(archive footage)
Este documental desgrana la vida y filmografía de esta artista que comenzó su carrera en las postrimerías de la época de cine mudo y que se convirtió en una gran estrella admirada en todo el mundo. Nunca fue nominada al Oscar pero recibió uno honorífico en 1990 a toda su carrera.
Two girls pick up a crazed hitchhiker who may or may not be the serial killer murdering hippies in the area.
Después de que un satélite artificial se estrelle en una remota aldea de Nuevo Méjico, el equipo encargado de recuperarlo descubre que casi todos los habitantes del lugar han perecido víctimas de una horrible muerte, con la misteriosa excepción de un niño y un viejo. Los superviventes son trasladados a un laboratorio de avanzadísima tecnología situado a una profundidad de cinco pisos bajo tierra, donde los perplejos científicos tratan de determinar la naturaleza del mortífero microbio antes de que cause estragos en todo el mundo.
Sam - Bartender
Willie Duggans llega a un pueblo con la intención de encontrar trabajo y prosperar, pero acaba dándose cuenta de que es más fácil ganar dinero matando forajidos. Según se va acostumbrando a semejante actividad, su carácter cambia tanto que se convierte en un hombre completamente distinto. (FILMAFFINITY)
Grimshaw Wilkins
Two little boys use a magic potion to turn themselves into bears.
Angel's Rest Sheriff (uncredited)
Milford Farsnworth (Bob Hope) es un agente de seguros novato que vende una póliza a T. J. James, descubriendo luego que se trata del famoso Jesse James (Wendell Corey). La beneficiaria de la póliza es la novia de Jesse, Cora Lee Collins (Rhonda Fleming), una famosa bailarina de salón, más conocida como La Duquesa. Milford es enviado al oeste para retirar la póliza y dejar libre de responsabilidad a su compañía. Se une a la banda de James con el objetivo de protegerle, pero Milford empieza a imitar al famoso fuera de la ley. Esto hace pensar a Jesse que si Milford adopta su personalidad, él podrá matarle, quedarse con el seguro de 100.000 dólares y huir con la Duquesa a California.
Judd Pfeiffer
A veteran Korean War pilot takes a job with a small air service business, but he also finds himself targeted by the local bullying motorcycle gang. Director Joe Parker's odd hybrid of 50's teen exploitation and the airplane-in-distress thriller has a climax that takes place at the Grand Canyon.
Arizona, 1874. Link Jones, un antiguo pistolero dedicado al bandidaje, se ha redimido y es un hombre regenerado y respetado por sus vecinos. Tanto es así, que, depositando toda su confianza en él, le han entregado seiscientos dólares destinados a contratar a una maestra para la escuela que piensan inaugurar. Con esta misión Link emprende un viaje en tren, pero inesperadamente el destino lo devuelve a su pasado, poniendo en peligro su reputación.
Sheriff Cobus Anders
A drunken driver, his wife and a hitchhiker equals murder.
Mr. Batten (uncredited)
Joe McDoakes' wife Alice wants to return to work to add income to the household. Joe would rather she stay at home to tend to domestic duties. When Alice threatens to return to her old job, a reluctant Joe agrees to her request to get her a job at his office. How will this work out?
Un comediante intenta volver con su antiguo guionista porque su programa ha perdido ingenio y vivacidad. Sin embargo, el guionista no está dispuesto a ayudarlo, y mucho menos cuando se entera de que el humorista se va a casar con su exesposa.
Mr. Kelly (uncredited)
Eugene y Rick son dos cómicos que comparten piso. Rick no soporta a Eugene porque éste, que es un fanático de los cómics de Pulp Fiction, tiene constantes pesadillas. Pronto, la tolerancia de Rick aumenta, pues las pesadillas de Eugene son un material excelente para aprovechar en un nuevo cómic que tiene en mente.
Chief of Police
Two strippers on the run hide out in a college fraternity. Director Nunnally Johnson's 1955 musical comedy stars Betty Grable, Sheree North, Robert Cummings, Charles Coburn, Tommy Noonan, Orson Bean, Fred Clark, Alice Pearce, Rhys Williams, Willard Waterman, Leslie Parrish and Jesslyn Fax.
Joe Sr. (unconfirmed)
Un equipo de rescate es enviado a las Montañas Rocosas para rescatar a los supervivientes de un accidente de aviación. Los encuentran, y también un botín de 250.000 dólares entre los restos.
Prof. Kleinberg
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Mr. Battan (uncredited)
Do-gooder Joe McDoakes is the guest on the "Know Your Relatives" TV show where, to his chagrin, many of his black sheep relations reveal the skeletons in the family closet.
La joven Sabrina, hija del chofer británico de los poderosos Larrabee, está enamorada del hijo menor de la familia, que coquetea con ella por puro entretenimiento. El padre la envía a Paris, de donde vuelve convertida en una mujer elegante y seductora que trastorna a los dos hermanos Larrabee, tanto al frívolo David como al hermético y adusto Linus.
Police Captain
When a cold medicine causes Sach to be able to smell diamonds, he and the rest of the Bowery Boys are induced by a diamond dealer to accompany him to Darkest Africa in search of a legendary cache of them.
Sgt. McClain
Durante años, el ejército ha sufrido los ataques de los indios de Oregón. El nuevo comandante, el Mayor Archer, será destinado a la zona para acabar de una vez por todas con estos enfrentamientos.
Mr. Casey
A girl owns a horse, and hires a boy as a trainer. The horse enters a race and is injured. The boy takes job at another stable and is semi-seduced by the stable siren. The girl finally rehabilitates the horse then enters it in a big race.
Big Bill Watkins
Wacky complications ensue when a little boy comes into possession of a ray gun that compels anyone caught in its beam to tell the truth. He uses it to prevent his orphanage from being shut down by creditors and to help a cute couple fall in love.
Sheriff Webb
Rancher Rex Allen captures a bandit, Delgado, a henchman for crooked Sheriff Webb and saloon owner Mike, who run the town to suit themselves, but Rex forces the sheriff to jail Delgado. When Marge, who runs the town newspaper tells Rex she is afraid to attack the sheriff in print, Rex decides to run for sheriff. Webb and Mike frame Rex and his partner Slim on a murder charge and they are jailed.
Man on Train (uncredited)
Un cantante y bailarín de éxito, a pesar de que atraviesa una etapa muy crítica, está decidido a volver a Broadway, el escenario que le dio la gloria y la fama.
