Dancing Munchkin
Recrea los orígenes del Mago de Oz. Oscar Diggs (James Franco), un mago de circo de poca monta y de dudosa reputación, tiene que abandonar la polvorienta Kansas y trasladarse al brillante País de Oz. Está convencido de que a partir de ahora la fama y la fortuna le sonreirán. Pero, cuando las brujas Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) y Glinda (Michelle Williams) empiezan a dudar de su categoria como mago, entonces todo serán problemas para él. Si quiere triunfar, tendrá que averiguar cuanto antes quiénes son buenos y quiénes son malos.
David Draper
Robson Green and Mark Benton co-star in Christmas Lights, a one-off comedy drama for ITV1 centred on two lifelong friends who have always competed with each other. The festive season brings on new challenges and takes their rivalry to extremes resulting in the two friends forgetting what Christmas is really about. Can anything bring them to their senses?
Mr. Hathershaw
Set in a Yorkshire milltown in 1957, Ellen Hardy is unhappily married but is close to her ten-year-old son, Victor. The family has recently moved house and Victor has started at a new school where Ellen has become friendly with his teacher, Kathy Thompson, who is keen to encourage him at art. As the friendship between the two women grows, Ellen's millworker husband, Hardy, feels increasingly alienated at home.