Ernő Fekete

Ernő Fekete

Nacimiento : 1972-03-19, Szombathely, Hungary


Ernő Fekete


Past and present - Our Waters are in the Hands of Man
Throughout history, Hungary's hydrography has changed almost beyond recognition. Water reservoirs and fishponds took the place of swamps, whereas the lick Puszta itself lies where the biggest floodplain once was. Today, 75% of Hungary's lakes are artificial, and the 90% of the floodplains are no more. But the wildlife had to adapt to this rapidly changing world, or else they would have faced extinction. Surprisingly, these artificial waters provide the last refuge for some rare water-based biomes. The late floodplains give temporal shelter for hundreds of thousands of migratory birds during winter. But this world is now controlled by man, not by nature...
Kék róka
Perfect As You Are
Somos András
The film, set in today's Budapest, is a romantic dramedy about the lies of relationships and creation, in which the world of advertising, book publishing and social media collide with the accidental meeting of the two protagonists. As the burnt-out advertiser and the esoteric success author come into ever closer contact with each other, they become entangled in a web of their own emotions and well-constructed lies.
Bogdan Dumitrache's hungarian voice (voice)
This story is about letting go. Sometimes we can't let go, and this might result in consequences that end in tragedy. There's only one thing we can do: face ourselves.
1951 Budapest, la policía secreta se presenta en casa de una familia ordinaria. En lugar de deportarlos, los agentes entran y los encierran en su propia casa y a cualquiera que se atreva a llamar a la puerta...
Emperor Franz Joseph I
Erno Blaskovich lo ha perdido todo tras la Revolución Húngara de 1848, pero Kincsem, un magnífico caballo, dará un giro a su vida hasta ese momento vacía, sin sentido y autodestructiva, dándole una oportunidad de cobrarse venganza y recuperar su amor y su honor.
A nevezetes névtelen
Hamvas Béla
El hijo de Saúl
SS Doctor
En el año 1944, durante el horror del campo de concentración de Auschwitz, un prisionero judío húngaro llamado Saul, miembro de los 'Sonderkommando' (encargados de quemar los cadáveres de los prisioneros gaseados nada más llegar al campo y limpiar las cámaras de gas), encuentra cierta supervivencia moral tratando de salvar de los hornos crematorios el cuerpo de un niño que toma como su hijo.
Last Report on Anna
Faragó Péter
Péter, a literary critic, is tasked by the secret police to persuade Social Democratic politician, Anna Kéthly, who has been living in exile for decades, to return home.
A twentysomething girl has lost the love of her life. Or maybe she hasn't.
Now You See Me, Now You Don't
It seemed like an ordinary day. Dad is experimenting in the lab, Mom is at home boiling water, while their six year old son, Alex is playing around her. But this day is different. This day Dad brings something home from the lab. And the next morning...Alex becomes invisible.
Somlói galuska
We live in an age of unhappiness. Like all people of all ages, we experience our everyday private and public life waiting for redeeming miracles. A bittersweet caffeehouse tale with humor and foam, music and chocolate sauce in 15 minutes.