Tonie Marshall

Tonie Marshall

Nacimiento : 1951-11-29, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, France

Muerte : 2020-03-12


Tonie Marshall (29 November 1951 – 12 March 2020) was a French-American actress, screenwriter, and film director. In 2000, she became the first female director to win a César award.


Tonie Marshall
Tonie Marshall


Jean Paul Gaultier: Freak & Chic
Inspired even as a boy by the Folies Bergere, the legendary Paris cabaret venue, couturier Jean-Paul Gaultier always wanted to stage a show there. "But what story can I tell?" he muses in this doc about the six months of preparation that went into the show. "Mine." Combining fashion with film, dance, theater, and unapologetic over-the-top-ness, the revue offers a 40-year career retrospective of the designer who is practically never spoken of without using the phrase enfant terrible. Notorious among cinephiles for his costumes for The Fifth Element and The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover and among pop fans for Madonna's pointy cone brassiere, he also incorporated teddy bears and S&M fetish gear as design motifs. In the show, the fanciful and outrageous meets the naughtily witty (a skit sending up Vogue dragon lady Anna Wintour) and the poignant (a tribute to his partner Francis Menuge, who died in 1990).
Jean Paul Gaultier fait son show
On the occasion of Jean Paul Gaultier's 40-year career and his show "Fashion Freak Show" at the Folies Bergère, France 2 has given carte blanche to the most famous French couturier of the world who has created for the first time a great show of varieties fully immersed in his universe. Jean Paul Gaultier who, in his childhood, dreamed while watching the variety shows of Maritie and Gilbert Carpentier, takes the reins of this great entertainment mixing music and fashion.
La número uno
Emmanuelle Blachey es una brillante ingeniera que ha conseguido escalar y finalmente entrar en el comité ejecutivo de su empresa, el gigante francés de la energía. Un día, una red de mujeres influyentes le propone ayuda para conquistar la dirección de una importante empresa que cotiza en bolsa. Esto la convertiría en la primera mujer en ocupar un puesto de tal calibre. Pero en las esferas aún dominadas por los hombres, los obstáculos de tipo profesional y personal se multiplican. La conquista se anunciaba triunfal, pero en realidad se trata de una guerra.
La número uno
Emmanuelle Blachey es una brillante ingeniera que ha conseguido escalar y finalmente entrar en el comité ejecutivo de su empresa, el gigante francés de la energía. Un día, una red de mujeres influyentes le propone ayuda para conquistar la dirección de una importante empresa que cotiza en bolsa. Esto la convertiría en la primera mujer en ocupar un puesto de tal calibre. Pero en las esferas aún dominadas por los hombres, los obstáculos de tipo profesional y personal se multiplican. La conquista se anunciaba triunfal, pero en realidad se trata de una guerra.
La número uno
Emmanuelle Blachey es una brillante ingeniera que ha conseguido escalar y finalmente entrar en el comité ejecutivo de su empresa, el gigante francés de la energía. Un día, una red de mujeres influyentes le propone ayuda para conquistar la dirección de una importante empresa que cotiza en bolsa. Esto la convertiría en la primera mujer en ocupar un puesto de tal calibre. Pero en las esferas aún dominadas por los hombres, los obstáculos de tipo profesional y personal se multiplican. La conquista se anunciaba triunfal, pero en realidad se trata de una guerra.
Diane, de 45 años, escapa de la clínica donde fue internada para una cura de reposo en Lausana. Con pocas cosas y una pistola, viaja a Evian al otro lado del lago de Ginebra. Busca a los dueños de un viejo Mercedes y sabe que va a llegar hasta el final.
Sex, Love & Therapy
A romantic comedy about two Parisian therapists who are so obsessed about getting into the sack with anyone they meet, they can’t ever get it on with each other.
Sex, Love & Therapy
A romantic comedy about two Parisian therapists who are so obsessed about getting into the sack with anyone they meet, they can’t ever get it on with each other.
