Jonathan Hale

Jonathan Hale

Nacimiento : 1891-03-21, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Muerte : 1966-02-28


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jonathan Hale (born Jonathan Hatley, March 21, 1891 – February 28, 1966) was a Canadian-born film and television actor. Hale was born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Before his acting career, Hale worked in the Diplomatic Corps. Hale is most well known as Dagwood Bumstead's boss, Julius Caesar Dithers, in the Blondie film series in the 1940s. He is also notable for playing Inspector Fernack in various The Saint films by RKO Pictures. In 1950 he made two appearances in The Cisco Kid as Barry Owens. He also appeared in two different episodes of Adventures of Superman: "The Evil Three", in which he played a murderous "Southern Colonel"-type character, and "Panic in the Sky", one of the most famous episodes, in which he played the lead astronomer at the Metropolis Observatory, actually a California observatory. Among the relatively few television programs on which Hale appeared are the religion anthology series Crossroads, The Loretta Young Show, Brave Eagle, Schlitz Playhouse, The Joey Bishop Show, and Walt Disney Presents: "A Tribute to Joel Chandler Harris". Hale committed suicide on February 28, 1966. He was found dead that evening in his room at the Motion Picture & Television Country House and Hospital in Woodland Hills, California. Hale had taken his own life with a .38 caliber pistol, which was found near his body. He was 74. Hale was interred at Valhalla Memorial Park Cemetery in North Hollywood, California. Sadly, Hale's grave went unmarked for more than four decades, until a proper headstone was erected by donations from the "Dearly Departed" fan-based group in 2013; he is now honored with the inscription, "We Remembered You".


Jonathan Hale


The Three Outlaws
Ready to quit their life of crime, the three "most-wanted" outlaws in the West---Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid and Bill Carver ---perform their final job by robbing and stealing a train and fleeing across the border. In a South American town they begin their life of respectability by purchasing a ranch and depositing their stolen fortune in the local bank, and throwing a big fiesta to entertain the locals, including Colonel Aguilar and his beautiful daughter Rita.
Dr. Powell
Oil explorers suspect a South American jungle boy (Sabu) of murder.
The Night Holds Terror
Bob Henderson
A group of escaped convicts holds a household prisoner as the police close in.
Duffy of San Quentin
La biografía del alcaide de San Quintín, Clinton T. Duffy, y su relación con un preso irreductible al que logró cambiar.
Guapa pero peligrosa
John Bentley
En Progress, un pequeño pueblo de Arkansas, Corby Lane (Jean Simmons), la joven y bella heredera de una familia que se ha hecho rica con el petróleo, vuelve al pueblo que visitó de pequeña con su padre para recompensar a las gentes que le salvaron la vida. Mientras Corby ejerce como Mamá Noel, "Doc" Sellers (Robert Mitchum), el médico del pueblo, sólo se preocupa de pescar y de que nada altere su tranquila y relajada forma de vida. Sin embargo, es obvio que, pese a todos los obstáculos, la pareja está condenada a entenderse.
The Flaming Urge
Mr. Chalmers
A pyromaniac tries to fight his obsession with fire.
Kansas Pacific
Sherman Johnson
Western con toques románticos que narra la historia de la construcción del ferrocarril de Kansas durante la década de 1860. En los albores de la Guerra de Secesión, esta línea de tren tenía una dura oposición por parte de las tropas confederadas. El capitán yanqui John Nelson será enviado hasta allí para poner orden y supervisar la construcción. Pero los ataques serán cada vez más frecuentes por parte de Bill Quantrill, un confederado que lidera la oposición a que esa línea llegue a dominios tan occidentales.
Mr. Barker (uncredited)
A New York cab driver helps an Irish immigrant with a baby locate her missing husband.
The Steel Trap
Tom Bowers
Joseph Cotten plays an assistant bank manager who steals $1,000,000 from the safe late on a Friday and then plans to flee to Brazil over the weekend.
Behind Southern Lines
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
El hijo de rostro pálido
Governor Freeman (uncredited)
Continuación de "The Paleface" (1948), de Norman Z. McLeod, tambien con Hope y Russell y coescrita por Tashlin, uno de los grandes éxitos de taquilla del actor Bob Hope (sin Bing Crosby). En el film, Hope y Jane Russell repiten protagonismo, uniéndose esta vez el cantante y actor Roy Rogers. Lo curioso es que sus personajes son diferentes, ya que ahora Hope es un universitario que viaja al salvaje Oeste para hacerse cargo de la herencia de su padre, un célebre pistolero. En su camino se topará con extraños personajes como un agente federal (Rogers) y una chica de salón que tiene una doble personalidad como bandida.
Young Man with Ideas
Stanley Rickson (uncredited)
El joven abogado Maxwell Webster, casado y con tres niños, empieza su carrera en un pueblecito perdido de Montana. Como la vida allí no es nada sencilla, la familia no tiene más remedio que trasladarse a Los Ángeles, donde tendrán que afrontar problemas de toda índole, especialmente económicos. Por si fuera poco, Maxwell se verá involucrado en un proceso judicial.
Trágica información
Frank Madison
El ambicioso editor de un periódico ve su éxito amenazado con el regreso de su ex mujer, a la que abandonó veinte años atrás. Tras matarla involuntariamente, se encuentra con que sus mejores periodistas se ocupan de investigar el caso.
Sunny Side of the Street
Cyrus Pelley
A TV worker has fickle designs on an aspiring singer for whom she arranges an audition.
The Tall Target
Passenger from Carolina (uncredited)
Abraham Lincoln viajará en tren a Washington con motivo de su investidura y, aprovechando la ocasión, se está tramando un complot para asesinarlo a su paso por Baltimore. El detective de Nueva York John Kennedy (Dick Powell) intenta alertar a sus superiores sobre el plan, pero sus sospechas se desestiman. Entonces decide subir al tren para intentar frustrar el asesinato él mismo. No está seguro en quién confiar, pero encuentra un aliado potencial en Ginny Beaufort (Paula Raymond), la hermana de uno de los conspiradores.
Let's Go Navy!
The Bowery Boys join the Navy to catch some crooks who are posing as sailors.
Rodeo King and the Senorita
Dr. Sands
Lacey is after the profits of the Foster and Morales rodeo show. He has Morales killed during a stunt and then forces Foster to take him on as a silent partner. When Rex Allen joins the show, Lacey tries to get rid of him also. But Rex survives and now believes Morales' accident may have been murder.
Extraños en un tren
Mr. Antony
Inspirada en la novela homónima de Patricia Higsmith. Durante un viaje en tren, Guy, un joven campeón de tenis (Farley Granger), es abordado por Bruno (Walker), un joven que conoce su vida y milagros a través de la prensa y que, inesperadamente, le propone un doble asesinato, pero intercambiando las víctimas con el fin de garantizarse recíprocamente la impunidad. Así podrían resolver sus respectivos problemas: él suprimiría a la mujer de Guy (que no quiere concederle el divorcio) y, a cambio, Guy debería asesinar al padre de Bruno para que éste pudiera heredar una gran fortuna y vivir a su aire.
Insurance Investigator
Russell James
When a businessman who has had a double indemnity policy taken out on him dies mysteriously, his insurance company sends an undercover investigator to town to determine exactly what happened.
