Thomas Laroppe

Thomas Laroppe


Thomas Laroppe


Down in Paris
Richard es un director cuarentón de cine que se ve presa de la ansiedad en medio de una filmación. Abandona el rodaje y vagabundea en la noche parisina en busca de respuestas, comfort e inspiración. Durante su noche de insomnio, tiene encuentros con mucha gente: algunos perturbadores, algunos con conocidos, otros con extraños. Richard debe confrontar sus miedos y cuestionar sus deseos más profundos antes que amanezca.
Le Making of Frig
Frig — a film in three parts (Love, Shit and Sperm) — is an experimental drama beginning with the end of a love affair. Love and the resulting experience are presented as a metaphor that goes beyond the personal and into a deeper consideration of life’s cycles, ultimately becoming a reflection on life, death and rebirth. Opening with a personal poem and accompanied by fragmented images, the film plunge into Sade’s universe in “120 Days of Sodom” and charts the descent into one’s own, personal hell, revealing the hidden face of society.
On My Mother's Path
Anam Wagner, a bisexual Belgium-based writer, comes back to his hometown where he has a hard time coping with his family's checkered past.
One Deep Breath
Eros and Thanatos. One deep breath: this is what Maël might need to cope with his partner Adam's suicide, a tragic event that, apart from great sorrow, has caused him to have a physical breakdown. He is troubled by his doubts about his lover's last drastic act, by how he put an end to his life and to their difficult relationship. But his grief turns into anger when he discovers that Adam had a secret long-term relationship with a woman called Patricia: he digs deep into his own memories, recollecting past events and eventually meeting his rival. On her part, Patricia will have to face unexpected dangers. A claustrophobic melodrama, with an unstructured and evocative narrative style. Here, South African director Antony Hickling, 34, confirms his visionary talent and ability to adopt a fresh point of view on queer cinema. All the performers are strictly gay and transgender, including Manuel Blanc, who was once André Téchiné's muse.
Chloé, a young baby sitter, must look after Blanche, the daughter of Agnes and François, for the first time. Once the couple has left, Chloé falls asleep in front of TV. When she wakes up, she is horrified to discover that the baby is no longer there.
Demented (El último de los locos)
Bajo el sol del verano y en medio de un paisaje bucólico, la granja de la familia de Martin está derrumbándose por dentro. La abuela domina a un padre sin presencia ni opinión ni mando, la madre vive encerrada noche y día en una habitación, el hermano mayor, bebe porque no puede escribir Martin está desatendido y sin amor y su único refugio son su gato y la asistenta. A sus once años, posee la ingenuidad de los dispuestos a cambiar el estado de las cosas, a mover a los suyos, a la fuerza si es preciso.
A Common Thread
French drama, the debut film from writer-director Eléonore Faucher. Teenager Claire (Lola Naymark) discovers she is pregnant and decides to keep it a secret. Abandoning her dead-end supermarket job, she is taken on as an apprentice by couturiere Madame Mélikian (Ariane Ascaride), who is grieving over the death of her own child. As the two women work together, they soon develop a supportive and fam