Lim Hyung-kook
Nacimiento : 1972-01-01, South Korea
As Jeong-ah attempts to rebuild her career a year after giving birth to her first child, she faces difficulties that put her through the test of whether she can truly have it all.
Los agentes del Servicio de Inteligencia Nacional de Corea (KNIS), Pyung-ho en el Departamento Internacional y Jung-do en el Departamento Nacional están cazando de forma independiente a un topo norcoreano dentro de la agencia. Durante esta investigación, se encuentran cara a cara con una verdad insoportable y, sin embargo, deben completar sus propias misiones a toda costa.
Un investigador farmacéutico amenaza con matar a los pasajeros del avión en el que viaja, lo que da paso al caos, desesperación y miedo, no solo dentro del avión, también en el planeta.
A film about the precarious friendship and catastrophe of childhood friends who have dark and intertwined memories.
Kwak Ku-mok
Ku-mok, who lives like a hyena, changes his cell phone at a convenience store. He tells Hwa-young to come to his office to find the replaced cell phone.
Un volcán en la montaña Baekdu entra en erupción de repente. El pandemonio se produce en la península de Corea, con más erupciones previstas en el área. Para evitar otro desastre, Jeon Yoo Kyung planea una operación basada en una teoría del profesor Kang Bong Rae. Él había estudiado la montaña Baekdu y sus posibles erupciones. Jo In Chang es el capitán de un equipo de fuerzas especiales. Tiene la tarea de participar en la operación, que mantiene el destino de Corea del Sur y del Norte en juego. Jo In Chang contacta a Lee Joon Pyeong quien es parte del Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas del Pueblo de Corea del Norte. Mientras tanto, la esposa de Jo In Chang, Choi Ji Young está sola en Seúl. Ella lucha por sobrevivir contra el desastre.
Police Support Department (uncredited)
Un policía corrupto que huye de un tenaz agente de asuntos internos se une a una atrevida adolescente para desentrañar una conspiración antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
A woman must move her grandma's tomb, and none of the family wants to assist. She sets off on a lone journey to her grandma's grave site.
Kim Ik-joo
A young woman in her 20s, Chae Meehee, visits middle-aged Cho Sungsook and insists that they were once childhood best friends. Though Cho Sungsook has never seen Chae Meehee before, they become closer at Meehee’s insistence. Their pasts cross paths as though they were traveling through time.
Beom-goo, an honest man in his 40s working as an engineer is fired from his work. His wife, Mi-yeong, a salesperson for a credit card company works even harder to make a living for the entire family. Their daughter, Ha-na, a college entrance exam preparer for the second time feels extremely nervous as she is waiting for the announcement of additionally accepted students.
En su tercera película, el director Jang Kun-jae cuenta dos historias que son las mismas: una retratada a través del prisma de la realidad y la otra, a través de la fantasía. En la primera, un director de cine recorre una remota área de Japón en busca de locaciones para su próxima película, acompañado por una mujer que le sirve de guía. En la segunda, esos lugares y decorados sirven de fondo para contar una historia de amor o, al menos, su comienzo.
Jun, a young man of North Korean origin who had illegally emigrated to South Korea, works in a gas station. After protecting a colleague, Sun-hee, a Chinese immigrant of Korean ethnicity, Jun gets fired. When he goes back to the station for his pay, Jun hits the boss and he runs away with Sun-hee. Two young outsiders have a great time exploring the city which they had never seen before. Hyeon is a young homosexual and he is living in his sugar-daddy’s luxury apartment. Hyeon sometimes feels suffocated with his situation. These two finally find each other through an internet site, with disastrous results.
In a gripping and beautifully constructed narrative, victims and culprits of a car accident are linked by complex feelings of guilt.
Korean horror hit of 2009. Everything is picture-perfect for a family of three recently moved to Seoul from the countryside. But a religious ritual goes terribly wrong with frightening consequences.
Sixteen-year-old Yeo Lin used to have a boyfriend and normal life, but everything changed when she lost both her parents two years ago. To support her siblings, she sells her body. Quietly bearing wounds and responsibilities beyond her age, she faces the cruel trials of love, friendship, and premature adulthood, and she does it all in seeming detachment. Always tired, Yeo Lin suffers from chronic insomnia and relies on medication to sleep. For Yeo Lin, sleep is an escape that she wakes from too soon.
Ji-ho retorna a Corea tras haber pasado años estudiando en Europa. El pueblecito donde pasó su infancia ya no es el mismo, como tampoco sus habitantes. Se habituará a él de la mano de dos figuras de su infancia, compañeros de clase: Sang-soo, el matón del colegio, ahora gerente de un bar de alterne, y Seung-ryong, el tonto del pueblo, que trabaja en un puesto de sándwiches.
Al descubrir que su marido tiene una amante, Yeon decide visitar a un preso desconocido cuyos continuos intentos de suicidio han sido noticia en la televisión. Chen se queda sorprendido cuando Yeon vuelve a visitarle pero, poco a poco, el preso se abre a la mujer. Yeon le dice a su marido que tiene a otro y éste, celoso, le sigue a la cárcel prohibiéndole que vuelva a ver a Chen. Pero Yeon y Chen están mucho más unidos de lo que cree su marido...
Ho-sang's car is overturned on a journey with his wife, Min-jeong. She falls into a coma because of this accident and Ho-sang is distressed by her condition. One day, he finds a man's signature on his wife's book titled [Sundays in August] and gets jealous. He finds out that the man and his wife were planning to visit a mountain villa, and he decides to visit the villa by himself. Meanwhile Si-nae, Min-jeong's doctor, is interested in Ho-sang and the book [Sundays in August]. Si-nae calls So-kook in a secondhand bookstore to order the out of print [Sundays in August]. This book reminds So-kook of his dead friend.