A deep dive into the iconic players, stories, trades, and legacy of the iconic 1996 NBA draft, which transformed the way basketball was played and the culture of the league; interviews with former NBA players, coaches and executives.
Dax ha gastado los ahorros de toda una vida para competir en el Rucker Classic street ball Tournament de Harlem. Por desgracia, una serie de desafortunados acontecimientos acaban con casi todas las esperanzas de Dax. Pero hay una última oportunidad de ganar el premio: ¡Uncle Drew! El mito y leyenda interpretado por la estrella de la NBA Kyrie Irving. Sin embargo, es un anciano que lleva mucho tiempo sin competir y será difícil rendir a gran nivel, pero las apariencias engañan... Juntos se embarcarán en un viaje para reunir al viejo equipo e intentar ganar el gran torneo. Largometraje que toma como referencia la serie creada por Pepsi en la que superestrellas de la NBA se caracterizan como ancianos para sorprender a los jóvenes que juegan en las canchas.
Este exhaustivo documental analiza cómo Vince Carter, ocho veces seleccionado para el All-Star de la NBA, influyó en la cultura pop y en el baloncesto en Canadá.
Un documental que sigue la carrera temprana de la estrella del baloncesto Dirk Nowitzki, su relación con el entrenador y mentor Holger Geschwindner, y su camino a la gloria en la NBA.
In 1980, Terry Fox continued his fight against bone cancer with the pursuit of a singular, motivating vision: to run across Canada. Three years after having his right leg amputated six inches above the knee after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma, Fox set out to cover more than a marathon’s distance each day until he reached the shores of Victoria, British Columbia. Anonymous at the start of his journey, Fox steadily captured the heart of a nation with his Marathon of Hope. However the 21-year old BC native's goal was not fame, but to spread awareness and raise funds for cancer research. After 143 days and two-thirds of the way across Canada, with the eyes of a country watching, Fox’s journey came to an abrupt end when newly discovered tumors took over his body
In 1980, Terry Fox continued his fight against bone cancer with the pursuit of a singular, motivating vision: to run across Canada. Three years after having his right leg amputated six inches above the knee after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma, Fox set out to cover more than a marathon’s distance each day until he reached the shores of Victoria, British Columbia. Anonymous at the start of his journey, Fox steadily captured the heart of a nation with his Marathon of Hope. However the 21-year old BC native's goal was not fame, but to spread awareness and raise funds for cancer research. After 143 days and two-thirds of the way across Canada, with the eyes of a country watching, Fox’s journey came to an abrupt end when newly discovered tumors took over his body
Calvin es un niño huérfano de 14 años que encuentra unas zapatillas que pertenecieron a Michael Jordan. No son unas zapatillas cualquiera ya que poseen poderes mágicos que le convertirán en una estrella de la NBA. Una comedia fantástica dirigida al publico infantil y juvenil. A pesar de la ausencia de nombres conocidos en sus títulos de crédito, un filme patrocinado por la NBA que consiguió alcanzar los primeros puestos de la taquilla americana