Scott Cobb


Well Enough Alone
Production Design
A one night stand on the rocks with a twist.
The Thirst
Production Design
Maxx and his girlfriend Lisa are a pair of recovering drug addicts whom are recruited by a clan of sex & violence crazed vampires led by the egotistical and charismatic Darius. But to become members, Maxx and Lisa have to give up their humanity and become vampires themselves. As Maxx and Lisa adopt to their new lifestyle of immortality with all the advantages and disadvantages, their addiction to drugs now turns to addiction to human blood and each new 'fix' leads them deeper into debauchery. Will these two rookie vampires find salvation, or be damned to all eternity of their latest thirst for blood?
El asesinato de Richard Nixon
Assistant Art Director
Basada en una historia real, Sean Penn interpreta a Sam Bicke, un hombre desilusionado con su vida pesonal y profesional que en 1974 intentó el asesinato del 37 presidente de Estados Unidos, Richard Nixon.
Giro inesperado
Set Designer
Recién ascendida a inspectora de policía, Jessica Shepard (Ashley Judd), una mujer con serios problemas psicológicos, sigue la pista de un asesino en serie. Descubre, horrorizada, que las víctimas son hombres con los que ella ha tenido relaciones sexuales. Esta circunstancia la convierte en la principal sospechosa.
Paradise Cove
Art Direction
Cine negro que involucra casinos indios, ex convictos que buscan la redención, agentes del FBI y despiadada familia de gangsters