Short Grass
Charlie Bissel
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
Three Husbands
Edward Wurdeman - Attorney at Law
When a recently deceased playboy gets to heaven and is granted one wish--granted to all newcomers--he requests that he be able to see the reactions of three husbands, with whom he regularly played poker, to a letter he left each of them claiming to have had an affair with each's wife.
Triple Trouble
The Judge
Slip and Sach take the rap for a robbery they did not commit in order to uncover the real robbers, whom they suspect are led by a convict who gives orders to his gang outside via a short-wave radio stashed somewhere in the prison.
Federal Agent at Large
James Goodwin
A crime ring is smuggling gold from Mexico across the border in the US. The Customs Service sends an agent to Mexico to try to infiltrate the ring and stop the smuggling.
El barón de Arizona
Basada en las aventuras de James Addison Reavis (Vincent Price), uno de los estafadores más ambiciosos e inteligentes del siglo XIX, que llegó a elaborar un plan para quedarse con el territorio de Arizona. (FILMAFFINITY)
A Dangerous Profession
A cop-turned-bail bondsman gets involved in a murder investigation.
El manantial
Guy Francon (uncredited)
Gary Cooper es un arquitecto vanguardista en desigual lucha con el mundo. Su deseo de demostrar tanto su talento como el valor del individuo frente a la masa se mezcla con una tórrida y compleja historia de amor en este atípico melodrama, ejemplarmente rodado por Vidor con toda la pasión y el pulso narrativo que le caracterizan. Impresionante banda sonora de Max Steiner y magníficas interpretaciones para una obra maestra del género, de interés especial para los amantes de la arquitectura -los proyectos de Cooper se parecen sospechosamente a los de Frank Lloyd Wright-.
Los hermanos Mike y Tim McCall son propietarios de un gran rancho en Arizona, que utilizan las tierras circundantes para el pastoreo del ganado. Stanley Cox y LeRoy Stanton venden estas tierras a los colonos que llegan para encontrarlas totalmente secas, ya que una presa en el rancho de los McCall controla el agua. Entre los colonos están John Dawson y su hija Connie. Este último va al pueblo más cercano para tomar medidas, pero el sheriff Ball le dice que no puede hacer nada. Tim se enamora de Connie pero Mike no se deja impresionar por sus encantos. Cuando regresa de un baile del pueblo, Tim descubre a Stanton intentando dinamitar la presa, y muere en el tiroteo que se produce. Más tarde, Stanton manda a sus hombres a provocar una estampida de ganado mientras él y Cox vuelan la presa. A pesar de los esfuerzos de Mike y del sheriff Ball, el ganado es aniquilado y Mike corre hacia la presa y mata a Stanton en un tiroteo.
Departamento de estado, Oriente 649
Un funcionario del servicio de inteligencia estadounidense debe viajar hasta China. Una vez allí, su misión será tratar de evitar la ejecución de un grupo de rehenes norteamericanos. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Judge
Judge Allan J. Brooks
A study of an amoral and sleazy defense lawyer who suddenly tries to "go straight" when he finds out that his tart wife is cheating on him; as well as the similarities he has in life with one of his clients.
Rose of the Yukon
Gen. Butler
Major Geoffrey Barnett, U. S. Army Intelligence Service, is sent to Alaska, to apprehend a deserter, Tom Clark, who was presumed to be dead as a member of a small force wiped out on Attu in World War II. With the aid of Rose Flambeau, he finds evidence that the now-prosperous Clark killed his own comrades to prevent their reporting of a deposit of uranium, which he is now mining with the intention of selling to a foreign power.
Police Commissioner Jerome
A construction worker wanted by the authorities is vindicated by virtue of his heroism when an airplane crashes into a skyscraper.
Dr. Horace M. Gray (uncredited)
La vida es dura en la granja de Mac Donald en Nueva Escocia y todavía resulta más difícil para Belinda, una joven sorda cuya desgracia se confunde con discapacidad mental. El nuevo médico de la ciudad muestra interés en ayudarla a salir de su silenciosa cárcel.
Raíces de pasión
Gen. Johnston (uncredited)
Drama ambientado en la guerra de secesión americana. Morna pertenece a una familia que tiene una plantación en el Sur, pero sus ideas les inclinan a la Unión. En cambio Clay, el prometido de Morna, se va a alistar en el ejército confederado. Para complicar las cosas, Keith, un periodista local, se enamora de Morna.
Río de plata
Major Spencer
Cuando es expulsado del ejército, Mike McComb, jugador sin escrúpulos, egoista y cínico, decide convertirse en el mayor magnate de plata de Nevada. Su imperio empezará a caer cuando los demás mineros combinen sus esfuerzos contra él. Llegará a perder incluso el apoyo de su mujer y de sus viejos amigos.
Yo creo en ti
Governor's Aide Robert Winston (uncredited)
Basado en una historia real. En 1932, Frank Wiecek fue condenado a 99 años de prisión por un crimen que no cometió. Doce años después, su madre, que limpiando pisos ha ahorrado 5.000 dólares, centavo a centavo, publica un anuncio ofreciendo ese dinero como recompensa para quien le dé la información que permita descubrir al verdadero criminal. Un escéptico periodista inicia una investigación.
Kenneth Forrester
Out fishing one day, painter John Hammond and his son Chris come across Bert Hillman, the foreman of a local ranch. He and his ranch hand are searching for a wild dog that killed one of their sheep. They find the animal and kill it, along with one of its puppies, but after they leave Hammond and his son discover another puppy still alive. They take it home and call it Rocky. John believes that a dog descended from sheep-killers will himself become a sheep-killer someday, but e gives his son a chance to raise and train the dog, hoping that he can train the killer instinct from it. Unfortunately, local farmers have reported an epidemic of sheep-killings, and they suspect that Rocky is responsible for them.
Muro de tinieblas
Emory Garrison
Steve Kenet, un veterano piloto de guerra, es ingresado en un psiquiátrico después de haber confesado el asesinato de su esposa. La doctora Ann Lorrison es la encargada de esclarecer el oscuro caso.
Her Husband's Affairs
Gov. Fox
Bill Weldon is an Ad man who craves his wife Margaret's approval of his work, instead he gets constructive (and on-target) feedback, which he hates. Things get really strange when Bill creates advertising for a wacky inventor's embalming fluid.
Black Gold
Senator Watkins
A Native American man trains a horse for the Kentucky Derby.
The Ghost Goes Wild
Max Atterbury
Young artist Monte Crandell is being sued for an unauthorized caricature. To escape arrest, he disguises himself as a mystic, only to conjure up a genuine ghost during a seance. Things come to a head during his trial, where the invisible ghost takes the witness stand on Our Hero's behalf.
