Treinta años después de su estreno en televisión, la primera adaptación oficial de It forma parte ya del imaginario popular. La miniserie dirigida por Tommy Lee Wallace presentó en sociedad a Pennywise, una de las creaciones más terroríficas de Stephen King. Este documental repasa la creación y el legado de la miniserie con abundantes imágenes inéditas y con la presencia de Tim Curry, el mismísimo Pennywise.
Near the intersection of Witcham and Jackson, Georgie Denbrough’s young life came to an abrupt and tragic end. His paper boat–assembled from a Derry News newspaper with care by his older brother, Bill–had careened down a sewer drain and into the hands of what, not who, would be his killer. Its maiden voyage into death. But what if Pennywise the Dancing Clown hadn’t killed Georgie after all? What if Georgie had somehow escaped death and managed to live some semblance of a normal life in the not-so-normal town of Derry? What might his world look like? Or that of the Denbrough family? Would this horrific experience color their view of the universe?