Elvis Strange


Little Wings
Production Design
The dramatic short, Little Wings, explores the trauma of child abuse through the eyes of a ten-year-old boy named Thomas. In this emotional tale, Thomas learns about the Legend of the Butterfly from his mother, Emily. The Legend states that if you whisper a wish to a butterfly and then set it free, the butterfly will carry the wish off to the heavens to be granted. Thomas loves butterflies and seeks the escape he needs in the pages of his favorite butterfly book. Butterflies are his only true happiness while growing up on a farm with his abusive father. After Thomas saves a butterfly from a spider's web, a stranger arrives at the farmhouse. As the tale continues, Thomas ultimately finds his freedom and steps into the unknown world of "Joy".
The Gingerdead Man
Production Design
Un Adorable galleta de hombre jenjibre vuelve a la vida, con el alma de una asesino convicto en su interior.No descansara hasta encontrar a la chica que le envió a la silla eléctrica.
Decadent Evil
Production Design
A fallen foot tall Homunculus called Marvin (a part human/part reptile creature) is imprisoned in a birdcage by a vengeful lover who is bidding to become the world's most powerful vampire.
Dr. Moreau's House of Pain
Production Design
In a big mansion, a scientist has been experimenting with humans and animals, mixing their DNA together.
Girl in 3D
Production Design
Vicky, an ambitious young bombshell living in Hollywood, gets hired to be the "Toy" of her favorite rock star, Stu, who is in desperate need of inspiration. Starry-eyed and reckless, she enters a world of fantasy fuelled by addiction and an abusive thirst for fame.
Puppet Master: The Legacy
Production Design
Esta historia de terror comenzó cuando Andre Toulon, un bonachón creador de juguetes, se convirtió en el maestro de un grupo de marionetas asesinas. Es un cuento de brujería, muerte, resurrección y venganza mortal contado por Eric Weiss - un niño que fue rescatado de las SS de Hitler por Toulon. Weiss, ahora un adulto, ha pasado su vida intentando perfeccionar el secreto de Toulon para dotar de vida a lo inanimado. Maclain irrumpe en el laboratorio de Weiss, le dispara y le tortura, pero Weis nunca revelará el secreto. El cuento prosigue, mezclando nuevo material con flashbacks de las cintas previas de la serie Puppet Master, entrando en una batalla del mismo modo que lo hacen Weiss y Maclain. El nuevo maestro de marionetas permanece desafiante mientras el asesino entra para asesinarle, ignorando que Weiss ha encontrado el secreto y las marionetas de Toulon están preparadas para derramar sangre por su maestro una vez más...