The Vigilantes Return
Judge Holden
Marshal Johnnie Taggart (Jon Hall) , posing as an outlaw named "Ace" Braddock, comes to Bannack, Montana to restore law and order. But he is recognized by Kitty, co-owner with Clay Curtwright of the infamous Bull Whip saloon. But "bad-girl" Kitty keeps her mouth shut. When Johnnie's pal Andy reports a stage holdup, Curtwright's henchman, Ben Borden, talks the sheriff and Judge Holden into suspecting Johnnie. Johnnie reveals himself to Judge Holden as a government marshal, and the judge voices his opinion that Curtwright is the leader of the road agents, but voices it in the presence of his granddaughter, Louise Holden. The Judge doesn't know that Louise is in love with Curtwright, and she tips him off as to Johnnie's real identity. Curtwright frames Johnnie for a murder and arranges for the crooked sheriff to promote a lynching and Andy and Kitty help Johnnie escape jail. Johnnie rounds up vigilantes and heads for a showdown at the Bull Whip saloon
¿Principio o Fin?
Dr. Vannevar Bush
El primer fllm en tratar el tema de la bomba atómica. Rodado dos años después del bombardeo a Hiroshima, explica el Proyecto Manhattan con el que se creó el arma de destrucción masiva. Un sorprendente docudrama de Taurog protagonizado por la bomba atómica: su invención, su desarrollo y los estragos que ya ha causado a la Humanidad. Nos encontramos en 1946, científicos y militares de Estados Unidos, Canadá y Gran Bretaña, se han reunido para celebrar una ceremonia.
Wife Wanted
Philip Conway
Career-slipping movie star Carole Raymond buys in as a real estate partner of Jeff Caldwell. Actually, through his secretary, Nola Reed, Caldwell runs a matrimonial bureau and, with the aid of his associate, Lee Kirby, they defraud and blackmail a large group of lonely people. Carole, unknowingly, is used as bait for one of their victims, Walter Desmond, who "commits suicide." Reporter William Tyler thinks otherwise.
Rolling Home
Henry Kane
An elderly rodeo rider, his young grandson and their injured horse help transform the lives of various citizens in a small town. Released in 1946.
Blondie Knows Best
J.C. Dithers
Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake) poses as his boss Mr. Dithers (Jonathan Hale) so that a big business deal can be consummated while Dithers avoids nearsighted process server Jim Gray (Shemp Howard). The upshot of all this is that Dagwood ends up in a lunatic asylum, forcing Blondie (Penny Singleton) to come to the rescue. Number 18 in the long running Blondie series. Blondie Knows Best was writer/director Edward Bernds' first entry in the long-running "Blondie" series, and arguably his funniest. Bernds was a big fan of comedian Shemp Howard (whom he'd directed in several Columbia 2-reelers) and accordingly he gives Shemp free reign in his scenes, resulting in some hystericially funny moments. Blondie Knows Best represented Jonathan Hale's farewell to the series; in the next entry, Blondie's Big Moment, he would be replaced by Jerome Cowan as Mr. Radcliffe
El Diablo y yo
Citizens for Better Government Chairman (uncredited)
El gangster E. Kagle ha sido asesinado por su socio y amigo S. Williams. Kagle acaba en el infierno, donde "Nick" le ofrece la oportunidad de vengarse, a cambio de su ayuda con un problema que tiene. Nick lo dispone todo para que Kagle ocupe el cuerpo del honrado juez Parker. En el transcurso de los acontecimientos, Kagle se ve involucrado con Bárbara Foster, la novia del juez, de la que se enamora, hecho que le hará replantearse todo lo que ha sido su vida.
Que siga la boda
Hector Boswell
Connie, una millonaria, decide demandar con ayuda de su padre a un periódico por difamación. El rotativo le acusa de romper matrimonios porque seduce a hombres casados. Entonces el periódico contrata a un experto mujeriego para comprometerla.
The Walls Came Tumbling Down
Captain Griffin
A PI investigates a priest's murder.
The Cat Creeps
Walter Elliott
A black cat is suspected of being possessed by the spirit of a elderly murdered woman.
Blondie's Lucky Day
J.C. Dithers
Blondie's Lucky Day is the 17th entry in the long-running Blondie film series based on the comic strip by Chic Young. Blondie's Lucky Day, indeed! Not only must Blondie Bumstead (Penny Singleton) put on a brave face when her husband Dagwood (Arthur Lake) is fired for the umpteenth time by Mr. Dithers (Jonathan Hale), but she must also tolerate the attentions paid to Dagwood by pretty WAC Mary Jane McDermott (Angelyn Orr). A whiz in business matters, Mary Jane sets up Dag in his own business, which replenishes the Bumstead coffers but which drives Blondie into a jealous frenzy. The film's highlight occurs early on, when Dagwood assumes Dithers' responsibilities for a single day--and makes a proper mess of things within five minutes.[
Riverboat Rhythm
Col. Edward Beeler
A financially-strapped showboat captain struggles to stay in business.
Gay Blades
New York hockey player Andy Buell is approached by Hollywood talent scout Nancy Davis to play the hunk lead in "The Behemoth" but he would prefer she quit her job and become his wife.
Col. Wordin
Un cowboy ayuda a los granjeros de trigo de Dakota contra los saqueadores de terrenos. Contará con la ayuda de la hija de un magnate ferroviario.
Life with Blondie
J.C. Dithers
Daisy, the Bumstead's mischievous mutt, makes the family a little extra cash when she wins a contest to become a model for the Navy. From there she becomes the favorite calendar gal. All the attention to the dog, makes Dagwood feel that his position as master of the house is jeopardized. Meanwhile all the attention catches the greedy eyes of gangsters who try and abduct Daisy!
Man Alive
A reportedly dead man haunts his wife and her boyfriend.
Allotment Wives
Brig. Gen. H.N. Gilbert
Unscrupulous women marry servicemen for their pay.
A woman who has been married and divorced five times comes back to her small hometown, where she proceeds to complicate, and potentially destroy, the marriage of her childhood boyfriend.
The Phantom Speaks
Owen McAllister
A reporter learns that an executed killer has taken over a scientist's mind.
G.I. Honeymoon
Colonel Hammerhead Smith
In this romantic comedy, set during WW II, an newlywed army couple are unable to consummate their marriage, as on their wedding night the husband is called away to sentry duty. Later they try again, but as he has just completed a 37-mile hike, he finds himself too tired to work up any enthusiasm for conjugal bliss. Fortunately, the bride's understanding aunt intervenes with the young man's colonel and the frustrated couple is at last able to share a night of love.
Watchtower Over Tomorrow
Short documentary film about the Dumbarton Oaks plan and the proposed formation of the United Nations.
Leave It to Blondie
J.C. Dithers
Older but no wiser, Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead enter a songwriting contest. It's all part of a plan to cover charity checks that they've signed separately but can't cover. Along the way, Blondie's blood boils when Dagwood gets innocently mixed up with beautiful music teacher Rita Rogers.
The Strange Mr. Gregory
Defense Attorney Blair
The title character, played by Edmund Lowe, is a famous magician who fakes his own death -- then reappears as his nonexistent twin brother. It's all part of Gregory's master scheme to pin his "murder" on innocent John Randall (Don Douglas), the husband of Ellen (Jean Rogers), the woman Gregory loves.
Hollywood Canteen
Mr. Brodel (uncredited)
El "Hollywwod Canteen" era un club que la Warner Bros creó durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) para que los soldados que estaban de permiso pudieran divertirse con el espectáculo y codearse con los actores de moda. Dos soldados pasan tres noches en el club: uno de ellos sueña con besar a Joan Leslie, su amor imposible durante la guerra del Pacífico. John Garfield favorece el encuentro.