Is there such a thing as strictly feminine cinema? Is it more difficult for a woman than for a man to direct a film? Is gender parity necessary in the industry? Actress and producer Julie GAYET and actor and director Mathieu BUSSON ask these questions to twenty French woman filmmakers, who face a camera together for the first time. After over an hour of lively, informal, spontaneous and funny interviews, it becomes obvious that these issues are still problematic and definitely worthy of a documentary. As Mia HANSEN-LØVE remarks, “In the eyes of the people, a woman’s film is always a woman’s film, while a man’s movie is simply… a movie”.
L'amour, la mort, les fringues
They stick to our skin and soul, our clothes. We believe we buy them, they own us. Warning ! these rags are traitors: far from dressing us they expose our complexes, our moods ... Clinging to their hangers, to our memories too, they exercise an underhand dictatorship. Snuggled up, huddled together, they build a bulwark against oblivion in our closets. Often stained for eternity with ink or redcurrant, impregnated with perfume, tears sometimes, piled up or messed up on our shelves, they remain forever linked to the happy or unhappy chapters of our life. It is through the evocation of their wardrobe that Gigi, Eve, Marie, Nora, Françoise, Amanda, Lisa and the others evoke the past, missed appointments and those that changed their lives, the joys and childhood revolts, giggles, disappointments, dramas, parties and hopes too…
Musée haut, musée bas
Un conservateur terrorisé par les plantes vertes, une mère plastifiée pour être exposée, un ballet de Saintes Vierges, des gardiens épuisés par Rodin, un ministre perdu dans une exposition de sexes, une voiture disparue au parking Rembrandt, des provinciaux amoureux des Impressionnistes, touristes galopins galopant d'une salle à l'autre, passager clandestin dans l'art premier, Picasso, Gauguin, Warhol, ils sont tous là dans ce petit monde qui ressemble au grand, dans ce musée pas si imaginaire que ça, valsant la comédie humaine jusqu'au burlesque.
Off and Running
"Resumption of a play created in 1983. Two shipwrecked people on a makeshift raft in the middle of a social conflict, a mountaineering fight on Mount Paterhorn, improbable friction between two men and a woman in the Yvelines ... The places, the situations change, but each time there is a confrontation. The question is not so much who will win, but to take pleasure in the arguments provided by the opponents. Cunning, bad faith, all blows are allowed in what is primarily a fight of words. "
France Boutique
Francois Cluzet and Karin Viard are the couple behind a French shopping channel whose business and marriage are both drifting towards the rocks, with Nathalie Baye as a smiling Rottweiller out to steal their business by conning them into offering a duff product, the 'Fear Eliminator,' and picking up the network for pennies in the ensuing financial fallout.
France Boutique
Francois Cluzet and Karin Viard are the couple behind a French shopping channel whose business and marriage are both drifting towards the rocks, with Nathalie Baye as a smiling Rottweiller out to steal their business by conning them into offering a duff product, the 'Fear Eliminator,' and picking up the network for pennies in the ensuing financial fallout.
Lo más cercano al cielo
Una tarde, Fanette se encuentra con Bernard, un antiguo compañero de estudios. Durante la conversación, se nombra a Philippe, el primer amor de Fanette. El recuerdo de Philippe la lleva una vez más a la sala de cine donde proyectan "An affair to remember": Cary Grant y Deborah Kerr se reencuentran finalmente, tras haberse citado en lo alto del Empire State y nunca haberse producido dicho encuentro. Fanette está escribiendo un libro sobre el pintor François Arnal y tiene que ir a Nueva York para fotografiar dos cuadros suyos. Antes de su viaje, recibe una carta en la que se fija una cita en lo alto del Empire State. Cuando llega a Nueva York conoce a Matt, un americano encantador que se siente atraído por ella, pero Fanette, obsesionada por la cita, ni siquiera repara en él.
Lo más cercano al cielo
Una tarde, Fanette se encuentra con Bernard, un antiguo compañero de estudios. Durante la conversación, se nombra a Philippe, el primer amor de Fanette. El recuerdo de Philippe la lleva una vez más a la sala de cine donde proyectan "An affair to remember": Cary Grant y Deborah Kerr se reencuentran finalmente, tras haberse citado en lo alto del Empire State y nunca haberse producido dicho encuentro. Fanette está escribiendo un libro sobre el pintor François Arnal y tiene que ir a Nueva York para fotografiar dos cuadros suyos. Antes de su viaje, recibe una carta en la que se fija una cita en lo alto del Empire State. Cuando llega a Nueva York conoce a Matt, un americano encantador que se siente atraído por ella, pero Fanette, obsesionada por la cita, ni siquiera repara en él.
