Alison Nisselle


Parer's War
Parer's War is the true story of World War II frontline cameraman, Damien Parer, whose work won Australia’s first Oscar. His desperate efforts to return to the battlefield to capture what he believed was the ‘truth’ of war were thwarted by his own government. Caught between two worlds, his own personal demons almost cost him the woman he loved.
Se basa en una historia real sobre la redención y se centra en los últimos dieciocho meses de prisión de un hombre (Hany) condenado a cumplir dieciséis años en la cárcel. Así, es trasladado a una granja en la que el oficial (Weaving) al mando les enseña a cuidar de aves heridas, caso de águilas, halcones o búhos.
1941. A country in crisis. A new man in power. Leadership demands and personal demons are set to collide. The story of John Curtin as he faces his first six months as Prime Minister, confronting in quick succession, the tragedy of Pearl Harbour, the fall of Singapore, the bombing of Darwin and a furious battle with Churchill over the deployment of Australian troops. This is a raw and intimate story of a driven and inspirational leader - a man who struggles to battle his own personal demons while serving and protecting a country at war.
The Interview
Script Editor
Eddie Fleming, un hombre sin trabajo que recientemente perdió a su mujer y su hogar, es sacado una noche de su cama por la policía armada, y llevado a una habitación para su interrogatorio...
Street Angels
Two social workers reach breaking point with the heartless welfare system which treats destitute children as criminals. Reaching out to these children means entering into the world of drain kids, pinball parlour pimps, graffiti gangs, the 14-year-old dealers and their 12-year-old customers. It's an exhausting and sometimes dangerous occupation but they care about the kids with a passion and the successes make it all worthwhile.