Dead Man's Eyes
Dr. Sam Welles
Artist David Stuart is blinded by a jealous assistant / model. His fiance's father generously offers his eyes for a sight restoring operation. There's only one hitch: Stuart has to wait until after the man dies. Not surprisingly, when the benefactor dies a very premature death, suspicion falls on the artist.
End of the Road
Gregory McCune
A crime writer believes that a man imprisoned for committing the notorious "Flower Shop Murder" is innocent of the crime. He believes he knows who the actual culprit is, and sets out to befriend the man and get enough evidence to prove that he is the real killer.
My Buddy
Senator Henry
A priest relates the tale of his friend, a WWI veteran, to the Post-War Planning Committee. Unable to get a job upon his return from the war, he puts off his marriage and works for a bootlegger. He is forced to take a rap for his boss, goes to prison, and forms a gang.
Triunfó la juventud
Dr. Plum
Angela, una chica de pueblo, recibe una herencia y aprovecha para ir a Nueva York, en teoría para tomar clases de canto, pero en realidad porque está enamorada de un médico de la Marina que vive allí. Jimmy, su amigo de infancia, la seguirá hasta la gran ciudad...
The Black Parachute
King Stephen
A paratrooper drops behind enemy lines to rescue the deposed king of a mythical Balkan nation.
Aventuras de Jack London
Kerwin Maxwell
The adventurous and remarkable life of the US writer Jack London (1876-1916).
There's Something About a Soldier
Gen. Sommerton
Five officer candidates fight to prove their mettle during training.
Footlight Glamour
J.C. Dithers
Mr. Dithers is trying to encourage a businessman to build a war-time manufacturing plant on land he owns while Dagwood tries to prevent the businessman from learning his daughter is involved in a local theatre production.
Nobody's Darling
Jason Rhodes
Ugly duckling Janie Farnsworth is a student at Pennington High School, and has a crush on Charles Grant, Jr., who is the writer and producer of the upcoming school play. But Chuck thinks that she is too untalented and unglamorous to have a part in his production....
It's a Great Life
J.C. Dithers
When the profits of their various film series began slumping in the mid-1940s, Columbia Pictures tried to broaden the appeal of these films by disguing the fact that they were indeed series entries. Thus it was that Columbia's 13th "Blondie" picture was shipped out as It's a Great Life. The comic confusion begins when Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake), intending to buy a house, buys a horse instead. Before the film's 75 minutes have run their course, Dagwood gets mixed up in a fox hunt. But Blondie (Penny Singleton) saves the day as usual, with the help of eccentric millionaire Timothy Brewster (Hugh Herbert). After It's a Great Life and #14 "Footlight Glamour", Columbia restored the name "Blondie" to the titles of all subesequent installments in this long-running comedy series.
Los verdugos también mueren
El 27 de mayo de 1942 murió víctima de un atentado Reinhard Heydrich, jefe del gobierno nazi de Praga. El doctor Franz Svoboda, miembro de la Resistencia y autor material del atentado, se esconde en casa del profesor Novotny.
The Rear Gunner
Commanding Officer
Documentary-style drama on training of aerial rear gunners in World War II. Private PeeWee Williams, a Kansas farm boy, transforms his home-grown shooting skills into those necessary to an aerial gunner in the tail turret of an American bomber.
Mi encantadora esposa
Ruth (Deanna Durbin), misionera idealista, crea el personaje de Mrs. Holliday para así traerse a niños huérfanos chinos a los EEUU con la ayuda del camarero del barco Timothy (Barry Fitzgerarld). Ruth se hace pasar por la esposa de un famoso y rico magnate dueño de una flota de barcos a la cual se le diÓ por desaparecido en altamar. Toda esta trama le hace posible traerse a los huérfanos con la mayor de las cautelas e instalarlos en la mansión que su familia posee, para poder así elaborar su siguiente plan...
Blondie for Victory
J.C. Dithers
Blondie organizes Housewives of America to perform home-front wartime duties, including guarding the local dam... Blondie for Victory was twelfth in Columbia's series of comedy films based on Chic Young's popular comic strip Blondie. Anxious to do her bit for the war effort, Blondie joins the Housewives of America, a home defense league. Husband Dagwood soon finds that Blondie is neglecting her responsibilities at home in favor of her war work; also disgruntled are Dagwood's chauvinistic boss Mr. Dithers and a newlywed husband whose wife is never home thanks to the defense league.
Calling Dr. Gillespie
Frank M. Todwell
Un médico en silla de ruedas se enfrenta a un maníaco homicida.
Flight Lieutenant
Joseph Sanford
Un veterano piloto se da cuenta en el ocaso de su carrera de que quiere recuperar el contacto con su hijo. Su vástago es ahora piloto de pruebas del ejército y en su día su compañero de vuelo. Pero las cosas no serán tan sencillas como para pretender que todo saldrá bien simplemente con irrumpir en su vida.
Miss Annie Rooney
Mr. Martin White
A poor girl falls for a wealthy young man. He invites her to his gala birthday party, but she doesn't have the right kind of dress to wear, so her family and friends band together to raise money to get her the proper dress.
Blondie's Blessed Event
J.C. Dithers
Cookie is born, producing unmitigated joy in the Bumstead household. Adding to the chaos a new baby always creates is the appearance of Hans Conried as a cynical author who becomes caught up in the Bumstead lifestyle.
Lone Star Ranger
Judge Longstreth
Texas Ranger Buck Dunne is assigned to round up a gang of bank robbers. The leader of the gang turns out to be the "respectable" Judge Longstreth, making life difficult for Dunne inasmuch as he's in love with Longstreth's niece Barbara.
Joe Smith, American
Blake McKettrick
Joe Smith es el típico americano medio. Trabaja para una fábrica de aviones donde se está construyendo un nuevo bombardero. Este proyecto provoca que Joe sea secuestrado por agentes enemigos. Pero Joe Smith resulta ser todo un héroe americano, pues no sólo no dice nada de lo que sabe, sino que posteriormente ayuda a la policía en su investigación para detener a los secuestradores.
The Bugle Sounds
An old-time cavalry sergeant's resistance to change could cost him his post.
Blondie Goes to College
J.C. Dithers
Number 10 in the Blondie series, Blondie Goes to College is predicated on the notion that Dagwood Bumstead (Arthur Lake) must receive a college diploma or lose his job with the Dithers Construction Company. Not wishing to be separated from her husband, Blondie (Penny Singleton) enrolls in college as well. But Leighton College rules stipulate "No Married Couples", forcing Blondie and Dagwood to pretend that they're not married. This causes quite a dilemma when coed Laura Wadsworth (Janet Blair) begins flirting with Dagwood and Rusty Bryant (Larry Parks) does same with Blondie. And Blondie's discovery of a very pleasant secret threatens to expose her and Dagwood's marital status too. The student body at this particular seat of learning is comprised of quite a few familiar faces, including Lloyd Bridges, Sid Melton, and Adele Mara.