Lo más cercano al cielo
Una tarde, Fanette se encuentra con Bernard, un antiguo compañero de estudios. Durante la conversación, se nombra a Philippe, el primer amor de Fanette. El recuerdo de Philippe la lleva una vez más a la sala de cine donde proyectan "An affair to remember": Cary Grant y Deborah Kerr se reencuentran finalmente, tras haberse citado en lo alto del Empire State y nunca haberse producido dicho encuentro. Fanette está escribiendo un libro sobre el pintor François Arnal y tiene que ir a Nueva York para fotografiar dos cuadros suyos. Antes de su viaje, recibe una carta en la que se fija una cita en lo alto del Empire State. Cuando llega a Nueva York conoce a Matt, un americano encantador que se siente atraído por ella, pero Fanette, obsesionada por la cita, ni siquiera repara en él.
Purely Coincidental
A handful of student revolutionaries from the Seventies meet up 30 years later to plan a robbery. This is not entirely correct, because they are friends, anyway, and always have been. They play cards together and go to each others’ birthday parties, have wives and children and probably mortgages. Romain Goupil’s film appears to be a throwback to the experimental days of cinema verite. Either that or it’s a home movie, shot with a video camera, to an improvised script or no script at all.
Tontaine et tonton
Two middle-aged friends meet a beautiful woman whom they set out to seduce. She invites them but only has eyes for one man: François Mitterrand.
Tontaine et tonton
Two middle-aged friends meet a beautiful woman whom they set out to seduce. She invites them but only has eyes for one man: François Mitterrand.
Venus, salón de belleza
Vénus es un salón de belleza de barrio en el que, además de los tratamientos estéticos, se dan consejos, se escuchan los problemas graves o leves de las clientas. Se venden cremas, elixires, relajación, sol de mentira... Nadine es la dueña y tiene tres tres esteticistas: Samantha, Marie y Angèle. Angèle hace tiempo que trabaja allí. Se ha amoldado perfectamente a aquel universo rosa, atenta y tranquila, desconectada del tiempo y del ruido.
Pour rire!
La historia de un triángulo amoroso, en que todos los componentes llegan a conocerse íntimamente, hasta el punto que todas sus fantasías y fingimientos salen a la desagradable luz de la realidad. (FILMAFFINIT)
Enfants de salaud
Sylvette, a sassy waitress, Sandro, a macho guy, Sophie, a shy bourgeoisie, and Susan, an American actress, do not know each other and do not have much in common. However, they all have the same father, a scammer named Julius.
Pas très catholique
A private eye finds that her professional and personal lives are beginning to intertwine in this French drama. Maxime Chabrier (Anémone) is a woman in her mid-40s who works as a private detective. Despite her chain smoking and sloppy appearance, Maxime is regarded as a skilled investigator by her colleagues and considered the best PI at her agency by her boss. While Maxime has romantic dalliances with both men and women, she hasn't been involved in a long-term relationship since she left her husband 15 years ago. However, Maxime is hired to look into a case that suggests that her former husband has become involved with insurance fraud, which brings her into contact with her 17-year-old son Baptiste (Gregoire Colin) for the first time since the divorce. Just as Maxime is trying to mend fences with her son and find out what her ex has gotten himself into, she finds herself falling in love with Jacques (Michel Didym), an economist.
Point d'orgue
Sébastien Fischer, a celebrated pianist, takes the advice of his agent and friend Gorgio and decides to take a break and spend some time in a little village in Provence, at the house of Avril Espart.
Chasse gardée
A "three people relationship" with a pact involving a terrible past. The pact concerns France, Anne and Pierre.
