Janne Laine

Janne Laine


Janne Laine


Child No. 182
Sound Designer
Child No. 182 is a documentary film about child protection practices in Finland in the 60s and 70s. It tells the story of a little girl who is placed from orphanages to summer colonies and foster homes. The film is based on the reports of social service officials and other authorities and is shot mainly on 8mm film. Director Camilla Roos makes a deep dive into her own childhood from her birth to when she was 8 years old.
The Kind Stranger
Sound Designer
The Kind Stranger is a moving, at times comical film about the ASMR community, whose members try to ease each other’s pain by making youtube videos of tender care, quiet whispers and close up attention. We see the many hours of work that “ASMR artists” put into making their videos – and their presence and sincerity. In the age of anxiety, ASMR aspires to fulfill our ancient, primal needs. We are all a bit broken, but human beings are incredibly inventive when it comes to finding ways to reach out to our kind.
Sorrow Tamers
Sound Designer
Sorrow Tamers is a documentary about people who have chosen to face sorrow without avoiding it or running away from it. The film is about love, change, sorrow and abandonment.
Shepherds of the Earth
Sound Designer
The region of Lake Turkana, located in Kenya and Ethiopia, is considered to be “the Cradle of Humankind”. Among other finds, primate fossils from millions of years ago have been discovered in the region. But what about the region’s modern inhabitants and their relationship to their environment? Iiris Härmä, whose previous work includes the award-winning Leaving Africa, had the chance of joining Helsinki University’s researchers, Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares and Mar Cabeza, on their pre-pandemic trip to study the Daasanach people’s relationship to their environment through traditional animal tales. The researchers hope that storytelling would help to bridge the gap between people’s everyday lives and conservation efforts.
Fragments of Humanity
Sound Designer
In the Kosovo War, human dignity was shattered by the terrors of the Serbian government and the Albanian liberation army. Truths about the victims’ fates faded away, which is why a Finnish forensic research group led by Helena Ranta got a mission to act as an unbiased agent and investigate the real course of events.
Compartimento Nº 6
Sound Editor
Una joven finlandesa toma un tren hacia Moscú para ir al yacimiento arqueológico de Múrmansk. Tendrá que compartir su compartimento con un desconocido. Esta convivencia y unos encuentros improbables unirán poco a poco a estos dos seres completamente opuestos.
Walks with Me
Old woman looks outside her apartment window and sees her life passing, or dancing, in front of her eyes.
Walks with Me
Sound Designer
Old woman looks outside her apartment window and sees her life passing, or dancing, in front of her eyes.
Sound Designer
Reconstruction tells about a certain night in 1982, reconstructed in 2020 by the people who lived it through together. The film combines dance, drama and documentary, but most of all is a story of a friendship of a boy and a girl, and how jolly situations can turn sour and how, even though close, friends do not share same experiences – and that can have an effect on their friendship.
The Reporter
Sound Designer
Documentary about a Finnish reporter, Hannu Karpo. The movie follows Karpo's decades-long career as a journalist, and how he became a phenomenon and known by the whole nation.
Själö - Island of Souls
Sound Recordist
Själö means 'the island of souls', and no name could be more fitting for the island in the Baltic Sea, which for centuries was a last stop for women who were considered social outcasts – and who are today forgotten. They were forcibly placed in a closed institution to be studied, measured and weighed – exactly in the way that nature itself was starting to be examined around the same time. Today, the place is a research centre. A young female scientist collects samples on the island, while the whispering voices of the past and never-sent letters echo in the empty hallways.
Själö - Island of Souls
Sound Designer
Själö means 'the island of souls', and no name could be more fitting for the island in the Baltic Sea, which for centuries was a last stop for women who were considered social outcasts – and who are today forgotten. They were forcibly placed in a closed institution to be studied, measured and weighed – exactly in the way that nature itself was starting to be examined around the same time. Today, the place is a research centre. A young female scientist collects samples on the island, while the whispering voices of the past and never-sent letters echo in the empty hallways.
Sound Editor
Año 1915. Helene Schjerfbeck vive como artista olvidada con su anciana madre en el campo. Han pasado años desde la última exhibición, y Helene continúa pintando solo por su pasión. Todo cambia cuando un marchante de arte encuentra a Helen y sus 159 maravillosas pinturas, y quiere organizar una gran exposición privada. Sin embargo, el punto de inflexión de Helen llega solo cuando le presentan a Einar Reuter. El joven Einar es un forestal, un entusiasta del arte y un apasionado admirador del trabajo de Helene. Se convierte en el amante y de confianza de Helen.