The Pittsburgh Kid
Max Ellison
Unable to sign boxer Joe Louis to movie contract, Republic Pictures had to make do with the losers of Louis' heavyweight championship bouts. One of these was Billy Conn, who after being knocked out by Louis in the 13th round awakened to star in the Republic programmer The Pittsburgh Kid. The story finds clean-limned pugilist Conn (playing himself) being managed by pretty Patricia Mallory.
Ringside Maisie
Dr. Kramer
Young undefeated boxer Terry Dolan, who's been lying to his invalid mother about his career, confides to Maisie that he hates and is terrified by boxing and wants out. Not wanting to let down his best friend and manager Skeets Maguire, who has hopes of him becoming the next champion, he is reluctant to bring up the subject with him. Maisie convinces Terry to tell Skeets, whose unexpected reaction induces him to step into the ring again.
Blondie in Society
J.C. Dithers
Dagwood brings home a pedigreed Great Dane which an important company client wants and which Blondie enters in the big dog show. A highlight of this film is the canine burping display.
Her First Beau
Mr. Harris
15-year-old Penelope (Penny) Wood has two great interests - Chuck Harris and the hope that some day she might become a famous,great writer. Chuck also has two interests - his home-made glider and the hope that some day he will go to Tech college. His indifference to Penny is her chief source of annoyance. Mervyn Roberts, Penny's uncle who is only five years older than she is, arrives home with a guest, Roger Van Vleck, and Penny falls for Roger's sophistication. Chuck, resentful, continues to work on his glider over his father's objections. His father wants it destroyed but Elmer Tuttle, their hired man, hides it.
Strange Alibi
Police Chief Sprague
An undercover cop finds himself on the wrong side of the law when the mob discovers his true identity.
The Great Swindle
In this mystery, an insurance investigator must find the arsonists behind the burning of a warehouse. The detective does get some good photographs as evidence, but they are stolen from his apartment. He really isn't a great sleuth and winds up accusing everyone but the real culprit of the crime. As a result, he loses his job and must perform the investigation on his own.
Blondie Goes Latin
J.C. Dithers
The 8th film in the Blondie series - Blondie Goes Latin. Mr. Dithers invites the Bumstead's on a South American cruise. Somehow Dagwood winds up as the female drummer in the ship's band, while Penny Singleton gets to show off her Broadway background in some lively musical numbers.
Flight from Destiny
Dist. Atty. Johnson
After his doctor informs him he will die in six months, Professor Henry Todhunter decides to spend his last days killing someone who contributes nothing but harm to society. When Henry learns that his friend Betty's husband, Michael, has been painting forgeries of ancient paintings for gallery owner Ketti Moret, he investigates the fraudulent dealer's life. Judging that Ketti is truly evil, Henry prepares to murder her.
El Santo en Palm Springs
Insp. Henry Fernack
El Santo viaja a Palm Springs para resolver una serie de terribles asesinatos. Ésta fue la última película con George Sanders encarnando al personaje creado por Chartreris.
Blondie Plays Cupid
J.C. Dithers
La familia Bumstead va a ver a unos parientes en el campo, cuando Blondie se topa con Charlie y Millie, una pareja en fuga que necesita ayuda.
Melody and Moonlight
Otis Barnett
Jane Frazee made her starring film debut in the Republic B-plus musical Melody and Moonlight. The plot is motivated by the show-biz aspirations of bellboy Danny O'Brien (Johnny Downs). With the help of a wealthy chiropodist (Jerry Colonna), O'Brien not only gets to star on a big-time radio show, but also sprinkles stardust upon his sweetheart Kay Barnett (Jane Frazee)-who, unbeknownst to everyone but the audience, is the daughter of the show's sponsor.
Homer Patterson
A dizzy young woman aranges to turn her inventor-boyfriend's vacation into a chance meeting with a possible investor who happens to be her brother's future father-in-law. And Wacky stuff happens.
Blondie Has Servant Trouble
J.C. Dithers
Things get under way when Blondie Bumstead demands that her husband request a raise from his boss Mr. Dithers, so that she can afford to hire a maid. But Dithers has no time for any salary disputes: his construction firm is currently stuck with an unsaleable old mansion that is rumored to be haunted. To disprove this theory, Dithers asks the Bumstead family to spend a night in the crumbling old house, throwing a retinue of servants into the bargain.
We Who Are Young
Cuando se casa, un hombre contraviene la política de su empresa.
Private Affairs
George Gilkin
A girl decides to consult her natural father, whom she's never seen, for advice on her mixed-up love life.
El regreso del Santo
Inspector Henry Fernack
El Santo regresa a la acción para ayudar a un viejo amigo suyo el Inspector Fernack, acosado por un grupo de mafiosos.
Johnny Apollo
Dr. Brown
Un corredor de bolsa de Wall Street es encarcelado por desfalco. Su hijo, recién licenciado en la universidad, intenta conseguir trabajo para pagar la fianza. Sin embargo, debido a la reputación de su padre, es rechazado en todas partes. Dadas las circunstancias, acaba entrando en una banda mafiosa y llega a ser la mano derecha de un poderoso gángster.
El nuevo caso del Santo
Inspector Henry Fernack
El Santo va trás la pista de un sofisticado ladrón de joyas que trafica diamantes dentro de una momia que viaja del El Cairo a Philadelphia, con la aparición de un cadaver en el jardín de la casa de un amigo suyo, Simon Templar decide hacerse pasar por el asesino ya que cuenta con un gran parecido fisico, de esta manera intentará resolver el caso.
The Big Guy
Jack Lane
A man is given the choice between having fabulous wealth or saving an innocent man from the death penalty.
Assistant Secretary of State
In China, a singer and a journalist meet while traveling on a train attacked by bandits.
The Amazing Mr. Williams
Kenny Williams, a lieutenant on the homicide squad, is engaged to Maxine Carroll, the Mayor's secretary. Or isn't he rather married with his job? For each time he has a date with his longtime fiancée, he is prevented from keeping it by his devotion to duty. Maxine, in desperation, decides to take action and bring Kenny to the altar. Who will win, Maxine's curves or the glorious fight against crime?
Blondie Brings Up Baby
J.C. Dithers
Baby Dumpling, the six-year-old son of Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead disappears from sight during his first day at school. While Dagwood frantically combs the city in search of the boy, Baby Dumpling spents a nice, safe afternoon with poor little rich girl Melinda Mason, who with her new playmate's help arises from her sickbed to walk across the room for the first time in months.
Thunder Afloat
Admiral Girard
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Dos mujeres y un amor
Dr. Gateson
Julie Eden (Carole Lombard), una joven viuda que tiene una hija, trabaja como dibujante publicitaria. Un día, conoce al rico y apuesto Alec Walker (Cary Grant), que está unido a la pérfida Maida (Kay Francis) por un matrimonio de conveniencia que lo hace muy desgraciado. La felicidad de Alec depende de conseguir el divorcio y casarse con Julie.
In Old Monterey
The (pre-WWII) Army takes over a large area of land, over the objection of citizens and corporations who live and work there.
El gran milagro
President of Western Union
Biopic sobre el inventor del teléfono -o considerado durante mucho tiempo como tal, pues parece ser que sólo fue el primero en patentarlo-. "El gran milagro" era una superproducción muy al gusto de Darryl F. Zanuck que comenzaba en el Boston de 1873 y culminaba con la invención del "artilugio de las palabras" tres años después. Entre medias había romance, superación personal y el juicio que se estableció entre la poderosa Western Union y Bell por los derechos de patente del invento.
