Rory Edwards


Don Quijote
Duke's Man
Alonso Quijano es un hidalgo campesino que, trastornado por la lectura de las novelas de caballería, se convierte en el caballero andante Don Quijote de La Mancha. Acompañado de su escudero Sancho Panza, emprenderá las más disparatadas y fantásticas aventuras para ganarse la admiración y el amor de su dama Dulcinea del Toboso.
Henry V at Shakespeare's Globe
Duke of Orleans / Michael Williams
A documentary about Shakespeare's Globe opening performance of "Henry V" in 1997. The documentary combines the performance of Act IV with rehearsal shots and opening gala footage.
Amor inmortal
Wenzel Robert von Gallenberg
Año 1827. Una fervorosa multitud llena las calles de Viena para rendir su último homenaje a un genio: Ludwig Van Beethoven. En su testamento el músico ha decidido legar todo lo que poseía a una mujer desconocida, su amor inmortal. Nadie sabe quién es. La única pista para descubrir su identidad es una carta.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian & The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Lord Sopespian
Young Prince Caspian of Narnia wonders and dreams about the old days of Narnia when animals talked, and there were mythical creatures and four rulers in Cair Paravel. But his uncle and aunt don’t like to hear him thinking of such things, and plan to murder him and take his throne. Caspian’s tutor, Dr. Cornelius manages to save him, and not only teach him about the old ways, but bring him into the real Narnia and introduce him to the real Narnia. But Caspian’s plight is desperate, and he must use the legendary horn to call help from another world: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. Then, Lucy and Edmund are sent back to Narnia, along with their cousin Eustace, to assist Caspian on a voyage. Along their journey the children battle dragons and sea serpents, and sail across a golden lake to reach the edge of the world.
El ojo de la aguja
Sailor #3
Gran Bretaña, 1944, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Perseguido implacablemente por varios agentes del MI5, Henry Faber la Aguja, un despiadado espía alemán que posee información vital sobre el Día D, se refugia en la isla de las Tormentas, una inhóspita tierra apenas habitada situada cerca de las costas del norte de Escocia.