Land Without God
Sound Designer
An intimate portrait of a family coming to terms with decades of institutional abuse and the impact it has had and is still having on their lives.
Love Child
Sound Effects Editor
A poignant portrait of a family of asylum seekers desperate to start a new life, but stalled in bureaucratic limbo.
El ángel de la muerte
Sound Editor
Copenhague, Dinamarca, 1951. El investigador criminal Anders Olsen sigue el caso de un ladrón de bancos que, según los testigos presenciales, parece haber actuado bajo algún tipo de trance.
El soldado desconocido
Sound Editor
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, los soldados finlandeses Rokka, Kariluoto, Koskela y Hietanen luchan junto a sus compañeros de armas en el frente. La camaradería, el humor y el deseo de sobrevivir unirán a todos los hombres en este camino de ida y -quizá- vuelta. La guerra revolucionará tanto a los soldados como a los supervivientes, y dejará su huella en toda la nación... Adaptación de la novela de 1954 "El soldado desconocido" del autor finlandés Väinö Linna. Narra las vicisitudes del conflicto bélico en el frente entre los rusos y los finlandeses, desde el punto de vista de los soldados escandinavos.
War and Peace of Mind
Sound Mixer
War and Peace of Mind explores what war does to the human mind and how both, the individuals and the nation as a whole, survive it psychologically. Finland and WWII, locally known as continuation war, is the backdrop of this documentary.
War and Peace of Mind
Sound Designer
War and Peace of Mind explores what war does to the human mind and how both, the individuals and the nation as a whole, survive it psychologically. Finland and WWII, locally known as continuation war, is the backdrop of this documentary.
Fuera del mapa (Off the Map)
Sound Editor
Drama finlandés sobre las mujeres que narra la historia de una ejecutiva sin hijos y una joven que trata de huir del dominio de su abuela. Una película dirigida, escrita y producida por mujeres.
Clumsy Little Acts of Tenderness
Sound Designer
A weekend father wants to bond with his teenage daughter by taking her with him to the carwash. They end up on a life-changing adventure in the supermarket, at the endless sanitary towel aisle. They get "help" from an older lady who shares intimate stories of her experience, some about menstruation, some on wildly different topics.
Other Girls
Sound Designer
Other Girls tells the story of four young girls nearing graduation, all of them struggling with various issues.
In the Crosswind
Sound Director
14 de junio de 1941. Sin previo aviso, decenas de miles de personas en Estonia, Letonia y Lituania son expulsadas de sus hogares. El objetivo de esta operación -llevada a cabo por orden del líder soviético, Joseph Stalin- es purgar los países bálticos de sus habitantes nativos. Erna, estudiante de filosofia, felizmente casada y madre de una hija pequeña, es deportada a Siberia.
Free Range
Sound Designer
Tras ser despedido de su trabajo en un periódico por escribir una crítica destructiva de una célebre película, Fred, un aspirante a escritor, se entera de que su novia está embarazada.
For Those in Peril
Foley Editor
Aaron es un joven inadaptado que vive en una remota comunidad pesquera de Escocia. Él es el único superviviente de un extraño accidente marítimo en donde perdieron la vida 5 pescadores, incluido su hermano mayor. Repudiado por la superstición local, el pueblo culpa a Aaron de la tragedia, aislándolo de la vida de la comunidad.
Open up to me
Sound Designer
La película cuenta la historia de Maarit (Leea Klemola), una mujer que acaba de pasar por una cirugía de reasignación de sexo. Ella quiere reconstruir su relación con su hija adolescente y también está en busca de un hombre para compartir su vida.
Five Star Existence
Director Sonja Lindén's personal and sensitive quest to the core of the modern information society where technology and human beings get more and more entwined. This documentary explores our society on the verge of turning ubiquitous - a wireless society, where the laws of time, space and distance are revolutionizing the concept of liaison. Do the consequences of the technological revolution increase our freedom, or do they limit us? Is it possible to find a balance between one's natural rhythm and the society that spins at an ever increasing and demanding speed? Are we chasing echoes of our lost inner wholeness in our everyday lives, which are becoming busier and more fragmented than ever before?
Helping Mihaela
Sound Mixer
A Roma beggar on his knees raises many extreme emotions: guilt, rage, sympathy and frustration. Most people just walk on by, but there is always someone willing to help. In this film, the director follows the confrontations between the Roma beggars from Romania and Finnish people, and is forced to question, over and over again, her own ideas about helping.
