Just a man wandering around the streets of Hyderabad at nighttime
Started in 2018, the project – comprised of 11 segments by filmmakers from all around the world – reflects on the intertwined relationship between human society and nature that is aggravated by climate change on multiple scales, hinting at possible solutions.
How do you start an investigation into chance? By a late journey. The narrator tells how the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjalla stopped the plane he should have taken for Prague in 2010 from taking off. Meditating on the powerful images of the “Earth’s anger”, Kleinjan remembered another flight that never arrived: the aircraft crashed in northern Czechoslovakia in 1972, before reaching Belgrade. Only a Serbian stewardess miraculously survived the crash. She was included in the Guinness Book of Records and got to meet the Beatles, when John Lennon was considered like “Lenin” by the young Czech anti-communists.
20 short films about human rights.
Original Music Composer
Narra la vida, fuera de lo común, de la francesa Séraphine de Senlis, una mujer nacida en 1864 que fue pastora, luego ama de casa y, finalmente, pintora antes de hundirse en la locura. Comienzos de siglo XX. Séraphine Louis, de 42 años, vive en Senlis y se gana la vida limpiando casas. El poco tiempo que le sobra lo ocupa pintando. Es la mujer de la limpieza de la Sra. Duphot, que alquila un piso a Wilhelm Uhde, un marchante alemán fascinado por los pintores modernos e ingenuos. Durante una cena ofrecida por la Sra. Duphot, Wilhelm Uhde descubre un pequeño cuadro que había traído Séraphine unos días antes. Fascinado, lo compra y convence a Séraphine para que le enseñe otras obras suyas.
Original Music Composer
Sweden 1951. A new society is developing, a society where there is no room for the socially and mentally weak...
Original Music Composer
French drama, the debut film from writer-director Eléonore Faucher. Teenager Claire (Lola Naymark) discovers she is pregnant and decides to keep it a secret. Abandoning her dead-end supermarket job, she is taken on as an apprentice by couturiere Madame Mélikian (Ariane Ascaride), who is grieving over the death of her own child. As the two women work together, they soon develop a supportive and fam
Original Music Composer
A young woman tries to understand the real circumstances of the death of her mother.
A member of a Greek family in Turkey is forced to immigrate from Trabzon to Mersin in her youth. However, events cause her to face her own past.
A policeman lunching with his daughter is present when a dead body washes up on shore. He investigates, leading him down a twisted and muddled path of nefarious connections reflecting, somewhat, his own life.
Peter Pan (voice)
Hace mucho, mucho tiempo, en una lejanísima ciénaga vivía un intratable ogro llamado Shrek. Pero de repente, un día, su absoluta soledad se ve interrumpida por una invasión de sorprendentes personajes de cuento. Hay ratoncitos ciegos en su comida, un enorme y malísimo lobo en su cama, tres cerditos sin hogar y otros muchos seres increíbles que han sido deportados de su reino por el malvado Lord Farquaad. Para conseguir salvar su terreno, y de paso a sí mismo, Shrek hace un pacto con Farquaad y emprende viaje para conseguir que la preciosa princesa Fiona sea la novia del Lord. En tan importante misión le acompañan un burro chistoso, dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa por Shrek. Todo, menos estarse calladito. Rescatar a la princesa de una dragona enamoradiza que suelta fuego al respirar va a resultar una tontería comparado con lo que ocurre cuando el oscuro secreto que la joven guardaba es revelado.
Hong Kong, 1962. Chow, redactor jefe de un diario local, se muda con su mujer a un edificio habitado principalmente por gentes de Shanghai. Allí conoce a Li-zhen, una joven que acaba de instalarse en el mismo edificio con su esposo. Ella es secretaria de una empresa de exportación y su marido está continuamente de viaje de negocios. Como la mujer de Chow también está casi siempre fuera de casa, Li-zhen y Chow pasan cada vez más tiempo juntos y se hacen muy amigos. Un día, ambos descubrirán que sus respectivos cónyuges los están traicionando.
Dylan Taylor
Through Whit’s new invention, the Micro-stimulator, Eugene takes a fantastic voyage through his own circulatory system and makes an alarming discovery. Forced to reevaluate how he’ll spend the remaining days of his life, he sets in motion a chain of events that includes a bank heist, a ticking bomb, and a strangely familiar window washer!
Original Music Composer
Documentary on physicist Albert Einstein which chronicles the experiences that lead him to become a great advocate for world peace.
Andy De Groat dances inside "The Four Armed Cloud"--A sculpture by Leonore Tawney. Poetry by Christopher Knowles and "Sun Music" by Michael Galasso accompany the piece. 1979.
Shot at the Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY and Fishbach Gallery, New York City. The dancers talk about spinning as a dance form.