Chad L. Coleman

Chad L. Coleman

Nacimiento : 1974-09-06, Richmond, Virginia, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chad L. Coleman is an American actor. He is best known for portraying Dennis "Cutty" Wise on the HBO series The Wire and Tyreese on the AMC series The Walking Dead.


Chad L. Coleman


Estrellas Fugaces
Coach Harold Sams
La inspiradora historia de origen de un superhéroe del baloncesto, que revela cómo LeBron James y sus amigos de la infancia se convierten en el equipo de secundaria número 1 del país, lanzando la impresionante carrera de James como cuatro veces campeón de la NBA, dos veces medallista de oro olímpico y el mejor jugador de la NBA. -Tiempo máximo goleador.
A Christmas Prayer
Andre Dillard
When a former alcoholic and now respected leader of the local church gets accused of a heinous crime, he struggles with the possibility of not only doing hard time but keeping his own "faith" while trying to prove his innocence.
Juego de asesinos
Sgt. Duane Mitchell
Huyendo de un asesino letal, un astuto estafador inventa un plan para esconderse dentro de una comisaría de policía de un pequeño pueblo. Sin embargo, cuando el asesino a sueldo aparece en la comisaría, un policía novato desprevenido se encuentra atrapada en la mira.
Broken Bird
Birdie, growing up as the daughter of a Black American and a white woman, is Jewish, has unruly hair and must deal with the different identity offers that surround her. Highlighting the challenges of lived intersectionality, empowering and original.
Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland
Bill Whitfield
Basado en el best-seller, Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days, y contado a través de los ojos de los guardaespaldas de confianza de Jackson, Bill Whitfield y Javon Beard. La película revelará de primera mano la devoción que Michael Jackson tuvo por sus hijos y el drama oculto que tuvo lugar durante los últimos dos años de su vida.
The Black Ghiandola
Tanner Alonso
The Black Ghiandola es una historia sobre un joven que arriesga su vida para salvar a una chica que ha llegado a amar, después de que su familia haya sido asesinada en el mundo apocalíptico de Zombies.
Life, Love, Soul
Earl Grant
The tragedy-to-triumph story of Roosevelt Jackson (Robbie Tate-Brickle), a seventeen-year-old honor student coping with the sudden death of his mother (Tami Roman), his tumultuous relationship with his previously estranged father (Chad Coleman), and his own journey to manhood. It's the story of a young man who loses everything and triumphantly finds himself.
Cómo acabar con tu jefe
Bartender (Dive Bar)
Para Nick, Kurt y Dale, la única solución para hacer su rutina diaria más tolerable sería hacer desaparecer a sus insufribles jefes. Con la ayuda de unas copas de más y el consejo poco fiable de un ex convicto buscavidas, los tres amigos conciben un enrevesado y al parecer infalible plan para deshacerse de ellos. Sólo hay un problema: los planes mejor ideados sólo son tan infalibles como los cerebros que los concibieron.
The Green Hornet (El Avispón Verde)
De noche, Britt Reid (Seth Rogen), heredero del gran imperio periodístico creado por su padre (Tom Wilkinson), se convierte en un héroe enmascarado que se propone combatir el crimen: es The Green Hornet. Su compañero de aventuras es Jato (Jay Chou), un experto en artes marciales.
Confessions of a Call Girl is a revealing story of a women's struggle for balance as she battles a secret addiction while fighting to save her family and find herself.
Revolution #9
Night Nurse
A handsome and successful young man with a lovely fiancée, James Jackson seems to have everything going for him, but his life begins to unravel when he develops an acute sense of paranoia. At first, he notices little things at his office that he takes as signs that people are out to get him, but soon things escalate, with Jackson convinced that a perfume ad on television holds sinister messages aimed at him. Is Jackson losing his mind, or are the threats real?
Monday Night Mayhem
O.J. Simpson
The early years of a television sports powerhouse are chronicled as ABC becomes a player in the NFL coverage by putting their full resources into a major showcase. Executive Roone Arledge (John Heard) recruits former Dallas Cowboys quarterback 'Dandy' Don Meredith (Brad Beyer), along with Keith Jackson (Shuler Hensley), and the combative Howard Cosell (John Turturro) as commentators for the broadcasts, which become funny, odd trio events to millions of viewers. Jackson departs the show after the first year to take over the network's focus on college football, and former New York Giants star Frank Gifford (Kevin Anderson) takes his place, ruffling Cosell's feathers. Then things get really crazy!
The Gilded Six Bits
The lives of a loving husband and wife collide with that of a wealthy hustler.