La campagne de Cicéron
In this romantic farce, former opera-singer and current music festival organizer Hermance (Judith Magre) is married to Charles-Henry (Jean Roquel). However, she still has a passion for her former lover Simon (Carlo Brandt), but he has a thing for Francoise (Sabine Haudepin). Meanwhile, Nathalie (Tonie Marshall) keeps trying to put the moves on Hippolyte (Jacques Bonnafe), who is either unaware of or is ignoring her efforts, while her lackluster former lover Christian (Michel Gauthier) looks on and stays out of the whole mess. Who comes out the worst in this deal? Naturally enough, it's Christian, the fellow who has, for good or ill, kept the most distance from it, when Hermance, who seems jealous of everyone, tries to get even with Simon for running off with Francoise. Don't worry, it's supposed to be confusing.
The Carpathian Mushroom
A miraculous mushroom is discovered by a film director's daughter.It would be used to cure an actress.
In this frothy comedy, Lucie never knew her father, but she somehow finds out he has recently died and is to be buried on a certain day at a certain cemetary. In a belated attempt to connect with her roots, she rushes to the cemetary and joins a funeral gathering. She gets to know the people at the ceremony and is soon embroiled in an art smuggling scheme and has some (probably incestuous) romantic feelings for a young man she believes may be her brother. Eventually she finds out that she went to the wrong part of the cemetary and that these people are not her kin.
Beau temps mais orageux en fin de journée
This slice-of-life drama about an elderly couple and their estranged son covers twenty-four fateful hours that begin with the usual daily routine for the retired pair of former teachers (Micheline Presle and Claude Pieplu). Then their son telephones to say he will be coming over with his girlfriend and the normal pattern is changed, as he visits them rarely. While the mother is obsequious to her son when he arrives, past hurts and resentments bubble up during lunch, making it difficult for the son to tell them he is getting married. This is news enough, but the effect that announcement has on the son and his fiancée is unexpected and events later on in the day take a turn for the worse.
Qui trop embrasse...
How couples unite, interact, separate, reunite or find other partners. The links in this chain begin with Christian and Nathalie, who are coworkers and friends. Christian discovers that his lover Francoise is having an affair, and Nathalie advises him to give his feelings some time to heal, about two years. Nathalie is angry that her lover Mark does not want to see her more often, while he is jealous of the men in her past. Meanwhile, Francoise finds out that her new lover is not that interested in her anymore, and after they split, she encounters him with someone else. As romance fluctuates like the lunar tides, the myth of one true love takes a beating.
Bac Street
Short film part of Paris Vu Par... 20 Years After
Archipel des amours
Françoise (segment "Remue-ménage")
Nine short films about love.
Los cateados
Catherine Jumaucourt
La directora de un colegio privado, tras el fracaso del anterior año escolar, donde hubo un cero por ciento de titulados en el Bachiller, decide maximizar la disciplina y el control. Firmes normas de vestuario, cámaras de seguridad en las clases, detectores de humo en los lavabos para que los estudiantes no fumen, y severas técnicas de aprendizaje, pero, debido a los graves problemas de conducta de los estudiantes, todos estos intentos parecen resultar en vano...
It All Depends on Girls
In Montmartre, Paris, two friends are leading a happy carefree Bohemian existence. Jean-Luc is a cabinetmaker, Mathieu is a sculptor. Then they both meet the love of their lives and decide to get married. Unfortunately, the objects of their desire are not so eager to be drawn into matrimony.
Out of Whack
L'infirmière / La jeune fille
Rien ne va plus is a series of comedy sketches of disparate quality, on the social, cultural, and political foibles that make the French, French. Various settings and character types are given a once-over, including pseudo-intellectuals, punk bikers, right-wingers, and patrons of a low-end cafe.
Attends-moi pour commencer
Viviane would like Eric to put a ring on her finger. The latter inexorably refuses. Norbert, his best friend and upstairs neighbor, has just married Rose, but seems to regret it. The eternal debate on marriage leads to a war of the sexes.
Vous ne l'emporterez pas au paradis
Micheline, AKA Sandy
After the death of one of his clients, a Swiss industrialist decides to call his brother to transport the corpse to Switzerland. The journey will not be easy.
A Slightly Pregnant Man
The Bobino's host
Marco Mazzetti, a driving instructor, lives with his wife Irène and their young child. After a series of dizzy spells, he goes to the doctor and discovers that he is four-month pregnant. Marco then becomes internationally famous...