Marie Ney

Marie Ney

Nacimiento : 1895-07-18, Chelsea, London, England, UK

Muerte : 1981-04-11


Marie Ney


Malvina Lanier
Una familia de brujos del siglo XVII, fueron aniquilados en aquella época por cazadores de brujas, pero juraron volver para vengarse. 300 años después, en la era moderna, aprovechan una situación propicia para regresar de la tumba y utilizarán su poder para vengarse de los descendientes de sus verdugos.
Distrito 11
Mildred Dyce
Beckett es un tullido emocional que va de trabajo en trabajo, de mujer en mujer, incapaz incluso de amar a su madre. Por él se interesa Dyce, quien desea desembarazarse de su tía y piensa que él es el hombre adecuado para el trabajo...
The Surgeon's Knife
Matron Fiske
A doctor becomes the victim of extortionists when one of his patients dies under questionable circumstances.
Yield to the Night
Prison Governess
Mary Price Hilton, una joven que ha sufrido muchos desengaños amorosos, encuentra por fin a un hombre que parece quererla de verdad, pero cuando lo sorprende con otra mujer, queda muy trastornada
Mrs Crawford
Alan Howard se va a África para visitar a su hermano, pero cuando llega se entera de que ha sido asesinado por los Mau Mau. Decide entonces quedarse para hacerse cargo de la granja de su hermano y, además, para reanudar su relación amorosa con María, una joven que vive en África con sus padres. Pero los Mau Mau siguen constituyenndo una amenaza, y en este punto María y Alan se encuentran en bandos opuestos.
Night Was Our Friend
Emily Raynor
Martin's plane crashes in the jungle of Brazil. Nobody believes he survived. In the meantime his wife, Sally, has fallen in love with another man, Dr. Harper. Martin is found and returns to Sally. Unable to face his demons, Martin considers ending his life. Or does Sally do it for him?
Seven Days to Noon
Mrs. Willingdon
An English scientist runs away from a research center with an atomic bomb. In a letter sent to the British Prime Minister he threatens to blow up the center of London if the Government don't announce the end of any research in this field within a week. Special agents from Scotland Yard try to stop him, with help from the scientist's assistant future son-in-law to find and stop the mad man.
Naughty Arlette
Miss Hallam
Arlette is a malicious schoolgirl who uses her feminine charms to attract, and then destroy, every man gullible enough to respond to her flirtations. She sets her cap for the art professor and very nearly does him in... but his loving wife and daughter help the deluded man escape the seductive mantrap.
Lady Pennistone
Durante la Guerra Fría un oficial recién casado se enfrenta a una difícil elección a causa de su verdadera ocupación. Es un espía comunista que maneja información militar secreta. Cuando su mujer lo descubre le pide el divorcio, pero todo se complica cuando sus superiores le piden que acabe con ella.
Uneasy Terms
Honoria Wymering
Private eye Slim Callaghan is summoned to the country home of a Colonel Stenhurst, but the latter is murdered before he can talk to the detective. Was one of the Colonel's three daughters responsible?
La Posada de Jamaica
Patience Merlyn
Última película inglesa de Hitchcock, antes de su etapa americana. A finales del siglo XVIII, Mary (Maureen O'Hara), una joven huérfana irlandesa, va a Cornuailles para reunirse con su tía Patience, cuyo marido tiene una posada en la costa. Se trata de un lugar sórdido, cuyos huéspedes son bandidos que se dedican al saqueo de barcos y gozan de una impunidad total porque el cabecilla de la banda es un hombre respetable, un juez de paz (Charles Laughton) que les proporciona la información necesaria sobre el paso de las naves.
Brief Ecstasy
Martha Russell
A remarkable story of love lost and found, as a young couple are separated by circumstance, and plunged into emotional turmoil by a reunion...
Spirit of Christmas Past
Ebenezer Scrooge, the ultimate Victorian miser, hasn't a good word for Christmas, though his impoverished clerk Cratchit and nephew Fred are full of holiday spirit. In the night, Scrooge is visited by spirits of the past, present, and future.
The Wandering Jew
Judith (Phase I)
Old Jerusalem: Matathias, spiteful over his lover's illness, spits on Jesus along the road to Calvary, and is cursed to live endlessly until His return. The Crusades, 1150: Matathias, now an anonymous knight, competes for glory in combat and for the wife of a soldier. Palermo, 1290: Matteos Battadios witnesses the death of his young son, leading to conflict with his wife over whether to take comfort in Christianity. Seville, 1560: Dr Matteos Battadios dedicates himself to the treatment and comfort of the poor, but his life and work are endangered by the arrival of the Spanish Inquisition.
Grace, Dora's sister
When Matt Denant (Gerald de Maurier) finds himself wrongly imprisoned for manslaughter, he takes an opportunity to escape from jail during a foggy day and is forced to rely on the goodwill of local people to remain a fugitive of the law.