El Santo ataca de nuevo
Inspector Henry Fernack
En este 2º lanzamiento, Simon Templer, el Santo, y el inspector Henry Fernack, son llamados por el departamento de policía de San Francisco para ayudar a descubrir al cerebro que está detrás de una serie de inteligentes y misteriosos asesinatos.
Blondie Meets the Boss
J.C. Dithars
Dagwood inadvertently gets cornered in to resigning. When his wife Blondie tries to ask Dagwoods boss Mr. Dithers for his job back, he ends up hiring her instead. This doesn't sit too well with Dagwood. Blondie's sister comes to visit, and Dagwood is put in a compromising situation with another woman.
Tail Spin
Racing Official Starter (Uncredited)
Trixie is a female pilot looking to win a big race to advance her career. During one race, however, her plane becomes damaged, and she needs help to repair it. She meets a Navy pilot named "Tex" Price and tries to gain his aid. Tex soon meets another pilot, Gerry, a novice who seeks to win an important upcoming race. Tex, concerned for Gerry's safety, tries to convince her not to race. But Gerry, now a rival of Trixie's, is determined to fly.
Wings of the Navy
Dos hermanos pilotos de aviación se disputan la misma mujer.
Stand Up and Fight
Colonel Webb
En 1840, un rico empresario del ferrocarril contrata a un hombre para investigar una ruta por la que cree se están transportando esclavos.
El duque de West Point
Steven's Father
Un arrogante estudiante de Cambridge emigra a Estados Unidos y se enrola en West Point.
There's That Woman Again
Rolfe Davis
Bill Reardon, a private detective, is working on a case involving stolen items from a local jewelry store. The case takes a different turn when Bill's prying wife wants to help catch the crook.
Road Demon
At the Indianapolis Speedway mobsters try to bump off a young racer just as they did his dad. Junk yard owner tap dances.
Mr. Dithers
Blondie and Dagwood are about to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary but this happy occasion is marred when the bumbling Dagwood gets himself involved in a scheme that is promising financial ruin for the Bumstead family.
Tarnished Angel
Detective Sgt. Cramer
A showgirl with a dubious reputation flees the cops and transforms herself into a phony evangelist offering "cures" to the sick and disabled.
Fugitives for a Night
Police Captain
A faded star is suspected of killing a studio executive.
Breaking the Ice
Mr. Kane
The story begins while Tommy Martin and his mother, Martha Martin say goodbye to Henry and Reuben Johnson. After having stopped by the Mennonite farm, where Tommy and Martha stay with the William and Annie Decker, the Johnsons are headed back to their hometown of Goshen. The balance of the film is concerned with both trying to get the necessary train fare and with Tommy clearing his name over a misunderstanding.
Forja de hombres
John Hargraves
Conmovido al escuchar la historia de un convicto que inició su carrera delictiva siendo un niño al que nadie dio una oportunidad, el padre Flanagan (Spencer Tracy) dedice construir la Ciudad de los Muchachos, un lugar donde los jóvenes conflictivos puedan convivir, trabajar y labrarse un futuro honrado. Allí acude a la fuerza Withey Marsh (Mickey Rooney), un joven rebelde que parece un caso perdido y que está decidido a seguir los pasos de su hermano Joe (Edward Norris), líder de una banda de delincuentes.
Carta de presentación
Lou Woodstock
Un actor en decadencia, que trata de relanzar su carrera en Broadway, se sorprende cuando aparece su hija, de la cual se encuentra bastante distanciado, que también es actriz y está tratando de triunfar en Broadway. Él intentará restablecer su relación con ella, mientras intentará ocultar a la prensa el hecho de que ella es su hija.
Men with Wings
Esta película se desarrolla en los primeros tiempos de la aviación civil, cuando los pilotos se jugaban la vida como auténticos héroes debido a la precariedad de los primeros aviones.
Crime Ring
Bank President
Fake fortunetellers win the confidence of clients and then get them to part with their money by buying mining stocks which are worthless.
Wives Under Suspicion
A merciless district attorney prosecutes a case that mirrors his own life.
El Santo en Nueva York
Inspector Henry Fernack
Las mafias campan a sus anchas en la ciudad de Nueva York, por lo que los ciudadanos deciden unirse y pedir ayuda a Simon Templar, 'El Santo', para que expulse al crimen organizado de toda Manhattan. Una vez en Nueva York, Simon intentará desmantelar la banda de gángsters de Big Fellow.
Gangs of New York
An undercover cop infiltrates a powerful New York based crime syndicate.
Yellow Jack
Major General Leonard Wood
A fairly accurate historical account of Walter Reed's search for the cause of "Yellow Jack" or Yellow Fever and those who risked their lives in the pursuit.
Pasión salvaje
J.C. Martin
Un aviador y su mecánico tienen un accidente y caen en una isla del Pacífico Sur donde entran en contacto con una bella indígena llamada Tura que aprende, entre otras cosas, a besar como lo hacen los occidentales. Allí también está un pérfido doctor que hipnotiza a Tura para someterse a un sacrificio humano.
Over the Wall
Governor James McDonald
When a singing, song-writing prizefighter is framed for murder and sent to the state pen, his girlfriend sets out to prove his innocence.
El juez Harvey y sus hijos
John Lee
El juez Hardy va en viaje de negocios a Washington, donde Andy no tarda en enamorarse de la hija del embajador francés.
The First Hundred Years
Judge Parker
David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job
Arsène Lupin Returns
F.B.I. Special Agent
A woman and a man vying for a woman's affection: the usual love trio? Not quite so since the belle in question is Lorraine de Grissac, a very wealthy and alluring society woman, while one of the two rivals is none other than Arsène Lupin, the notorious jewel thief everybody thought dead, now living under the assumed name of René Farrand. As for the other suitor he is an American, a former F.B.I. sleuth turned private eye by the name of Steve Emerson. Steve not only suspects Farrand of being Lupin but when someone attempts to steal a precious emerald necklace from Lorraine's uncle, Count de Brissac, he is persuaded Lupin is the culprit. Is Emerson right or wrong? Which of the two men will win over Lorraine's heart?
Exiled to Shanghai
J.B. Willet
A fired cameraman by way of a girl's mistaken identity wins back his job through pioneering work in television.
Big Town Girl
When a department store songstress becomes a radio star she keeps her identity secret, as the "Masked Countess", because he estranged husband is a crook.
Madame X
Hugh Fariman Sr.
An alcoholic woman was charged and tried for murder and a young defense attorney, unaware that she is his mother, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
Amor en la oficina
Parsons, an attorney
Un abogado de Nueva York establece una relación de negocios con una estrafalaria familia de Carolina del Sur y acaba enamorándose de la única hija "normal" dentro de la familia.
Frank Clayton
Una joven le promete a su padre que va a dejar el juego y las carreras de caballos, pero no puede mantener su promesa, ya que ha hipotecado su herencia por culpa de un conocido jugador por el que se siente fuertemente atraída.
