Es verano en Turquía, hace un sol de justicia, y los gemelos Mirhat y Mirza no anhelan otra cosa que nadar en la piscina del barrio. Pero el vigilante no les deja pasar porque son pobres y kurdos. Los dos hermanos convierten el objetivo de bañarse en la piscina en su aventura revolucionaria veraniega.
The film is about our innate and instinctive kindness before we become good persons. It relates in detail the transformation of the concept of BEING GOOD and the EVIL within that concept. It is the struggle of a humane character that has faced hardships and is now homeless. In time he also gets stuck in the ordinary concept of kindness. It tells the story of the destruction, imbalance and clashes that humaneness and conscience, kindness and wickedness cause in our lives, how they turn those lives into a black comedy.
When the devastating Kocaeli earthquake occurs, the Turkish government passes a special law allowing people to complete their military service in a month.
Estambul, 1904, en vísperas de la caída del Imperio Otomano. En el harén del palacio del sultán Abdulhamit, el eunuco Nadir prepara a Safiye para ser la esposa favorita del sultán. A partir de aquí penetramos en un mundo secreto, enteramente femenino, lleno de intrigas, miedos, deseos contenidos, grandes amistades y traiciones.