Cam Ellerby brings his traveling medicine show to town and it spells glamour and excitement to young Sylvia Townsend.
Larry Conrad
A group of movie makers arrive in Africa to make a film about jungle wildlife.
Patrick Fitzgibbon
Two brothers flee America and join the Canadian North West Mounted Police. One brother is good, the other bad, both men on a collision course just as trouble starts to brew with the Indians.
Sen. Charlie Gallagher
Sally Adams es una rica viuda famosa por las fiestas que celebra en Washington. Amiga del presidente, será enviada como embajadora a un pequeño país de Centroeuropa. A pesar de que no tener ni experiencia ni formación para el puesto intentará hacerlo lo mejor posible. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mr. Daveney (uncredited)
Texas cattleman Opie Bedloe comes to Maine to visit his son Joe, a college instructor, and his wife Connie in the hopes of persuading Joe to give up his teaching career and come back to Texas and take over the ranch. When Opie finds out that Connie, who is expecting a baby, can not afford the steaks she yearns for on Joe's salary, Opie, who believes that pregnant women gotta have meat, arranges for the local butcher, Spangenberg to cut his prices in half (with Opie paying the difference) so that Connie can have the meat she desires.
Mr. Batten (uncredited)
It's a dangerous hypnotic suggestion when a psychiatrist tells married couple Joe and Alice McDoakes to switch points of view during a session.
Abbott y Costello son una pareja de bomberos que salvan la vida de Nugget cuando éste trataba de suicidarse. El motivo es que su novia lo ha dejado, algo que no ha podido superar. Los bomberos deciden ayudar al tipo, lo que les acarreará un gran problema con la justicia. Cuando van con él a su pueblo natal para intentar solucionar las cosas con su chica, descubren que muchos de sus vecinos preferirían que estuviera muerto.
Mr. Batten (uncredited)
When a watch intended for a contest winner at the office gets mixed up and confused with the one Joe McDoakes purchased for his wife, Joe once again finds himself on the short end.
Crazy Sam
Thornton Sayre, a respected college professor - secretly formerly a silent films romantic action hero - is disturbed, feeling his privacy has been violated, and his professional credibility as a scholar jeopardized, when he learns his old movies have been resurrected and are being aired on TV. He sets out to demand this cease. However, his former co-star is the hostess of the TV show playing the films, and she has other plans.
Policeman (uncredited)
Un anciano millonario sin familia, que pretende dejar toda su fortuna a los descendientes de una novia suya que lo rechazó, se traslada a la localidad donde residen para comprobar cómo viven sus futuros herederos.
Ship's Captain
An American fugitive flees to Rome and tries to elude capture by masquerading as a priest.
Dean Bradshaw
A Cuban businessman's (Nestor Paiva) daughter (Estelita) elopes with a professor (Robert Clarke) instead of marrying a banker's son.
Joe's Boss (uncredited)
Believing he has only a month to live, average guy Joe McDoakes decides to live life to the fullest in the time he has left.
Judge Byrnes
A spunky storekeeper is determined to clean up corruption in her small town, as well as win the heart of the new sheriff. Comedy.
Sheriff (uncredited)
Un hombre en busca de venganza se infiltra en un rancho, oculto en una región inhóspita, donde su dueña, Altar Keane, da cobijo a los forajidos que huyen de la ley a cambio de un precio.
Billy Reed
Ma and Pa are trying to raise enough money at the county fair to send their daughter Rosie to college. Ma competes in baking and Pa enters a trotter in a horse race, while Rosie takes up with handsome young Marvin Johnson.
Juror Barstow
Dr. Charles Greyson is a famous and wealthy former surgeon. His nephews have taken him to court to challenge his competency, due to his recent inexplicable gifts of large amounts of cash to the church, and, apparently, to some nefarious scam artists. The film is portrayed as a courtroom drama first painting "Dr. Charlie" as incompetent and easily swindled, then telling his side of events and putting them into context. In the courtroom, and by use of flashback, we hear of Dr. Charlies' move away from impersonal contribution on an institutional level, and preferring to express Christian stewardship directly to people who need it, and by helping spread the word of God by donating to Mission fronts who fight fear, anxiety and destitution around the world. We even find the scam artists having turned a new leaf, and creating new lives for themselves. Message being that all that we are we owe to God, and the profits gained from our God-given abilities require care and thought before sharing.
Police Sgt. Mulloy
The Bowery Boys join the Navy to catch some crooks who are posing as sailors.
First Deputy (uncredited)
Brandy Kirby and crooked Lawyer Vincent Mailer plan to rob William and Maida McIntyre by producing a convincing double for their long-lost son. Brandy charms gambler Lefty Farrell into impersonating the missing son.
Billy Reed
The Kettles leave their ultra-modern home and return to the country looking for uranium. Ma and Tom's mother-in-law, Mrs. Parker, fight over whether their grandchild will be raised "hygiencially."
Ed Praskins
Ann Martin (Helen Walker) is serving time as a jewel thief. She is paroled and determined to stay clean. She quickly finds out that she was paroled by an old, vicious boss that has picked her for a job. It is dangerous for her to say yes or no.
J. Corwin Aldridge
Retired actor Jack Holt is raising Christmas trees for sale at a cost which permits every family to have one. A commercial tree company tries to drive Holt out of business. Roy saves the day, of course.
Capt. Duncan
Crusading newspaperman Cliff Roberts masquerades as a prison guard to document inhuman conditions.
Mr. Wendall
Mike Brannan (Clark Gable) es un arrogante corredor de coches que despierta el odio o la admiración del público. Su mala reputación se la ganó tras ser acusado de provocar un accidente fatal durante una carrera. Decidida a comprobar qué hay de cierto en todo ello, la dura columnista Regina Forbes (Barbara Stanwyck) trata de entrevistarlo, pero él se niega.
Sen. Wells
A greedy businessman tries to block the building of a new railroad in his area.
Council Chairman
Durante una convención de alcaldes de ciudades norteamericanas celebrada en San Francisco, dos de estos mandatarios acaban enamorados, con un pequeño problema: mientras que Clarissa gobierna en una pequeña localidad de Maine, Steve es el alcalde de otra comunidad al norte de California. Así que, cuando acaba el congreso, ambos parten para sus respectivos lugares...
