Dariusz Jabłoński
Nacimiento : 1961-05-30, Warszawa, Poland
A story about two sisters - Małgorzata, who is single by choice, and her younger sister, Łucja, a mother of two and an assistant in Małgorzata's law firm. The women embark on their first first trip in many years. It quickly turns out that one of them is terminally ill and her destination is Switzerland, where euthanasia is possible.
Ucrania, años noventa. El joven Vova, cruel y tenaz, lucha para encontrar su lugar entre los despiadados miembros del hampa de una ciudad donde reinan el crimen y la corrupción.
El mundo como un absurdo cosmos de una sola habitación. Diez personas practican diariamente rituales, caminando en círculos. No saben quiénes son o de dónde vienen, ni tampoco tienen nombre. Los hombres llevan números impares; las mujeres, pares. En este sistema de gobierno se priva al sujeto de toda independencia hasta que la llegada de un niño perturbar el orden establecido. Es entonces cuando comienzan a sucederse una serie de historias distópicas. Así es como entiende el mundo Oleg Sentsov, el prisionero político más famoso de Rusia desde 2014 hasta 2019.
In the rural Ukraine, in a ghostly world where fantasy tears the veil of reality, life fiercely fights death every day and old values and vengeance reign over people's souls, Vitka, an imaginative and rebellious little girl, is the fascinated witness to the crazy love that Larysa, her teenage cousin, feels for Scar, a young criminal.
'Dovlatov' sigue durante seis días al brillante e irónico escritor que vio más allá de los rígidos límites de la Unión Soviética de los 70. Sergei Dovlatov luchó para conservar su propio talento y su decencia con el poeta y escritor Joseph Brodsky, mientras veía cómo sus amigos artistas sufrían ante la maquinaria del estado.
Película que muestra cómo la sentencia a veinte años de cárcel impuesta al documentalista ucraniano Oleg Sentsov se ha convertido en un símbolo del nivel de libertad de expresión del periodismo en la Rusia de hoy.
Una famosa escritora asegura por la radio que se va a quitar la vida y que los hombres escritores deben luchar para convertirse en los administradores de sus bienes. Estos hombres serán puestos a prueba intelectual y sexualmente, hasta que uno de ellos descubre el juego final de Maya.
Russia 2017. The world could be on the verge of a great war. People are anxious that things could fall apart. Evolving around an unfinished building, a diverse group of outsiders struggle to find their place in this rapidly changing society, making up the mosaic of existence that is life itself…
New husband Adam reluctantly takes a job with state security in a totalitarian country, thus becoming a secret police agent. This "contract with the devil" helps secure a flat for the happy couple, as well as a prosperous future. However, he soon finds out that he too is under surveillance.
This is not a love story though it is full of love. It is not a comedy though the characters often say funny things. It is not a detective story even though the hero is trying to solve a murder. It is not a nature drama though it shows the splendid colours and customs of the countryside. It is not a musical though Lubica expresses her longing in a passionate dance. Nor is it a film about ghosts though a ghost does ask the hero for a favour. A few draughts of Strawberry Wine are enough to take us into a magical world in the true centre of Europe, where love, crime and penitence are just as much a part of life as the changing of the seasons, the migration of birds or the flowing of a mountain stream.
This is not a love story though it is full of love. It is not a comedy though the characters often say funny things. It is not a detective story even though the hero is trying to solve a murder. It is not a nature drama though it shows the splendid colours and customs of the countryside. It is not a musical though Lubica expresses her longing in a passionate dance. Nor is it a film about ghosts though a ghost does ask the hero for a favour. A few draughts of Strawberry Wine are enough to take us into a magical world in the true centre of Europe, where love, crime and penitence are just as much a part of life as the changing of the seasons, the migration of birds or the flowing of a mountain stream.
This is not a love story though it is full of love. It is not a comedy though the characters often say funny things. It is not a detective story even though the hero is trying to solve a murder. It is not a nature drama though it shows the splendid colours and customs of the countryside. It is not a musical though Lubica expresses her longing in a passionate dance. Nor is it a film about ghosts though a ghost does ask the hero for a favour. A few draughts of Strawberry Wine are enough to take us into a magical world in the true centre of Europe, where love, crime and penitence are just as much a part of life as the changing of the seasons, the migration of birds or the flowing of a mountain stream.
In 1987, colour slides were found in a second hand book store in Vienna which turned out to be a collections of photographs taken in the Lodz ghetto by the Nazis' chief accountant. Walter Genewein boosted productivity in the ghetto while keeping costs down, a policy which led to the Lodz ghetto surviving much longer than any other in Poland. He recorded what he considered to be the subhuman aspect of the Jewish workers and he was concerned only with the technical quality of his photos. Director Dariusz Jabłoński's prize-winning film uses the photographs in a different way. He recreates for us the suffering of inmates, giving a compassionate picture of that it was like to be trapped in the ghetto. (Storyville)
Znajomy Wojtka
"No robarás": Ania, que tiene seis años, es hija de Majka, pero ha crecido creyendo que su madre es Ewa, la madre de Majka, es decir, su abuela. Séptimo de los diez mediometrajes que constituyen el llamado "Decálogo" y que están inspirados en los Diez Mandamientos (Kieslowski los llama "mandamientos sin moral").
Assistant Director
This Polish historical drama film traces the fascinating saga of a wealthy, princely Polish dynasty in years 1900-1935.