Michael Poole


War of Words: Soldier-Poets of the Somme
Executive Producer
The 1916 Battle of the Somme remains the most famous battle of World War I, remembered for its bloodshed and its limited territorial gains. What is often overlooked, however, is the literary importance of the Somme: more writers and poets fought in it than in any other battle in history. Narrated by Michael Sheen, War of Words: Soldier-Poets of the Somme details the experiences of the poets and writers who served in the battle. The work of Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves, David Jones, Isaac Rosenberg and JRR Tolkien (who arrived at the Western Front with ambitions to be a poet) was informed and transformed by the battle. Taken together, their experiences allow us to see this dreadful historical event through multiple points of view. The film uses animation, documentary accounts, surviving artefacts, battalion war diaries and the landscape itself to reconnect this literature to the events that inspired it.
The Mysterious Mr Webster
Executive Producer
Professor James Shapiro goes in search of the mysterious man behind The Duchess of Malfi, the son of a coachmaker who ended up rivalling Shakespeare.
MR James: Ghost Writer
Executive Producer
Mark Gatiss steps into the mind of MR James, the enigmatic English master of the supernatural story. How did this donnish Victorian bachelor, conservative by nature and a devout Anglican, come to create tales that continue to chill readers more than a century on? Mark attempts to uncover the secrets of James's inspiration, taking an atmospheric journey from James's childhood home in Suffolk to Eton, Cambridge and France, venturing into ancient churches, dark cloisters and echoing libraries along the way.
Horror Europa with Mark Gatiss
Executive Producer
Actor and writer Mark Gatiss embarks on a chilling journey through European horror cinema, from the silent nightmares of German Expressionism in the 1920s to the Belgian lesbian vampires in the 1970s, from the black-gloved killers of Italian bloody giallo cinema to the ghosts of the Spanish Civil War, and finally reveals how Europe's turbulent 20th century forged its ground-breaking horror tradition.
Mixed Race Britain: How the World Got Mixed Up
Executive Producer
Documentary telling the surprising and positive story of how, throughout much of history, the races of the world's empires mixed together unquestioningly.
La lucha de Darwin - La evolución del origen de las especies.
Executive Producer
Darwin desató una nueva visión de la naturaleza y la evolución de las especies, que hizo añicos la visión tradicional del mundo armonioso creado por Dios. Descubre este desafío contra las creencias tradicionales, que fue una lucha personal de Darwin.
Executive Producer