'Pop' Swenson
The editor of a sleazy tabloid newspaper has been borrowing money from his lover, the wife of a rich theatrical producer, and promises to marry her when she gets a divorce. However, the husband refuses to grant her a divorce, and takes back all the money and jewelry he has given her. The editor sees her husband leaving her apartment and, seeing his opportunity, kills her, takes all his IOUs (and the jewelry) and frames the husband for the murder.
Sgt. Johanssen
Two Cavalry Officers clash over the Colonel's Daughter at a remote outpost with Indian troubles.
Sheriff Duffy
Zeb Smith is a gambler with a larcenous streak, but when an itinerant preacher takes a bullet meant for him, Zeb vows to fulfill the preacher's mission of building a church. Frustrated in his attempts to get donations, Zeb attempts to capture fugitive Doll Brown in order to obtain the reward. But he finds that there's more to Doll than meets the eye. When his old friend Bucky McLean shows up gunning for Doll, Zeb sees a chance to redeem them all... one way or another.
Mr. Hingleman
Saloon-bar singer Freddie gets very angry whenever boyfriend Blackie seems to be playing around. She always packs a six-shooter, so this is bad news for anything that happens to be in the way. As this is usually the local judge's rear-end, Freddie and friend Conchita are soon hiding out teaching school in the middle of nowhere.
Bill Reed
The Kettles and their fifteen children are about to be evicted from their rundown rustic home when Pa wins the grand prize by coming up with a new tobacco slogan. Birdie Hicks is jealous of the family's new wealth, which includes a completely automated modern home, and accuses Pa of stealing the slogan. Reporter Kim Parker proves Birdie wrong and marries Tom Kettle.
Capt. Jan Roburt
Spotted after he microfilms secret U.S. Navy documents, foreign agent Rattick is killed when he tries to make a getaway. Naval Intelligence officer Captain Wright and Operative Dale are assigned to investigate and determine who is behind the spy syndicate for which Rattick worked. They bring in the services of Agent Tom Norman, who bears a strong resemblance to Rattick.
Arnie Anderson
Philip Ford's crime thriller stars Lloyd Bridges as a city attorney who comes to the dawning realization that a jewelry heist may be behind the discovery of a dead body in the park -- and that the culprit may be one of the town's leading citizens (Ray Collins). Unfortunately, his investigation is hampered by his girlfriend and ex-secretary (Lorna Gray), who could very well be in cahoots with the bad guys.
Police Lieutenant at Desk
Marion, una actriz y cantante ya retirada de la vida profesional por haber perdido la voz, intenta formar y promocionar a Susan, una joven cuyo nombre artístico es Estrellita, que está dotada de buenas cualidades, pero que carece de carácter. Melodrama con trasfondo criminal, basado en una novela de Vicki Baum.
Tim MacNab
Major Geoffrey Barnett, U. S. Army Intelligence Service, is sent to Alaska, to apprehend a deserter, Tom Clark, who was presumed to be dead as a member of a small force wiped out on Attu in World War II. With the aid of Rose Flambeau, he finds evidence that the now-prosperous Clark killed his own comrades to prevent their reporting of a deposit of uranium, which he is now mining with the intention of selling to a foreign power.
Mr. Feiner
Retrato de las carreras profesionales de Richard Rodgers y Lorenz Hart, dos conocidos escritores de canciones.
When not drinking and fighting, three wildcatters in search of a gusher are enthusiastically drilling for black gold. The trouble begins when one of them grows dissatisfied with their lifestyle and quits so he can be with his new wife. Unfortunately for him, soon after he leaves, the other two find their gusher and become filthy rich. The impoverished quitter is envious and begins looking for an obscure law that will force his pals to share.
Bank Watchman
La indecisa heredera Dee Dee Dillwood es empujada a casarse con su novio, pero incapaz de enfrentarse a la noche de bodas, ella se escabulle en el hotel a la habitación de al lado donde se aloja el piloto comercial Marvin Payne, que lo único que quiere es dormir. De alguna manera, ella le convence para que la lleve a California. Sus compañeros de viaje incluyen un chimpancé, un cadáver (en un ataúd), un estafador fugado y dos recién casados.
Police Capt. Bill Murdock
A golddigging femme fatale leaves a trail of men behind her, rich and poor, alive and dead.
Sheriff (uncredited)
A gang of bank robbers is pursued by an insurance investigator.
Dannville Beach Club Bartender (uncredited)
Versión cinematográfica de la obra de Eugene O'Neill 'Tierras vírgenes' (Ah, Wilderness!) en la que Mickey Rooney interpreta a Richard Miller, un joven de un barrio de clase media de Danville, Connecticut, que vive con su familia y se enamora de la chica de al lado, Muriel. El padre de ella se opondrá a la relación pues el joven no dejará de compartir con su amada sus ideas revolucionarias.
Mr. PeDelford
El publicista Jim Blandings, casado y con dos hijas, está harto de los ruidos, las prisas y las tensiones de Manhattan. Por eso, decide comprar una casa de campo en Connecticut; pero la casa se encuentra en tan mal estado que la única solución es derribarla y construir una nueva. La hipoteca, mil gastos imprevistos y toda clase de incidentes hacen que Jim Blandings empiece a arrepentirse de su decisión.
Winfield 'Windy' Blake
A blundering rookie reporter runs into some unexpected difficulty when he is assigned to cover the police beat.
Alan Kimberly
A man engages in a boycott of a no children allowed apartment house, with the help of an imaginary stock and a large department store, after his wife become pregnant and they are evicted.
Police Sergeat Casey
The second of three "Bowery Boys" rip-offs produced by bargain-basement Producers Releasing Corporation.
True Dawson
Magazine writer Ann Mason infiltrates the United Defenders, a public service organization which is actually a front for racketeers. But a case of amnesia threatens to blow her cover.
El marido de Janet Ames (Rosalind Russell) muere durante la II Guerra Mundial tratando de salvar la vida de cinco de sus compañeros. En cierto modo Janet culpa a estos cinco hombres de la muerte de su esposo, por lo que trata de vengarse de alguna manera, pero la mujer es atropellada por un camión quedando paralítica. Smithy Cobb (Melvyn Douglas), un periodista con cierta tendencia al alcohol, cree que ella podrá volver a caminar con ayuda psicológica. Lo que Janet no sabe es que Smithy es uno de los cinco hombres que se salvaron cuando murió su marido.
