Guy Amir

Guy Amir

Nacimiento : 1977-03-01, Netanya, Israel


Guy Amir was born on March 1, 1977 in Israel. He is a writer and actor, known for Munich (2005), Maktub (2017), and Scarred (2013).


Guy Amir


Perfect Strangers
Seven childhood friends with a history and shared experiences from their past, meet for dinner to see together a rare lunar eclipse. This bourgeois and routine event takes a turn as they start playing a game that will change their lives: every message, call or alert they receive on their phone is exposed to the eyes of everyone. Betrayals, lies, secrets and accounts that are 20 years old rise and float to the surface and question the long-standing friendships and internal relationships in it.
The days are wartime in southern Israel. It is the beginning of the Jewish year, according to Jewish religious law, ten days of repentance are the days of asking forgiveness. Nissan an Orthodox Jew, feels that he will not be able to continue his life unless he receives forgiveness from his friend Shaul.
The days are wartime in southern Israel. It is the beginning of the Jewish year, according to Jewish religious law, ten days of repentance are the days of asking forgiveness. Nissan an Orthodox Jew, feels that he will not be able to continue his life unless he receives forgiveness from his friend Shaul.
The days are wartime in southern Israel. It is the beginning of the Jewish year, according to Jewish religious law, ten days of repentance are the days of asking forgiveness. Nissan an Orthodox Jew, feels that he will not be able to continue his life unless he receives forgiveness from his friend Shaul.
Steve & Chuma , two criminals are the sole survivors of a terrorist attack at a restaurant in Jerusalem. They decide to change their ways and become flesh and blood angels. They go on a journey of wish fulfilment for people who write requests on paper and put between the sacred stones of the Wailing Wall.
Steve & Chuma , two criminals are the sole survivors of a terrorist attack at a restaurant in Jerusalem. They decide to change their ways and become flesh and blood angels. They go on a journey of wish fulfilment for people who write requests on paper and put between the sacred stones of the Wailing Wall.
פסטיגל GAME ON
Mark Slavin
Basada en hechos reales. Tras el asesinato de varios atletas israelíes por el grupo terrorista "Septiembre negro" en los Juegos Olímpicos de Múnich de 1972, un agente especial del Mossad tuvo que ejecutar una misión altamente secreta: asesinar a los responsables.
6 de octubre de 1973, todo está en calma en Israel, es la fiesta de Yom Kippour (Día del Perdón)... cuando súbitamente estalla la guerra. Weinraub y su amigo Russo parten hacia el sur del Golán en busca de Egoz, la unidad especial donde hicieron el servicio militar. Terminan llegando a la base aérea de Ramat donde formarán parte de un equipo de rescate a bordo de un helicóptero.