Midnight Madonna
Stuart Kirkland
A habitual gambler comes to the aid of a desperate woman after her daughter inherits a fortune and is underhandedly taken by her estranged father.
La contraseña
Un exoficial de la Marina, empleado del presidente McKinley a principios del siglo XX, lucha contra una poderosa organización criminal que ha hecho del atraco a entidades bancarias su principal fuente de financiación.
The League of Frightened Men
Alexander Drummond
Nero Wolfe agrees to investigate a series of murders that seem to be tied in with a past Harvard hazing prank that went awry.
Charlie Chan at the Olympics
Mr. Hopkins
Get ready for a Gold Medal murder mystery! This "tense, thrilling mystery" ('California Congress of Parents and Teachers') pits Charlie Chan against international spies who are using the Berlin Olympic games as the perfect cover...for cold-blooded murder!
La escuadrilla del Pacífico
Judge Advocate
Drama triangular que tiene lugar en la base militar de Pearl Harbor. Un piloto de la armada tiene que acudir allí el mismo día de su boda, por lo que su mujer decide acompañarle. En Hawai, ella encuentra a un antiguo pretendiente ahora convertido en todo un potentado dueño de un gran yate. El marido, celoso por el comportamiento de su esposa, acaba estrellando violentamente su avión en la cubierta del barco del presunto amante. (FILMAFFINITY)
You Can't Buy Luck
Prosecutor (uncredited)
When a gambler is accused of murder, the pretty orphanage employee he loves sets out to prove him innocent of the crime.
Ha nacido una estrella
Judge George J. Parris (uncredited)
Esther Blodgett, una ambiciosa chica de pueblo con mucho talento, llega a Hollywood. En una fiesta en la que trabaja como camarera conoce a Norman Maine, un famoso actor en decadencia. Para sorpresa de Esther, Norman le ofrece un papel en una película y, tras realizar una prueba, el productor queda impresionado y decide convertirla en una estrella. Norman y Esther se casan, pero la felicidad se ve empañada por el declive de Norman y el rápido ascenso al estrellato de Esther.
Un hospital en las nubes
Dr. Tom Smythe
El doctor Jim Stanton (John Beal) es un prestigioso cirujano traumatizado por las muertes de un accidente de avión que él pilotaba. Expulsado de su hospital por el escándalo, Jim se marcha a California con la esperanza de empezar una nueva vida bajo una nueva identidad. Conoce entonces a Doris (Joan Fontaine), una enfermera que se las ingenia para que Jim maneje durante una urgencia el avión-ambulancia en el que ella trabaja, logrando así demostrarse a si mismo su valía.
Racketeers in Exile
Alden Parker
In this gangster movie, a criminal king-pin and his gang hide out in his hometown where they witness a religious revival that inspires the man to begin billing himself as a "born-again" evangelist so he can cash in on the guilty consciences of local businessmen.
John Meade's Woman
Mr. Melton
"Teddy" Connor, a woman recently orphaned, leaves her uncle's Midwestern farm for Chicago, where she meets "lumber king" John Meade. John takes her in for a hot meal and sends her roses the next day. John is engaged to penniless society beauty Caroline Haig, who is in love with Rodney Bentley and is marrying John for his money. A jovial millionaire without a conscience, John orders his long-time employee, Tim Mathews, to report to Chicago from the lumber mills and announces he is leaving the lumber business for wheat. Although Tim insists they reforest their lumber lands, John ignores his plea. For laughs, John invites Teddy and Tim to his engagement party at Caroline's wealthy friend's estate. Teddy, realizing John is engaged to a woman who does not love him, drowns her tears in liquor and embarrasses Caroline.
Man Of The People
Carter Spetner
An Italian immigrant studying the law gets mixed up with crooks.
She's Dangerous
Charles Fitzgerald
A beautiful woman suspected of being a jewel thief is actually a detective tracking down a ring of bond thieves.
Sólo se vive una vez
District Attorney (uncredited)
Un delincuente de poca monta (Henry Fonda), condenado ya tres veces, es acusado de un asesinato que no ha cometido. Aunque consigue escapar de la cárcel, la fatalidad le impide seguir el camino recto, a pesar de contar con el apoyo de una mujer que le ama.
Sinner Take All
Dr. Harrison (uncredited)
A young lawyer is determined to identify who is murdering members of a wealthy New York publishing family.
Happy Go Lucky
J. Lansing Bennett
A singer in Shanghai looks exactly like a missing flyer who went missing, and is feared to have sold the experimental airplane that he was flying. Foreign gangsters, the missing flyers girlfriend, and the U.S. military wants him, dead or alive.
Flying Hostess
The story of the training and adventures of several airline stewardesses.
The Accusing Finger
Special Prosecutor
A proud, pro-capital punishment district attorney with a 90% execution rate, finds himself wrongly convicted of murdering his estranged wife and sentenced to die. The woman he loves and his investigator rival for her affections rally to find the real killer, while he is confronted by the misery of life on death row.
El demonio es un pobre diablo
Judge Holmes
Claude Pierce, un niño inglés muy educado que vive en el sur de Manhattan, intenta ganarse la aceptación ante sus compañeros no tan bien educados, en la escuela.
China Clipper
State Department Official (uncredited)
An aviator ignores skeptics to make the first commercial flight from San Francisco to China.
Charlie Chan at the Race Track
Warren Fenton
When a friend of Charlie's is found kicked to death by his own race horse on board a Honolulu-bound liner, the detective discovers foul play and uncovers an international gambling ring.
36 Hours to Kill
Mac - Train Conductor
Duke and Jeanie Benson, an outlaw couple hiding out under assumed names. Duke realizes that he has a winning sweepstake ticket and will win $150,000 if he can cash it in without getting apprehended
Un playboy, aficionado a jugar al polo, duda entre casarse con una chica pobre pero honrada o con una rica heredera que resulta ser una estafadora.
Defense Attorney
Durante un viaje, Joe Wilson llega a un lugar desconocido, donde es encarcelado por un delito que no ha cometido. Los vecinos, amotinados, provocan el incendio de la cárcel y dan por muerto al forastero. Sin embargo, Wilson consigue sobrevivir y, entonces, intentará vengarse haciendo que sus potenciales asesinos corran el mismo peligro del que él escapó milagrosamente. "Fury" es el primer film americano del gran director alemán Fritz Lang.
Educating Father
Fred Humphrey
Jones family romp with father trying to convince son to follow him as a druggist, rather than becoming a pilot, until the son's piloting skills come in handy.
The Case Against Mrs. Ames
First trial judge
Una mujer se empeña con todas sus fuerzas en mantener la custodia de su hijo, después de que su marido fuera asesinado, y que haya quedado flotando sobre ella la sombra de una duda sobre su relación con el caso.
Panic on the Air
A sports announcer and a friend investigate after a pitcher misses a series. When they discover that gangsters are trying to find a hidden fortune, they use the radio show to foil the plan.
The Singing Kid
Dr. Brown (uncredited)
Neurotic Broadway star Al Jackson faces professional ruin when he loses his voice. While recuperating in the country, he falls in love with farm girl Ruth Haines, the pretty aunt of precocious little Sybil Haines.
