Gyula Csortos

Gyula Csortos

Nacimiento : 1883-03-08, Munkács

Muerte : 1945-08-01


Gyula Csortos


Marta Ferjet Fog
An engineer from the city inherits an old, run-down mill, which is adjacent to a castle belonging to a young, attractive and spoiled woman named Marta - for who he falls in a heartbeat. Produced in 1941.
Hársy Tamás
Egy pofon, egy csók
Egy szoknya, egy nadrág
Kálmán, színházi rendezõ, aki mindent 'elrendez'
When the actress he loves seems to be infatuated with a frivolous count, an actor disguises himself as the count's real interest, a wealthy Spanish woman whom the count has never seen before but wants to hoodwink into marrying him.
Zenélő malom
Rákóczi nótája
Kerek Ferkó
The Challenge
The successful factory owner Sasho Kamenov marries Maria. Sasho wants to surprise Maria with a villa on the seaside. He commissions the project to architect Karshev who begins to court Maria. Kamenov sends his wife to the seaside. There Maria meets Karshev. She feels unwell in the car and the medical examination reveals that she is expecting a baby. In her joy at the news she accepts the architect's invitation to go boating. A raging storm keeps Maria at Karshev's villa. Kamenov accuses his wife of adultery and chases her away. After a while he repents and goes abroad in search of his wife... Sasho discovers his wife singing in a club in Nice. She tells him everything, he asks her to forgive him and soon the happy family makes a photograph.
Gentry Nest
Joachim a lakáj
Pál Völcsöky comes home from Sweden to get his uncle's heritage, the castle. The valet, Joachim informs him that all members of the Völcsöky family have a right to spend two weeks of honeymoon here.
A tökéletes család
Nyulassy János gróf
Our hero, Boldizsar Szabó, does not doubt what he is offering. There is a book entitled "How I Will Be Rich, the Idea Publishing Company" for a "great success". Well, if you have the right luck to sell your Boldizsár, you already have a high-ranking bookstore job. His good or bad fate brings him to the Counts of Nyulassy. But in vain, enthusiasm, if there is a lack of fitness. The Nyulassy family, wishing to maintain the semblance of wealth, completely devastates it. The Countess only takes his book and gets his money on a card, Count Fricie does a little more: steals and sells Boldizsár's car. Countess Dora even exceeds this.
The Talking Robe
Budai pasa
Az ördög nem alszik
Gróf Boroghy Gedeon
Alpine Sunlight
A vezérigazgató
Ágnes, Vass and Kriszt run a sanatorium for consumptives. Fifi, daughter of the institute owner is also here, mortally ill. Feri, the ski trainer relieves her with his courtship every now and then from her boredom and distress.
Egy tál lencse
Kupits méltóságos úr
Back on the Road
Kovács, Péter
Kovács, chief cashier, is celebrating the 30th anniversary of his school-leaving exams at the grammar-school. He takes his friends to a night-club.
A Woman Looks Back
Tamás Szánthó is conducting a concert, while his young wife and her secret lover play in the same theatre in the Tragedy of Man
Two Nights of Maria
Az utolsó Vereczkey
Szeressük egymást
Pénz beszél
Bercsényi huszárok
Two Girls on the Street
Filc bácsi
Two girls run away from a small village. Gyöngyi comes from an aristocratic family and her father throws her out of the house when he discovers she has gotten pregnant out of wedlock. She finds herself wandering the streets of Budapest and earns money playing the violin in a restaurant. Vica is an orphaned peasant; she is afraid of her stepfather and moves to the city where she gets a job on a construction site. Gyöngyi and Vica meet on the streets of Budapest, move in together and turn their lives around.
John, the Hero
Burkus király
1939 screen adaptation of the 1904 musical version of the classic Hungarian fairy tale poem by Sándor Petőfi.
Witch of Leányvár
Nemes Mélius Mátyás
Fekete gyémántok
Prince of Sondersheim
Egy lány elindul
Janka, a girl coming from an impoverished noble family plays the role of a fun-loving, shallow rich girl to get jobs for her parents in a countryside mansion.
Máté Hadházy
You Will Be My Husband
Szilveszter, Dobokay inasa
Man of Gold
Brazovich Athanáz
Az Aranyember (The Man of Gold) was based on a novel by Jokai, at one time Hungary's foremost storyteller. Set in the early 19th century, the story revolves around Timar (Ferenc Kiss), a ferryman on a Danish tugboat. Rescuing the daughter (Marisa Kormos) of a Turkish nobleman from a watery grave, Timar is rewarded with the girl's hand in marriage. Now rich beyond his wildest dreams, our hero finds he is unsatisfied; it seems he has never forgotten his true love, flower girl Noemi (Anna Fuzes). Timar is forced to suffer mightily until he is finally permitted a tender reunion with the girl of his dreams.
Her husband, a talented engineer, having been killed in an accident years ago in America, Mrs. Gáldy, a widower, lives in poverty in a small village with Tomi, her little son.
Dunaparti randevú
Tamássy Sándor
Légy jó mindhalálig
Pósalaky úr
Café Moscow
Szuharov tábornok
About a man's disappointment in love, and this provides the foundation for the upcoming trial of a much more significant love. The scene of the fatal meeting, the bar, which is a kind of world-model, and its environment: a fort under siege, from where it's almost impossible to escape...
The Superior Maiden
Monori Horváth Zoltán , textilgyáros
The New Landlord
Garamvölgyi Ádám
Az Uj Foldesur (The New Squire) was based on a novel by popular Hungarian author Maurice Jokal, whose many works had previously been largely ignored. After the wars of 1848, a retired Austrian army officer "returns to the soil" as a gentleman farmer in Hungary in the 1850s. The old campaigner is the father of two daughters: One of the girls comes to a sad end thanks to the malfeasances of a handsome spy, but the other has a happier fate when she falls in love with a Hungarian POW. The underlying theme is brotherhood, as the formerly warring Austrians and Hungarians at last find a common ground. Az Uj Foldesur was nearly twice as expensive as the average Hungarian film -- but at $40,000, its budget was a drop in the bucket compared to a typical Hollywood production.
Egy éj Velencében
The Waters Decide
The story of balladistic intonation takes place at Lake Balaton, in a fisher village. The love of Kovács Mária and Szabó Mihály is hopeless due to a long animosity between their families. Mária is married by her father to his adopted son Kovács Jani. The unhappy young woman is unable to hide her love for Mihály and therefore her angry father sentences her with the traditionally suitable penalty of unfaithful women, she is put on the stormy waters of Balaton in a boat without oars or scull.
Hyppolit, the Butler
Evergreen comedy about a typical parvenu, an ignorant transportation entrepreneur who has suddenly found himself very rich. Despite their humble origins, his wife strives to live a sophisticated lifestyle. When she engages a butler, Hyppolit, their whole life is turned upside down. It has remained one of the most viewed Hungarian comedies of all time: it is shown regularly and is still extremely popular
A kuruzsló
Commander of Six Corps
Gábor Turi, the star of the Viennese Opera retires from the stage after he inherits a huge piece of land in Hungary with the stipulation that he can't continue his career as a singer.