Indeed a tribute, this movie tells the story of Princess Diana's last year, from May 1996 to her fatal accident in August 1997. It focuses on her love affairs with a Pakistani heart surgeon and with Dodi Al Fayed, on her battle with the press, her charity work, and her relationship with her sons. Many scenes re-enact well-known images and moments from this year, and the movie ends on the note that Diana was about to accept Dodi's proposal of marriage when the accident occurred
Arrogant aristocrat Rupert Campbell-Black has a high social position, woman at his feet, money and fame in the world of show jumping. But Rupert has a rival - the brooding gypsy Jake Lovell, whose loathing for the Pin Up of Penscombe has driven him to the top of the riding world to match Rupert's skills. A bitter feud festers between the two stars, who have fought and fornicated their way round the show rings of the world, and now come to a showdown at the Lod Angeles Olympics. As rivals in love and sport, the stage is set for what becomes a compulsive blend of sex, romance, and adventure.
Nick, a Greek Cypriot living in London, hits on the idea of marriage to raise some cash - the bride, according to custom, coming complete with dowry. He is forced to enlist the help of a childhood adversary, Maria. Soon realising she is giving him the runaround, Nick retaliates by wooing her.
A clergyman noted for his support of left-wing causes, leaves his considerable estate to a Conservative member of parliament. Adaptation of the novel by John Mortimer.
Drama ambientado a finales del siglo XIX y basado en la historia real de Ned Hanlan, un delincuente juvenil que llega a convertirse en un remero de talla mundial. Al ver en él una oportunidad de hacer dinero fácil, Bill (David Haughton), aficionado a las apuestas, decide entrenar y promocionar a Hanlan en el mundo de las competiciones. Con el tiempo crece el talento de Hanlan y con él su fama, llegando a convertirse en campeón del mundo, cosechando premios en tres continentes y siendo el primer remero que utilizó con éxito el "asiento móvil". Pero todo se complica cuando Hanlan cae presa de un hombre de negocios sin escrúpulos (Christopher Plummer) que le enseñará el alto precio que, en ocasiones, hay que pagar por la fama.
The life and tragic death of the "Playboy" centerfold model/actress Dorothy Stratten.
Secuela de 'Madame Claude' (Just Jaeckin, 1977), la película está basada en la vida real de Madame Claude (Alexandra Stewart). Se trata de una poderosa mujer dueña de uno de los burdeles más famosos de la historia después de haber acogido a un acaudalado y famoso público. Ahora, Madame Claude sigue brindando chicas a hombres de alto poder que quieren mantener a salvo sus momentos más íntimos.
Original Music Composer
Una familia inglesa acoge a una mujer embarazada que desaparece una vez da a luz. A partir de ese momento, la familia educará a su hijo como si fuera propio.
Un profesor de psicología asigna a su clase de la universidad un proyecto sobre fantasías personales.
Four sexy young foreign girls come to England as au pairs and quickly become quite intimate with their employers, host families, and just about everyone else they encounter.
Original Music Composer
Four sexy young foreign girls come to England as au pairs and quickly become quite intimate with their employers, host families, and just about everyone else they encounter.
Original Music Composer
Two men go into business supplying medical colleges with cadavers by robbing graves.
Adaptación de la obra homónima del escritor Thomas Mann. A principios del siglo XX, un compositor alemán de delicada salud y cuya última obra acaba de fracasar, llega a Venecia a pasar el verano. En la ciudad de los canales se sentirá profundamente atraído por un hermoso y angelical adolescente, sentimiento que le irá consumiendo mientras la decadencia también alcanza a la ciudad en forma de epidemia.
Original Music Composer
An asocial and enigmatic office clerk refuses to do his work, leaving it up to his boss to decide what should be done with him.