The Mayor
Around the turn of the century, two young men, Johnnie Bennett, a composer and Steve Adams, an artist, go to New York City to make their fortune. They both fall in love with the same girl, Patricia O'Neill. The artist paints a picture of her which outrages her father's sensibilities; but, as a result of the picture, she wins a chance to star in a Broadway play. She soon learns that the artist is just a trifler; and she turns to the composer, who loves her sincerely
Rabbi Jacob Samuels
Cultures clash when a Jewish boy wants to marry an Irish girl.
Father John Whalen
Cultures clash when a Jewish boy wants to marry an Irish girl.
Mr. Appelton
Chaos is brought to a family when daughter marries a brash young man met on a blind date.
Mr. Bigdome
Little Iodine does her best to break up the marriage of her parents, ruin a romance and cost her father his job.
Inspector Crowley
Various performers and backstage crew come under suspicion when a dancer is found murdered at a burlesque theatre.
A favor for an old friend leads a Los Angeles gambler (Kent Taylor) into a dangerous search for a missing document.
Barney Shaefer
In this drama, a seductive woman uses her wiles upon both a traveling bank examiner and a manager to whom she is married. This woman has expensive taste and ends up spending all of her husband's money. She then begins trying to seduce the bank examiner, who doesn't know she is married to the manager.
Bitter Creek (uncredited)
Durante la creación de los Estados Unidos de América, una franja de tierra olvidada entre los Territorios Indios y los Estados de Colorado, Kansas, Nuevo México y Texas se convierte en el refugio y hogar de gran parte de los forajidos más famosos y despiadados del Salvaje Oeste. Allí deberá ir el Sheriff Mark Rowley (Randolph Scott) en busca de su hermano y ayudante John (James Warren), quien tras ser traicionado por el despiadado Marshal Bill Hampton (Morgan Conway), tuvo que huir con la banda del forajido Jesse James (Lawrence Tierney) a la ciudad de Quinto, en el corazón del Territorio de Forajidos. Tras llegar a Quinto, Mark Rowley conocerá a Henryetta Alcott (Ann Richards), la comprometida editora del periódico local que lucha por traer la legislación del estado en creación de Oklahoma a su tierra sin ley...
A society sleuth sets out on the trail of a society matron's lost jewels.
Police Captain Bender (uncredited)
Un marinero que debe coger un autocar para volver con su compañía se ve implicado en el asesinato de una mujer que disfruta chantajeando a varias personas. Una muchacha y un taxista se unirán para demostrar la inocencia del joven en unas horas.
Sheriff Martin
A financially-strapped showboat captain struggles to stay in business.
Joe Alsobrook
The story takes place in 1940. On the eve of America's entry in World War II, a colonel retired to his small Southern town, and discovers that there is a plan afoot to tear down Confederate Monument Square. He begins a campaign to rally the townspeople to save the square.
Ship's captain
In this musical comedy, an arrogant war journalist is sailing back to the Big Apple after the end of WW II. En route, he has been assigned to watch over a band of teenagers who were trapped in Europe four years ago while entertaining the troops. Their entrapment has done nothing to dim their enthusiasm for performing and while waiting for passage the crews entertain everyone at every opportunity. Songs include: "I'll Buy That Dream" (sung by Anne Jeffreys), "Heaven Is a Place Called Home," "Seven O'Clock in the Morning (Waking up Boogie)," "Somebody Stole My Poor Little Heart" (Herb Magidson, Allie Wrubel), and "The Lord's Prayer" (arranged by Albert Hay Malotte).
Mr. Bib
Edgar invites his boss home for a steak dinner, but the steak hasn't arrived. A pushy book salesman does arrives and this causes Edgar a few problems and several slow-burns. The double-take slow-burn comes when the meat arrives in the form of a live, 1000-pound steer.
Mr. Hinkledorfer
Edgar lets his brother-in-law borrow his car (mistake no.1), and soon gets a call from Brother that the car won't start. Edgar borrow's his neighbor's car (mistake no.2) to go haul in his stranded vehicle, and immediately wrecks it. He then goes to buy a replacement car for his neighbor from "Miracle Sam - The Used Car Man" (mistakes no.3 through no.8) and drives off without insurance. Meanwhile...Brother has gotten Edgar's car started, and anybody not anticipating the upcoming two-car wipeout collision between the cars driven by Edgar and Brother are watching their first Edgar Kennedy short.
A loose remake of the 1935 comedy of the same name. Thanks to the efforts of his social-climbing wife Jessie, furniture store employee Wilbur Todd is tossed headfirst into the world of small-town politics. Sized up as a patsy by crooked politician Kirkwood, poor Wilbur is plied with champagne as part of Kirkwood's scheme to land a sweetheart playground-equipment contract.
Leon suspects something between his wife (Dorothy Granger) - talk about the pot calling the kettle black - and the milkman, who are actually talking about getting rid of the dog. Leon hires a detective. An escaped convict enters the house, knocks out Leon and ties him up in a sheet. The milkman picks up the sheet thinking it is the dog. Mrs. Errol realizes the mistake just before Leon is dropped off the pier.
Insp. Bill Brenner
Después de casi atropellarlo con su taxi, Patty Mitchell recoge un pasajero que dice tener amnesia. A medida que el extraño trata de recordar los hechos básicos de su identidad, Patty va interesando por él y decide ayudarlo. Pero, conforme las piezas del rompecabezas van cayendo en su lugar y el interés de Patty se vuelve más personal, él descubre que es el principal sospechoso en un caso de asesinato.
Police Captain Birch
A criminal psychiatrist investigates the murder of a two-time widower.
Inspector McBride
El detective Tom Lawrence, conocido como El Halcón, llega a Hollywood para pasar unos días de descanso, pero se verá involucrado en el asesinado de un actor de cine. No faltan los sospechosos: la diseñador de vestuario, con la que estaba casado, un tiránico director, una joven y guapa actriz francesa, un productor que siempre cita a Shakespeare e, incluso, un gangster de Nueva York. Ayudando al Halcón a resolver el crimen hay una bonita taxista y un par de policías torpes.
Edgar is so anxious to get brother out of the house that when a prospective fiancée arrives on the scene, Edgar reluctantly pays for an engagement ring.
Sheriff Jackson
Mientras Rocklin se debate entre el amor de dos mujeres, intentará averiguar por qué se produjo el asesinato del propietario del rancho que lo contrató para trabajar en el Oeste.
