Gerő Mály

Gerő Mály

Nacimiento : 1884-08-01, Székelyudvarhely, Austria-Hungary

Muerte : 1952-07-01


Gerő Mály


One Bad Egg
Stekker úr
Egy szoknya, egy nadrág
Zsiga, a furfangos öltöztetõ
When the actress he loves seems to be infatuated with a frivolous count, an actor disguises himself as the count's real interest, a wealthy Spanish woman whom the count has never seen before but wants to hoodwink into marrying him.
Sári biró
A '28-as'
Ferenc, inas
Kató Varga (Klári Tolnay) is unable to play its part in front of the Admissions Committee of the School of Dramatic Art. Geszty (Tivadar Bilicsi), severe President of the Commission maintains that she has no talent for acting and mercilessly tells you will never be an actress. Kató prepares to take revenge and under the false name of Katyi Csiba, dressed as a peasant village, obtains admission to the house Geszty. Turning everything upside down, she makes your life hell.
To the Fourth Generation
Sonka András
1941, Vinyica. Hungarian troops seize the city. Local people are fleeing, but a lonely man waits for Hungarian soldiers and gets hired. Venice Film Festival 1942
Kádár vs. Kerekes
Kontra Gábor
Pista tekintetes úr
Családunk szégyene
One Fool Makes a Hundred
Ilyen inas nincs
Dömötör, a headwaiter, and Rudi, his friend, a conductor, are dismissed. Later, they return as guests. Dömötör is seen sporting a false beard, now the spitting image of count Rod-Igor Su-Arezew, the world-famous lion-hunter.
At Last
Julia, a spoiled mistress always looks for trouble After running away from her own engagement, she must stay at the shelter of an engineer in the woods.
Alpine Sunlight
Ágnes, Vass and Kriszt run a sanatorium for consumptives. Fifi, daughter of the institute owner is also here, mortally ill. Feri, the ski trainer relieves her with his courtship every now and then from her boredom and distress.
Lesz, ami lesz
Three Bells
Kovalszky arrives at the Danube-Bank Hotel as a foreign gentleman. Two members of the staff, Miklós, the waiter and Anna, the house-maid are planning their life together. Kovalszky makes passes at Anna.
Love Is Not a Shame
Yes or No?
How did a beautiful American divorcee get into the bed of her best friend's fiancé right after returning to Budapest?
Pénz beszél
Uz Bence
Madaván, jegyzõ (as Mály Gerõ)
A 1938 film.
The Lady is a Little Crazy
Kropacher, titkár
Fekete gyémántok
Egy lány elindul
Janka, a girl coming from an impoverished noble family plays the role of a fun-loving, shallow rich girl to get jobs for her parents in a countryside mansion.
The Torocko Bride
Comsa, the clerk
András and Rózsi have been engaged for years now, but, given the absence of her certificate of baptism, they cannot get married.
Dr. Sebestyén Varga
Lovagias ügy
Benjamino Borgelli
Sister Maria
The title character in Maria Nover (Sister Maria) is played by Eva Szorenyi. A convent-bred lass on the verge of taking her final vows, Maria falls in love with a handsome artist, portrayed by popular operatic baritone Sandor Sved. Due to a silly misunderstanding, she walks out on Sved and marries his best friend Paul Javor. The frustrated suitor quits the art world to become a world-famous concert singer. Years later, he returns to reclaim Maria, only to find that she's not only still a wife, but also a mother and a dedicated nurse. Gracefully bowing out of her life, the Pagliacci-like Sved continues his singing career to assuage his broken heart.
Hetenként egyszer láthatom
Struggling artist Feri falls in love with boarding school student Vera. In order for them to be able to meet, Feri's bumbling friend Poznay poses as Vera's uncle and picks her up from school once a week. When Vera's father unexpectedly shows up at the school, the young romance is in danger.
Légy jó mindhalálig
István bácsi, pedellus
Café Moscow
Orosz hadifogoly (as Mály Gerõ)
About a man's disappointment in love, and this provides the foundation for the upcoming trial of a much more significant love. The scene of the fatal meeting, the bar, which is a kind of world-model, and its environment: a fort under siege, from where it's almost impossible to escape...
The Superior Maiden
Bartos Dénes nagyvállalkozó (as Mály Gerõ)
The New Landlord
Dr. Grisák, ügyvéd
Az Uj Foldesur (The New Squire) was based on a novel by popular Hungarian author Maurice Jokal, whose many works had previously been largely ignored. After the wars of 1848, a retired Austrian army officer "returns to the soil" as a gentleman farmer in Hungary in the 1850s. The old campaigner is the father of two daughters: One of the girls comes to a sad end thanks to the malfeasances of a handsome spy, but the other has a happier fate when she falls in love with a Hungarian POW. The underlying theme is brotherhood, as the formerly warring Austrians and Hungarians at last find a common ground. Az Uj Foldesur was nearly twice as expensive as the average Hungarian film -- but at $40,000, its budget was a drop in the bucket compared to a typical Hollywood production.
The New Landlord
Dr.Grisák, ügyvéd
Az Uj Foldesur (The New Squire) was based on a novel by popular Hungarian author Maurice Jokal, whose many works had previously been largely ignored. After the wars of 1848, a retired Austrian army officer "returns to the soil" as a gentleman farmer in Hungary in the 1850s. The old campaigner is the father of two daughters: One of the girls comes to a sad end thanks to the malfeasances of a handsome spy, but the other has a happier fate when she falls in love with a Hungarian POW. The underlying theme is brotherhood, as the formerly warring Austrians and Hungarians at last find a common ground. Az Uj Foldesur was nearly twice as expensive as the average Hungarian film -- but at $40,000, its budget was a drop in the bucket compared to a typical Hollywood production.
Sweet Stepmother
Safranek, intézeti portás
The child's must have a mother! - This is the doctor's instructions, and a young widow will do everything so that little girl's mood will change.