Janice Dawe


Meat the Future
Executive Producer
Meat the Future ushers the viewer into a world vexed by the impacts of modern day industrial animal agriculture and zeros in on a solution-focused story. Revealing challenges and breakthroughs and posing a myriad of questions about the future, this 90-minute character-driven documentary explores the advent of real meat without the need to raise and slaughter animals. Spanning three years, Meat the Future chronicles the potentially game-changing birth of a new food industry referred to as “cell-based” “clean” and “cultured” meat – a term hotly debated as the industry approaches commercialization
nîpawistamâsowin : We Will Stand Up
Executive Producer
On August 9, 2016, a young Cree man named Colten Boushie died from a gunshot to the back of his head after entering Gerald Stanley's rural property with his friends. The jury's subsequent acquittal of Stanley captured international attention, raising questions about racism embedded within Canada's legal system and propelling Colten's family to national and international stages in their pursuit of justice. Sensitively directed by Tasha Hubbard, "nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up" weaves a profound narrative encompassing the filmmaker's own adoption, the stark history of colonialism on the Prairies, and a vision of a future where Indigenous children can live safely on their homelands.
Bañado en azucar
El 64% de los alimentos envasados contiene azúcar añadido. El azúcar que se esconde en la comida procesada y los dulces puede ser el causante de que, en los últimos 30 años, la tasa de obesidad se haya duplicado y la diabetes se haya triplicado. Existe una creciente controversia acerca del azúcar. ¿Es un veneno o un alimento dulce e inofensivo? De un lado, las industrias azucarera y alimentaria, que afirman que se trata de una fuente inofensiva de calorías y rápida energía y que el problema de la obesidad está en que comemos demasiado. Del otro, quienes afirman que hay evidencia que implica al azúcar no sólo en la obesidad y la caries dental, sino también en la hiperactividad y la diabetes, entre otros.
Ruby Skye P.I.: The Maltese Puppy
Executive Producer
Teen detective Ruby Skye is back with an intriguing and hilarious new adventure. She finds herself in the middle of not one, but three mysteries! Who stole the fabulous furry Flobbles from FONK, the local children's charity? Who owns the adorable white puppy that her sister, Hailey, wants to keep? Who is that little kid and why does she keep following Ruby? In her quest for justice (and answers), Ruby accidentally destroys a crime scene, annoys a detective and disguises herself as a boy. Her list of enemies is growing by the minute and includes her little sister, her maybe boyfriend, the victim of the crime and every one of the suspects. At least the puppy still likes her. Can she find the bad guys, make her sister happy and win back all her friends? Find out as Ruby takes her on her funniest and most baffling case yet.