Mr. Tuerck
La tranquilidad de un pequeño pueblo de Estados Unidos se ve alterada después de un baile al que asistieron algunos soldados. Trudy Kockenlocker (Betty Hutton), una hermosa chica, aparece al día siguiente borracha, con un anillo de casada en el dedo y embarazada de un hombre del que sólo conoce el apellido. Había seis soldados, pero no recuerda quién es el afortunado.
Leon Errol wants to retain his secretary; complications ensue.
Frank, the Bell Captain
Casanova Q. Brown, profesor de historia de una pequeña ciudad, está a punto de casarse con Magde Ferris, cuando recibe noticias de Isabel, su anterior esposa, que le comunica que es padre de un niño.
James 'Lucky Diamond' Hughes [Script name: Winthrop Hughes]
La nueva intriga implica un reciente cuadro con la firma de un artista muerto 15 años atras, y el misterioso asesinato del dueño de una galería de arte, Tom termina con sus huesos en México en compañía de la bella Barbara (Martha Vickers), la hija del artista que busca respuestas acerca de la pintura y de su padre.
Chairman of Democratic Committee (uncredited)
Biopic sobre el presidente democráta de los Estados Unidos Woodrow Wilson. Dejó su puesto en la Universidad de Princeton para presentarse a gobernador de New Jersey, y de ahí fue ascendiendo hasta llegar a presidente (1913-1921). Durante su mandato tuvo que enfrentarse a la muerte de su esposa, además de a las hostilidades alemanas que finalmente llevaron a los Estados Unidos a entrar en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Además fue fundador de la liga de las naciones en 1919, lo que le valió el Premio Nobel de la Paz.
Jerry Flynn es un famoso empresario teatral de Broadway que está a punto de perder su teatro si no salda en breve una deuda de cien mil dólares. Paseando por la calle encuentra a un niño que juega con una oruga amaestrada llamada Curly. Si convence al niño para que se asocie con él, sus problemas pueden estar resueltos
A lawyer tries to clear his wife's lover of murder charges.
Gildersleeve, running for office, is aided by two ghosts and hindered by a mad scientist and an invisible woman.
Un empresario artístico regresa a su Alemania natal para una visita y allí quedará sorprendido por la propaganda nazi.
Train Conductor (uncredited)
En esta ocasión, Andy ha de lidiar con dos hermosas gemelas.
This documentary short film depicts the importance of tiny ball bearings in the ability of a nation to carry out warfare. As ball bearings are necessary for the operation of almost all machinery, war materiel is vitally dependent on the production of these small metallic globes. Allied military forces in World War II decide it is necessary to curtail Germany's ability to provide itself with ball bearings. Intelligence is gathered from many sources in order to plan an aerial bombing raid on Schweinfurt, home of Germany's ball bearing industry.
The Chief (uncredited)
En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, un fabricante de coches intenta construir aviones en Washington. Por suerte, o no, encuentra una secretaria que sabe desenvolverse en el laberinto político de la capital... y algunas cosas más.
Sheriff Dave Larsen
Residents get suspicious when a shady character takes over the local hunting lodge right after the two old-timers who own it disappear.
Officer McGuire
Mystery writer Barry Craig (Allyn Joslyn) and his wife Jane (Evelyn Keyes), prefer solving crimes rather than writing about them. They get a chance when killings plague the fashion photography studio of Ralph McCormick (Edmund Lowe). After his secretary, Julie Taylor(Anita Louise) reports an attempt to murder her there, Erika McCormick's (Ann Savage) Aunt Isabel Fleming (Mary Forbes) is stabbed and the evidence points to Madge Lawrence (Bess Flowers) an older model and an apparent suicide. Police Inspector Joseph Clinton (Frank Craven) declares the case closed...but then Erika is murdered.
Un tipo adinerado se enamora de la artista de un club nocturno, que a su vez ama a un bailarín. Ante el dilema de casarse por dinero o por amor, ella opta por lo primero. Pero el millonario sufre un accidente, y sueña que se encuentra en la época de Luis XV, y que él es monarca que persigue a madame Du Barry, que, claro está, tiene el rostro de su amada. Simpática comedia musical rodada en technicolor, que combina la época actual con de la Francia cortesana. Cuenta con buenos trabajos de Lucille Ball y Gene Kelly, éste cantando los temas musicales "Do I Love You" y "Song of the Rebellion".
Capt. Spense
Germany's Adolf Hitler, with his Axis-stooges, Italy's Mussolini and Japan's Suki Yama, although he tried to avoid taking them, is on his way, via submarine, to a tropical country to negotiate a treaty with the High Chief Paj Mab. However, an American P.T-boat crew is already there and have some plans for schickenbit-grubber and his buddies.
Judge Canute J. Kelly
La autora de best-sellers Josephine Evans desaparece sin dejar rastro. Su agente, Adam Trent, recurre a los hijos de la escritora para encontrarla.
Dock Watchman (uncredited)
Un jugador profesional suplanta la personalidad de un fallecido y se introduce en una fundación para recaudar fondos para la guerra; se propone montar una sala de juegos, para quedarse con la recaudación, pero el amor se interpondrá en sus planes.
Rupert Shannon
The Two Senoritas from Chicago are Gloria and Maria. When their goofy pal Daisy Baker passes off a discarded Portuguese play manuscript as her own, producer Rupert Shannon agrees to bankroll the production. With stars in their eyes, Gloria and Maria pretend to be a pair of Portuguese musical comedy stars, thereby winning parts in the new production. The fun begins when the play's original authors sell the same manuscript to a rival producer.
Uncaring Businessman (uncredited)
El empresario Joseph E. Davies es nombrado por el presidente Roosevelt embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Soviética para que averigüe cuáles son las intenciones de este país respecto a la inminente Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El embajador se llevará algunas sorpresas en una nación que pocos conocen realmente.
Policeman at newspaper office (uncredited)
Una chica de pueblo cambia de identidad para triunfar en Nueva York, y su novio resulta sospechoso de su "desaparición".
Dolan (uncredited)
Billy el Niño y Doc Holliday huyen del sheriff Pat Garret, que antes había sido su amigo. Los forajidos llevan consigo a la mestiza Río, que es la chica de Bill. Las peleas entre los dos amigos son constantes: cuando no es por los caballos es por Río.
