Ian Johnstone
When an attack on a Palmerston North fraud detective made headlines in October 1996, the New Zealand public followed the media reports with fascination. They read like a plot of a Hollywood film or detective novel. Poison pen letters, satanic worship, a police hate crime, and a mysterious and violent pyromaniac. But little did the public know that as the truth emerged, the story was going to get far more bizarre, and the police would turn the focus of their investigation on one of their own.
Aldous Means
El apuesto agente Kyle Considine y su hijo Zach deciden darse una oportunidad embarcándose en un lujoso crucero. Pero poco después de zarpar, el barco es inesperadamente secuestrado por una banda de terroristas que para recaudar una importante suma de dinero toman como rehén al joven Zach. A partir de entonces, Kyle emprenderá una lucha desesperada por salvar la vida de su hijo y de toda la tripulación.