Helping Mihaela
Sound Editor
A Roma beggar on his knees raises many extreme emotions: guilt, rage, sympathy and frustration. Most people just walk on by, but there is always someone willing to help. In this film, the director follows the confrontations between the Roma beggars from Romania and Finnish people, and is forced to question, over and over again, her own ideas about helping.
Sound Editor
Fred (Colm Meaney) vive una tranquila y aislada vida en su coche, habiendo perdido toda esperanza de mejorar su situación. Todo ello cambia cuando entabla una improbable amistad con Cathal (Colin Morgan), un yonqui de 21 años con una actitud positiva, que se convierte en su vecino. Compartiendo risas y también malos momentos, Fred y Cathal encuentran los simples y gratuitos placeres de la vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Portrait of a Man
Sound Engineer
A rough but beautiful documentary film about the crisis of a man in his forties and his desire for a better life; its a story of parenthood, alcohol, Finnish man and his desire for love. It is also an unusually intimate depiction of the relationship between the father and his son. Despite the seriousness of the topic the film includes black humor and situational comedy
The Temptation of St. Tony
Sound Designer
A mid-level manager who develops an aversion to being a good person questions his morality as he faces the challenges of middle age and loses control of his life.
Twisted Roots
Sound Designer
In this stylish Finnish drama, the secrets and desires of a family can no longer be suppressed. Mikko turns out to have a hereditary illness. Since then he has been worried. How long can he continue to run the family business that he and inherited from his father, just like his illness? And how does he tell his teenage daughter and adult son that they might have the wrong genes? The imaginative eight-year-old Lumi, adopted from China, also cannot get away from her roots.
Last Cowboy Standing
Sound Designer
In 1982 the guilt-ridden 18-year-old Rupert tries to remember and understand the events of the past amidst the chaos of the present
Palna's Daughters
Sound Recordist
A film about memory, identity and the overwhelming power of love. One-year-old Devi was found starving at a railway station in Delhi. The police took her to Palna, an orphanage, where she lived for a year. When Devi learned to talk she often wanted to talk about Amma, her first mother. In the film, the 6-year-old Devi journeys to her own past, as her family adopts another daughter from Palna, a baby sister for Devi.
Palna's Daughters
Sound Designer
A film about memory, identity and the overwhelming power of love. One-year-old Devi was found starving at a railway station in Delhi. The police took her to Palna, an orphanage, where she lived for a year. When Devi learned to talk she often wanted to talk about Amma, her first mother. In the film, the 6-year-old Devi journeys to her own past, as her family adopts another daughter from Palna, a baby sister for Devi.
You Live and Burn
The Gypsies have lived in Finland for hundreds of years and they form a significant minority in country. Nevertheless, their every day life is not very well known by the majority and few people understand the issues young Gypsies struggle with.
Autumn Ball
Sound Designer
Autumn in Estonia, where six people live, six solitudes, prisoners of the monotonous architecture of Soviet-era concrete buildings, in search of human companionship, of love, of a ray of light in an ocean of gray.
Nombres en mármol
Sound Editor
Basada en la novela de 1935 'Names in Marble', es un drama histórico sobre la Guerra de Liberación (1918-1920) que trajo a Estonia su primer periodo de independencia de Rusia. Narra el camino que siguieron, a lo largo de 14 meses, un grupo de compañeros de clase en medio de los acontecimientos decisivos de la historia de Estonia. Henn Ahas es uno de esos jóvenes, un estudiante de origen humilde enamorado de Marta, una joven perteneciente a una familia acaudalada.
Sound Designer
About photographer Inka and her loved ones on a journey to the fountains of love. Inka leaves her betrothed Jonah at the dinner table and leaves their shared home in a bang, not knowing why yet.
Ken tulta pyytää
Sound Designer
Los Inquietos
Sound Designer
Ari de 27 años (Mikko Nousiainen) es un doctor de ambulancias que trabaja en el cuerpo de bomberos de Turku. Fuera de su trabajo, su principal afición son las noches y tiene como norma no acostarse dos veces con la misma mujer porque está seguro que el compromiso es dolor y él no desea herir a nadie. Todo en la vida de Ari marcha bien excepto ese profundo sentimiento de vacío. Pero cuando Ari conoce a Tina (Laura Malmivaara) algo inesperado ocurre: Ari se enamora.
Att sälja en sommarstuga
Sound Designer
The Invisible Fight
A guard on the Soviet-Chinese border who, after surviving a deadly attack, decides to become a monk but must continually prove along the way that he's capable of becoming the enlightened man he set out to be.