrad gets the creature.