Policeman at Hospital (Uncredited)
La ambiciosa Helen Chernen (Ida Lupino) empuja a su joven hermana Katherine (Joan Leslie) a casarse con el frustrado artista de variedades Albert Runkel (Jack Carson) y, de esta forma, las dos mujeres pueden abandonar la sucia ciudad donde viven. El socio de Runkel, Paul Collins (Dennis Morgan), sin embargo, intuye el plan de Helen. Helen continúa conduciendo la carrera de su hermana y finalmente Katherine se convierte en una estrella de Broadway, mientras que las actuaciones de Runkel y Collins se tambalean. Pronto el éxito se le sube a la cabeza a Katherine y se convierte en una chica de vida fiestera. El tiempo pasa y Helen y Katherine se tropiezan con Paul, ahora el líder de una exitosa banda. Katherine y Paul se enamoran. Las dos hermanas tienen finalmente un enfrentamiento en el estreno del último espectáculo de Katherine, cuando ésta descubre que Helen también está enamorada de Paul.
Harem Sentry
El califa Harum es derrocado y perseguido por su ambicioso hermano Kamar. Malherido, se refugia en el circo donde trabaja la bailarina Sherezade, que le ayudará a recuperar el trono
Quisling (uncredited)
Katie O'Hara, una ex bailarina de cabaret norteamericana, después de casarse con el barón Von Luber, va a pasar su luna de miel en Europa. Con ellos viaja Pat O'Toole, un locutor de radio que colabora con los servicios secretos americanos, y que intenta convencer a Katie de que su marido es un nazi muy importante. De hecho, cada país que visitan los recién casados (Checoslovaquia, Polonia, Francia) es inmediatamente invadido por las tropas alemanas. Al final, Katie no sólo se convence, sino que se enamora de O'Toole y, además, en París, ejerce de espía y consigue obtener una valiosa información de Von Luber.
Dennis Simmons (uncredited)
Biografía del campeón de boxeo James J. Corbett. Conocido como 'Gentleman Jim', Corbett se convirtió en el primer campeón del mundo de los pesos pesados en 1892, cuando derrotó a John L. Sullivan, tras la entrada en vigor de las llamadas reglas de Queensberry, que exigían la utilización de unos guantes hinchados para proteger los nudillos, un cuadrilátero con unas medidas determinadas y establecían la duración del combate... En Estados Unidos obtuvo excelentes críticas.
Allen - Hotel Owner (uncredited)
Siglo XVII. Cuando Jennifer, acusada de brujería, está a punto de ser quemada en la hoguera, lanza una maldición sobre su acusador: todos sus descendientes serán infelices en sus matrimonios. En 1942, Wallace Wooley, al tiempo que se presenta como candidato a gobernador, está preparando su boda con la presumida de Estelle Masterson. Un rayo golpea el árbol junto al cual fue quemada la bruja y ésta cobra vida. Desde entonces, intentará arruinar la vida de Wallace.
Police Sergeant Ransome
Cuando el joven y serio Tommy Van Steel (Richar Carlson) decide por una vez irse de fiesta para celebrar su cumpleaños, el alcohol le juega una mala pasada y acaba la noche de local en local hasta que se ve envuelto en un asesinato. Infiltrado en una banda de malhechores, intentará desarticularla con la ayuda de una bella joven (Jane Randolph).
Conductor #2 (uncredited)
Después de probar fortuna en Nueva York y no tener éxito, Susan Applegate decide regresar a su pueblo en Iowa. Previendo esta situación había reservado 27,50$ para el tren, pero como la tarifa ha aumentado decide disfrazarse de niña de 12 años para pagar la mitad. Los revisores del tren dudan que en realidad sea una niña y para escapar de ellos entra en el camarote de un apuesto militar, el Mayor del título, y es donde comienzan los enredos.
Mr. Walters (uncredited)
The brother of a notorious outlaw is put in a charge of a stagecoach line way station in dangerous Apache territory. A stagecoach arrives at the station with a valuable box of cargo, and the outlaw brother soon shows up, though denying that he's planning to take the cargo box. Soon, however, rampaging Apaches attack the station, and the station manager, his brother and a disparate group of passengers and employees must fight them off.
Jensen (Uncredited)
A policeman's family helps to exonerate him of murder charges in the death of a man he had under interrogation.
Margaret Drew lleva su compañía de transportes con mano de hierro. La única espina que tiene clavada es el escritor Michael Holmes, que está escribiendo un libro sobre sus duras maneras. En la boda de su hermana menor conoce a un atractivo forastero, por el se siente atraída al instante; cuando se entera de que es el odiado escritor, empieza a perder el rumbo.....
Three ex-cons buy a luggage shop to tunnel into the bank vault next door. But despite all they can do, the shop prospers...
Motorcycle Policeman Behind Billboard (uncredited)
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
When Andrew Long, hyper-efficient small town accountant, finds a $1240 discrepancy in the city budget, his superiors try to explain it away. When he insists on pursuing the matter, he's in danger of being blamed himself. In his trouble, the spirit of Andrew Jackson, whom he idolizes, visits him, and in turn, summons much high-powered talent from American history...which only Andrew can see.
Inspector Kennedy
A military school cadet runs away after failing to fit in at sports or school life. He's befriended by a newsboy and they tutor each other, but soon get embroiled in a ransom scheme.
Police Capt. Grady
Berle plays a mystery writer who forever writes himself into corners and is never able to finish a story. While visiting his wife (Mary Beth Hughes) at the office where she works, Berle overhears several men discussing the suicide of a coworker. Struck with a brilliant notion, Berle decides to confess to the murder of the dead man, certain that he'll be able to wriggle out of the situation and thereby have plenty of material for a story.
Sam Horowitz, Lawyer
A bumbling senator investigating graft in Louisiana is the target of a scheme involving a Viennese beauty.
Policeman Telling Eager to Move His Taxicab (uncredited)
Johnny Eager (Taylor) es un gángster que, para no levantar sospechas, lleva una doble vida: finge que vive en una humilde casa con sus parientes, pero en secreto continúa siendo el rey del juego ilegal. Lisbeth (Turner) es una inocente chica que conoce a Johnny y se enamora de él.
Colonel Mason
A crusading newsman starts up a tabloid with a gangster as his 50-50 partner.
Ship's Mate (uncredited)
Un detective privado es abordado por una misteriosa mujer, que dice estar amenazada. Pero tanto el perseguidor como el hombre encargado de su protección aparecen muertos. Todo parece girar alrededor de una estatua de un halcón de valor incalculable.
