Valentin Bukin

Valentin Bukin

Nacimiento : 1942-07-01, Ulan-Ude, USSR

Muerte : 2015-08-02


Valentin Bukin


Guardianes del día
subway police officer
Secuela del popular filme fantástico ruso "Guardianes de la noche" (2004). Ambientada en el Moscú de nuestros días, la historia gira en torno al conflicto y al equilibrio que vienen manteniendo las fuerzas de la luz y la oscuridad como consecuencia de una tregua establecida desde la Edad Media entre ambos bandos contrapuestos. Pero esta antigua guerra entre las fuerzas de la Luz y la Oscuridad está a punto de alcanzar un trágico resultado. Cada bando ha ganado para sí a un potente Gran Otro, el choque entre ambos se adivina inevitable y Anton Gorodetsky se ve envuelto una vez más en medio de todo este conflicto. Por un lado está el hijo de Anton, Egor, que se ha sumado a las filas de la Oscuridad, mientras que Svetlana, de la que Anton está enamorado, representa la esperanza de la Luz. Pero esto no es más que el comienzo de sus problemas...
El arca rusa
military commander
El Marqués de Coustine, un diplomático francés del siglo XVIII con una relación de amor/odio hacia Rusia se encuentra en un viaje en el tiempo en el Palacio de Invierno de San Petersburgo -desde los tiempos de Pedro el Grande hasta nuestros días. Con él, un invisible realizador ruso (en off), que está confuso sobre la posición de Rusia en Europa.
My darling asterisk
When the war, going somewhere far away, becomes ordinary, you begin to notice it only when it comes to the house, killing and mutilating the young and the best. The hero of the film, who has returned from the Chechen war as a cripple, rejects his former lover, who fiercely seeks his disposition, and it is not clear what motivates her - a sense of duty to the defenseless or a sincere love that suddenly flared up.
I Want To Go To Prison
A nugget from Russia is hiding from the police in a Dutch prison.
From Hell to Hell
Focuses on the lives of two married Polish couples (one Jewish, one Catholic) and the personal and social devastation wrought by the Holocaust and its aftermath.
The Fourth Planet
Three astronauts (two Russians and American) find a very Soviet-alike small town on the fourth planet from Sun.
Everything Will Be All Right
This charming comedy tracks the lives of several romantic pairs through trials and tribulations. The main focus of the story is a young soldier with a good heart but little ambition and his fiancée, who feels torn when a charming and sophisticated intellectual enters her life and sweeps her off her feet. There are also several side stories, also all dealing with relationships, most significantly the soldier's mother, whose comfortable but unexceptional marriage is threatened when a past love returns to her life.
Lucky Loser
"ученик" поэта
A 1993 Russian comedy film directed by Valeri Bychenkov, based on Vadim Shefner's poetry.
Ventana a París
Un profesor de música que ha perdido su trabajo se tiene que mudar a una habitación en un modesto edificio, cuyo último ocupante fue una anciana muerta hace más de un año. Esxtrañamente, encuentra a su gato encerrado en el armario, perfectamente sano y bien alimentado. Pronto se descubrirá el por qué del misterio, en esa habitación hay una ventana que comunica directamente la fría y empobrecida capital rusa nada más y nada menos que con París.
You Are My Only Love
A love story of two people which turns out into triangle... So the steady family walls do not seem so steady anymore...
Разборчивый жених
And the Wind Returns...
Get Thee Out
In Russia at the turn of the century, a wealthy Jewish merchant enjoys the best of relations with his Russian neighbours, while his respected home forms the obvious social centre of the entire community. However, the atmosphere grows more tense as the local authorities come under pressure to fall in line with the officially sanctioned anti-Semitic policies of the Tsarist Government. The village elder is one of our hero's best friends and together they seem to find a way to outwit these evil intentions but unfortunately they fail to understand what forces they are dealing with in a country where anti-Semitism is state policy.
Nikolai Bidenko
The story develops in a couple of years before the collapse of the USSR. Masha is a young, energetic girl, who has decided to make an adventurous journey across mountain Crimea. On the road she meets a funny man in a bowler hat and vest, who is trying to start his old car with a sledgehammer. Masha decided to become a fellow traveler of the mysterious mustachioed character.
Killer's seat is vacant
In a provincial town, a dangerous maniac appears, hunting women. On his account already several victims. The police, alarmed by the panic in the city, understand that it is necessary to act somehow. And the innocent people were captured, one of them is already waiting for the execution. Investigator Ignatov leads this case. He has to deal with lawlessness and arbitrariness of the investigating authorities, because of the mistakes of which the innocent were convicted, and the real criminal was never found.
Winter Cherries 2
Olga, married to a reach American businessman, returns to Russia after six years.
Ай лав ю, Петрович
Human who hired guys to load the wagon
Полет птицы
Nomad Bus
Travels from village to village broken old bus with a small troupe of actors to give a day two or three performances in front of a small audience. In the troupe — people, each of them in his own way in love with the theater…
Наш бронепоезд
толстяк, задира в ресторане
Whose Are You, Old People?
A story about two old people living in the abandoned faraway village.
A Lucky Man
The always easy-going, sensitive and responsive hero of the film turns out to be the very person whose meeting with whom changes the fate of people for the better.
Не забудте выключить телевизор
Personal Interest
‎Summer Impressions of the Planet‎ Z
пожарный инспектор
Felix, a 12-year-old boy from outer space, during the summer holidays gets admitted into a summer children's sports camp. Few people know in the camp that Felix is not there by chance, and a few days ago he was created in a school laboratory because a space intellect sent him as an agent to planet earth to study humans. He is assisted by an ordinary boy Boris and a teacher who explains Felix local traditions and customs.
Восемь дней надежды
Белянкин, гл. врач медсанчасти
Шутки в сторону
Fairies' Autumn Gift
The Conductor
A sad and funny story based on Hans Christian Andersen tales.
Without Family
A story about an orphan boy, abandoned by his family. He was raised by his kind adopted mother, and was sold by his adopted father in hardship to a traveling man who eventually, became his teacher and a father-figure. With his teacher, he learned to play music and perform on the street with 3 intelligent dogs and a monkey. He traveled through the towns of France, and through life twist and turn, eventually, lead to the ultimate search for his real family.
Гори-гори ясно
Наше призвание
Hands Up!
A funny tale about a group of children fighting the evil sorcerer.
Золотые туфельки
Especially dangerous
One of the southern cities of Russia during the NEP. The famous doctor and his wife are killed, the person living opposite Schwartz is kidnapped. The bandits were looking for gold. Then there is a diversion at the factory. The Chekists find out that a man is implicated in everything, posing as a businessman Bespaly, he is Lieutenant Voronov, aka “Chaly” - the leader of the gang. With the selfless efforts of the operatives, the gang manages to neutralize.
Всего одна ночь
The Great Tamer
In one small provincial town lives Savva Kulikov. In ordinary life, he is an exemplary Soviet citizen and an up-and-coming economist, but Kulikov has an unusual hobby — he trains his own pets, teaching them many amusing stunts. Among the "pupils" Savva already have a dog, a cat and even a parrot. One day the chimpanzee gets into Savva's hands. The animal was easy to train, with dexterity performing all the tricks of Kulikov, and he decided that his hobby should go to a new, more serious stage - performance in public. Circus friends help Savva break into the circus arena. The main character performs with his monkey in a local circus and the show was an incredible success, breaking a storm of applause from a grateful public.
My – chlopcy živučije
Сергеев ищет Сергеева
Kastus Ivanovich