Too Many Parents
Boys are sent to military school in order to get them out of the way of their too-busy-to-bother parents or guardians. Lonely young Philip Stewart writes himself letters his father should be writing. When his hoax is discovered, Philip attempts suicide.
Sutter's Gold
Prosecuting Attorney
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
La voz irresistible
District Attorney
Sprinfield Davis es un experto cazador de zorros en los Ozarks, y cuenta con un fiel socio: el leal perro llamado Bugle Ann. Pero las cosas empiezan a cambiar en esa zona campestre cuando un pastor casquivano decide levantar una valla alrededor de sus rebaños de ovejas, anunciando además que le pegará un tiro al primer perro que se acerque...
You May Be Next!
Army Officer (uncredited)
Gangster tries to censor a crusading radio station by jamming its signal.
Three Live Ghosts
Detective Bolton
Three WWI veterans thought long dead turn out to be still alive and return home - much to the consternation of their friends and family.
El secreto de Charlie Chan
Warren T. Phelps
En esta ocasión el detective oriental Charlie Chan resuelve el caso de una heredera a quien se presume muerta, aparece sana y salva y posteriormente es asesinada de verdad. (FILMAFFINIT)
Búsquenme una novia
Henry Brown - Member of Board of Directors (uncredited)
Jim Buchanan es un ejecutivo de capa caída cuya novia no le ama; pero un día conoce en un parque a Joan, una cocinera desempleada que está buscando un cocinero. Ambos deciden hacerse pasar por marido y mujer para un trabajo que requiere una pareja.
Hit-and-Run Driver
Captain James (uncredited)
A man runs over a young couple on a deserted road, then leaves the scene and tries to cover up the incident.
Too Tough to Kill
Chairman of the Board
A no-nonsense engineer is hired to oversee construction of the Whitney Tunnel, a project that has been plagued by a series of mysterious--and often fatal--accidents.
The Calling of Dan Matthews
Club Owner (uncredited)
Dan Matthews (Richard Arlen), a young parson, is in love with Hope Strong (Charlotte Wynters), the daughter of James B. Strong ('FRederick Burton'), a man who controls the town with his real estate and business interests. Strong is an upstanding citizen who has fallen into the hands of a clever racketeer, Jeff Hardy (Douglass Dumbrille), who acts as Strong's manager of some innocent-appearing amusement places that are really secret dens of vice.
Una noche en la ópera
The Stage Manager (uncredited)
Los Hermanos Marx en la alta sociedad. A dos amantes que actúan en la ópera se les impide estar juntos porque no aceptan al hombre como tenor. Utilizando varios trucos típicos de los Hermanos Marx, logran que el tenor principal se ausente, y de esta manera el joven amante tendrá su oportunidad.
3 Kids and a Queen
An eccentric, wealthy spinster, 'Queenie' Baxter is erroneously presumed to be kidnapped. She subsequently pretends to indeed be kidnapped, , in order to allow a reward of $50,000 to benefit an impecunious family headed by Tony Orsatti and his three sons, Blackie, Doc and Flash.
Navy Wife
A Hawaiian naval nurse weds a widowed officer partly because he has a crippled daughter.
Page Miss Glory
Husband at Train Station (uncredited)
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
Sueños de juventud
Mr. Palmer
En una familia de clase humilde, el padre y el hijo están satisfechos y se conforman con trabajar en una tienda; en cambio, la madre y la hija no dejan de urdir toda clase de estratagemas para intentar subir socialmente. Cuando la hija conoce al hombre de sus sueños, la madre arrastra al padre hacia un peligroso negocio, y planea impresionar al chico con una cena. (FILMAFFINITY)
El cuervo
Bedside Dr. at Jerry's Right (uncredited)
La joven Jean sufre un terrible accidente automovilístico, que la tiene al borde de la muerte. Para salvarla, se propone avisar al doctor Vollin, el mejor neurólogo del momento, pese a haberse retirado hace años para dedicarse a la investigación. En un principio se niega, pero la insistencia del padre de la joven surte efecto. El doctor salva a la joven, pero a medida que toma contacto con ella durante su recuperación, se enamora de ella. Pero ella ya está prometida, como su padre se encarga de recordar al doctor. Pero él no se dará por vencido, y está dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa por conseguir a Jean.
Public Hero Number 1
Prison Board Member (uncredited)
G-Man Jeff Crane poses as a crook to infiltrate the notorious Purple Gang, a band of hoodlums which preys upon other hoodlums. Orchestrating the jailbreak of the gang's leader, Crane joins him in a Dillinger-like flight across the country.
La destrucción del hampa
Microscopic Expert
Narra las andanzas de tres agentes federales antimafia: Mal, Van y Tex. Después de frustrar el secuestro de una chica de la alta sociedad, ex novia de Van, Mal se enamora de ella, aunque no está de acuerdo con que la chica exculpe a su chófer. Todo desemboca, finalmente, en la persecución de una banda de atracadores de bancos en Ohio.
Contra el imperio del crimen
Congressman (uncredited)
Un abogado abandona su profesión para convertirse en agente del gobierno con la intención de descubrir al asesino de su mejor amigo. Las primeras investigaciones le conducen hasta un gángster que fue compañero suyo de la infancia. Mientras resuelve el caso, en escena aparece la hija de su jefe, de la que se enamora locamente.
A Night at the Ritz
Director (uncredited)
A PR man talks a swanky hotel into hiring his girlfriend's brother as chef.
One New York Night
Mr. Stokes
Foxhall Ridgeway, arriving in New York City from the West, stumbles onto a murder in the hotel room next to his. He gets tangled up into the affair, and with the aid of Phoebe, the hotel telephone operator who takes a liking to him, and also Countess Louise Browssiloff, who innocently had left some personal belongings in the murdered man's room and is most anxious to recover the incriminating evidence, Foxhall solves the murder mystery.
Lightning Strikes Twice
Capt. Nelson
An actress goes up to a dude ranch for relaxation, when she falls in love with a ranch owner recently acquitted of his wife's murder.
Gentlemen Are Born
Second Broker
A well-cloistered and protected-against-reality group of college students get their diplomas in the heart of the Great Depression, and quickly learn that the piece of paper the diploma is written on is worth about eighteen-dollars-a-week in the job-market...for the lucky ones. Some of them fare even worse.
A Lost Lady
A bitter woman who thinks she'll never love again marries, only to fall for a brash young man.
The Case of the Howling Dog
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
A very nervous man named Cartwright comes into Perry's office to have the neighbor arrested for his howling dog. He states that the howling is a sign that there is a death in the neighborhood. He also wants a will written giving his estate to the lady living at the neighbors house. It is all very mysterious and by the next day, his will is changed and Cartwright is missing, as is the lady of the house next door. Perry has a will and a retainer and must find out whether he has a client or a beneficiary.
Una mujer de su casa
Hasta la fecha Bill se ha dedicado a redactar textos de anuncios, pero su esposa Nan, que confía mucho en su valía, le anima a que ponga en marcha su propia agencia de publicidad. Las cosas no son tan sencillas, pero conseguirá un cliente para el que hace un anuncio de gran éxito; lo malo es que quien le ha ayudado es una antigua novia, Patricia, que disputará con Nan por el amor de Bill.