Tras la dolorosa pérdida de su hijo, Edna, una valiente mujer de Texas, decide crear un orfanato para ayudar a los niños más desvalidos y necesitados de ayuda; pero los ciudadanos más conservadores no verán con buenos ojos la creación de una institución de acogida para niños nacidos fuera del matrimonio. Edna luchará incansablemente para conseguir legalizar el orfanato.
Man Delivering Radio
Three reckless brothers dodge the draft then sign up and become men.
Ajax Bullion
The stooges are window washers who lose their jobs after Moe impersonates the dentist in whose office they were cleaning. On the run, they are hired by a millionaire to pose as children. It seems the man's wife wants to adopt some refugees to impress her society friends. Moe is Johnny, Curly is Frankie and Larry is Mabel. Everything goes fairly well as the lady shows off the stooges to her friends, but they finally irritate her husband so much that he goes after them with an ax.
Fictionalized story of the 1869 adoption of women's suffrage in Wyoming Territory. In the new-founded railroad town of Laraville, Boss Jim Cork hopes to manipulate the sale of town lots to give him control, but Quaker schoolmarm Annie Morgan bags one of the key lots. Cork's lawyer Steve Lewis tries romancing Annie to get the lot back, finding her so overpoweringly liberated she leaves him dizzy. Still, Steve attains his nefarious object...almost...then has cause to deeply regret having aroused the sleeping giant of feminism!
A reporter and a police detective sort through the clues in a night-club owner's murder.
Policeman in Alley
Un muchacho va al patíbulo por un crimen que no cometió. Los verdaderos culpables se ocupan de la hermana del difunto y la sumergen en la prostitución. Un científico reclama el cuerpo del difunto para realizar unos experimentos y logra trasplantar su cerebro al cuerpo de un gorila el cual recuerda todo su pasado humano y comienza una venganza contra los villanos.
Tercer Reich (1933-1945). En 1939, Hitler provoca la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), al invadir Polonia. Empieza entonces una implacable persecución contra los judíos y los miembros de la oposición al nazismo. Para eludirla, tres disidentes políticos (Fredric March, Margaret Sullavan y Glenn Ford) se verán obligados a huir por toda Europa.
Sandy Vantine and her uncle, Paul Vantine, return from Europe with an antique cabinet purchased during their trip. Jim Moore, a reporter who had met Sandy and fallen for her during the voyage, suspects something odd about the cabinet. His suspicions are confirmed when people who have touched the cabinet mysteriously die. Jim and Sandy set out to solve the mystery before anyone else can become a victim.
R.J. Adams
A secretary sends a coded plea for help in her monthly report; two detectives investigate and find out that men are jailed on phony charges, forced to work in oil fields and then murdered if they try to escape.
George Higgins
En 1885, tres aventureros de la frontera (el maestro Riel, el traficante de whisky Corbeau y el trampero Duroc) fomentan en Canadá una rebelión contra la Corona. Sólo la Policía Montada permanece leal. El policía Ronnie Logan está enamorado de la hija de Corbeau, pero tiene que rivalizar con un ránger de Texas que busca a Corbeau por asesinato
Grilling Detective in Dream Sequence (uncredited)
El testimonio de un periodista sirve para llevar a un joven a la silla eléctrica. El reportero, torturado por las dudas acerca de su culpabilidad, cae en una telaraña de falsas pruebas que le señalan, ahora a él, como presunto autor de un nuevo crimen...
Featherway (uncredited)
A mild-mannered insurance salesman gets mixed up with gangsters.
'Mohican' Captain
Poco antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un corresponsal americano enviado a Europa se ve envuelto en la lucha contra el fascismo durante la investigación del secuestro de un diplomático holandés. Se trata de un alegato en favor de la intervención de los americanos en la guerra. Fue propuesta como candidata a seis Óscar -incluyendo mejor película-, pero no consiguó ninguno.
Policeman at Soup Kitchen (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, años 30. Durante la Gran Depresión, un vagabundo es reclutado por un partido político de su ciudad para colaborar en un fraude electoral.
When her doctor advises her to move West because of her health, Mrs. Pepper takes her five kids and relocates to Oregon to live with her sister. But adjusting to a new home and community isn't easy for the brood. Third entry in the "Five Little Peppers" series of four films.
Desde que era un niño, Thomas Alba Edison (Mickey Rooney) empezó a realizar sus primeros experimentos químicos en el sótano de su casa. Además, tuvo que ejercer múltiples oficios antes de poder registrar su primera patente. Queda para el recuerdo la escena de la operación de la madre, en que el joven Edison idea un sistema de juego de luces con espejos para iluminar el improvisado quirófano.
Policeman Dempsey (uncredited)
Blondie (Pennie Singleton), casada con el atolondrado Dagwood (Arthur Lake), sólo piensa en tener un abrigo de piel, mientras su marido ansía simplemente hacerse socio de un club de pesca. Pero sus pacíficas vidas se complican cuando aparece en escena Joan Forrester (Rita Hayworth), una antigua novia de Dagwood, tan hermosa como coqueta.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Abe Lincoln in Illinois is a 1940 biographical film which tells the story of the life of Abraham Lincoln from his departure from Kentucky until his election as President of the United States.
Policeman Outside Bank (uncredited)
Cliff Taylor es un exconvicto que intenta llevar una vida normal, pero desde que salió de la cárcel en libertad condicional, su pasado criminal le impide encontrar y mantener un cualquier trabajo. Sin embargo, lo peor es que Tim, su hermano menor, siguiendo sus pasos, se une a la banda de Charles Martin
Policeman on Gaylor Ave. (uncredited)
Intern Kildare heals a millionaire's daughter and tricks Dr. Gillespie into taking a vacation.
Paddy - Policeman (uncredited)
The final feature in the "Dead End Kids" film series finds a youth trying to adjust to life at a military school.
Fats Monoham
Gangsters and police cross each other, including murder, in an attempt to cover up crimes.
Gangster (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, Ley Seca, años 20. Relato sobre los diferentes caminos que siguen tres veteranos que se conocen durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Cuando regresan a América tras luchar por su país, tropiezan con el problema del desempleo y con grandes difícultades económicas. Uno de ellos (Lynn) seguirá con decisión el buen camino; otro (Cagney), amargado por la falta de futuro, no encuentra más salida que el contrabando ilegal de licor; el tercero (Bogart) se convierte en un implacable gángster.
Jerome Walsh
A New York City newspaper is sued for libel after reporting the wrong verdict in a murder trial.
Ringmaster (uncredited)
Los Hermanos Marx tratar de ayudar al dueño de un circo a recuperar algunos fondos robados antes de que se encuentre a él mismo sin trabajo.
Motor Cop (uncredited)
A pigeon breeder is hired to train a racehorse that wins only when it drinks beer.
Policeman in Rain (uncredited)
The future is bleak for a troubled boy from a broken home in the slums. He runs away when his step father breaks his violin, ending up sleeping in the basement of a music school for poor children.
Cop at Flower Shop (uncredited)
A cabbie and petty thief dreams of the big heist that will end his thieving ways.
Williams - Editor
A divorced glamour girl keeps warm with a professor amid sports and romance at Dartmouth College's Winter Carnival.
Club 88 Doorman (Uncredited)
Jed Marlowe is a brilliant, scheming, unscrupulous criminal lawyer whose specialty is defending criminal he knows is guilty but gets them off through loop-holes or bribery. Then his daughter, misled by her father’s courtroom performance, but unaware of his back-room tactics, marries the killer her father has just unjustly save from the electric chair. What’s a poor father to do?
A detective goes undercover as a producer to investigate an actor's murder, which occurred during the performance of a play...
Foreman (uncredited)
En 1862, durante la Guerra de Secesión, dos empresas rivales comienzan a construir la primera línea de ferrocarril transcontinental que enlace el Atlántico con el Pacífico. Al tiempo narra los amores entre la hija de uno de los ingenieros, Mollie Monahan (Barbara Stanwyck), el agente del gobierno encargado de la seguridad Jeff Butler (Joel McCrea) y el principal saboteador Dick Allen (Robert Preston).
Doorman (uncredited)
Por extrañas circunstancias, un hombre se ve convertido en padre de un niño de diez meses y se involucra en la vida turbulenta de su familia.
Policeman Riley
Hattie Leonard sets out to break a criminal gang controlling the dry cleaning business.
Promises of happier times dawn for the financially distressed Patterson family when father Sweeney and brother-in-law Archibald "Doc" Finney win a $150,000 grand prize in the sweepstake contest. With their windfall, each member of the family decides to pursue a dream.
Axel (uncredited)
A Harvard man fights a railroad baron with a disguise and the power of the press.
Doorkeeper (uncredited)
An ace reporter with a girlfriend nails a numbers racketeer for murders.
Fifth Avenue Mounted Cop
En los Alpes, en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), dos estafadores profesionales se conocen durante un espectáculo burlesco. Tras el estallido de la guerra, vuelven a encontrarse en Francia, pero ella va acompañada por un odioso barón, que se dedica al tráfico de armas y que cree que ella es una exiliada rusa.
Policeman (uncredited)
After a socially conscience reporter adopts a slum orphan after she causes his brother's gang to go to prison.
An outbreak of cholera threatens a luxury liner in this surprisingly low-budget melodrama from RKO. En route from Shanghai to San Francisco, chief engineer Crusher McKay (Victor McLaglen) and shipboard doctor Tony Craig (Chester Morris) become rivals for the attention of nurse Ann Grayson (Wendy Barrie). A Chinese stowaway, meanwhile, infects the stokehold with cholera and it is left to Crusher to keep the engines at full throttle until reaching harbor. But morale sinks to an all-time low when Crusher himself is stricken and the overworked men threaten with mutiny. Tony attempts to keep the stokers in check but the situation is growing more dangerous by the minute when a heroic Crusher rises from his sickbed. Leaving their previous petty squabbles behind, Tony and Crusher manage to guide the ship safely to harbor, where the doc and Ann rekindle their romance.
Police Desk Sergeant (uncredited)
Blondie and Dagwood are about to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary but this happy occasion is marred when the bumbling Dagwood gets himself involved in a scheme that is promising financial ruin for the Bumstead family.
G-Man Charles Bent Martin is sent out to break up a nationwide racket. A transport company is aiding fugitives making a getaway in exchange for the lion's share of their loot. Through an old friend, whom he once barnstormed in an air circus, Martin joins the gang as a pilot. He becomes interested in Carol Butler, a beautiful girl involved with the gang through the activities of her ne'er-do-well father.
Officer Craig
A dizzy young girl falls into crime but wins her lawyer's heart.
Doorman (uncredited)
Melsa Manton, una jovencita de clase alta, descubre una noche, en una casa deshabitada, un cadáver. Pero cuando llega la policía, el cuerpo ha desaparecido. Al día siguiente, un diario publica la noticia, tomando por una bromista contumaz a Melsa, quien no duda en poner un pleito al autor del artículo, Peter Ames. Deseando demostrar la verdad, Melsa y su grupo de inseparables amigas empiezan a investigar el caso. Un segundo cadáver, éste nada escurridizo, no tarda en aparecer. Los meandros de la investigación son cada vez más espesos. Y entre dudas, sospechas y amenazas, Peter Ames y Melsa Manton empiezan a constatar que del odio al amor hay sólo un minúsculo paso.
A convict who has just escaped from Alcatraz Prison takes over a passenger ship. Two of the ship's crew hatch a plot to overpower him and rescue the ship's passengers.
Sgt. Olson (uncredited)
El doctor Remsen finge ser policía, y acaba recibiendo la misión de proteger a Judy Marlowe, de la cual se enamora.
Adventuring author Jean Williams is living in the wilds of Alaska alongside the Eskimo people gathering material for her novel. She befriends several animals who become her loyal friends such as a pair of bear cubs whose mother has been killed by hunter Gaston Rogers, a talking raven and the bereaved collie Firefly who will not leave the grave of her master, a game warden killed in the line of duty. The community is imperiled by a pack of wolves and wild dogs, led by a wild dog called Swift Lightning, who are killing all the reindeer. With the supply of fresh meat gone, the Eskimos are migrating to lands with more food. Hunter Gaston agrees to take Jean to Nenana, Alaska, along with his furs by dog sled. Jean, who despises Gaston as being more savage and blood thirsty than the four-legged predators, is followed by her loyal animals.
Chief J.P. Riley
New York City fireman Bill O'Connell is assigned to the Arson Sqaud with the job of apprehending the for-profit gang of arsonists who are spreading terror and loss of property, including human life.