Guy Piérauld

Guy Piérauld

Nacimiento : 1924-10-05, Lyon, France

Muerte : 2015-06-16


Born Guy di Piro on October 5th 1924, Guy Piérauld (often mistakenly credited as Guy Piérault), is a French actor and writer remembered for his voice acting career (French voice of Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker, Maxwell "Max" Smart. He died on June 15th 2015 at 90.


Georges Courteline au travail & Boubouroche
Tignasse - Amédée
Surprise Sock
Le chauffeur de taxi
Following a car accident, four men find themselves in the hospital, where they sow discord. Meanwhile, their wives take full advantage of their newfound freedom.
Emmenez-moi au Ritz
Club boss
The three ex-wives of a real estate developer join forces to get revenge on him.
Le Cœur sous le paillasson
In order to get to know his two French collaborators better, Henry Wydmark, director of a large American company, invites them to spend a weekend in the Alps. They consider this trip to be part of their job. But as the wife of one and the husband of the other are not free, they do not hesitate to leave their "heart under the mat" and hire one a husband of convenience and the other a wife fictitious. This misunderstanding will trigger a cascade of disasters.
Club Privado
Un branleur
Marcel es un taxista que tiene la suerte de recoger a una impresionante mujer que comienza a desvestirse en el asiento trasero. Pronto le conduce hasta un club privado donde él puede escoger a la mujer que quiera para satisfacer sus deseos sexuales. Tras disfrutar unas cuantas veces con dos chicas, entra a formar parte del grupo de personas que habitan el local y a participar en sus juegos sexuales.
Hagan cola, señoras
Le propriétaire de l'appartement vide
Casado desde hace años, Gilles no puede dejar de engañar a su esposa. Por lo tanto, comparte la vida con muchas de las mujeres y sus amigos están celosos de no ser capaces de hacer lo mismo. Cansado de sus historias eróticas, organizan una reunión en presencia de todas sus amantes ...
Pique-nique en ville
The Grand Duke's New Clothes
Le bouffon
Two crooks think up a scheme to get rich at the expense of the vain and excessive Grand Duke.
Tintín y el lago de los tiburones
Dupond (voice)
Cerca del lago Flechizoft, está el profesor Tornasol, que ha invitado a Tintín y al Capitán Haddock a pasar unas vacaciones. El avión en el que viajan Tintín y Haddock sufre un accidente en extrañas circunstancias. Tras ser salvados por dos pequeños syldavos, finalmente llegan a casa del profesor, quien les muestra su último trabajo: una máquina capaz de reproducir todos los objetos en tres dimensiones. Las infinitas posibilidades que ofrece tal descubrimiento suscitan peligrosas codicias, en particular del odioso Rastapopoulos, dispuesto a todo para apropiarse del genial invento. (FILMAFFINITY)
Detective Story
L'inspecteur Donati
Ubu enchaîné
Father Ubu, grotesque king and symbol of the tyranny of power in Ubu king, decides to become a slave to acquire real power. This is the first sequel to "Ubu roi" (1965) directed by Averty.
Domicilio conyugal
Le Réparateur TV
Antoine y Christine son una pareja de recién casados. Mientras él se gana la vida vendiendo flores secas por las calles de París, su mujer imparte clases de violín. Pasa el tiempo y tienen un bebé, pero Antoine, que sigue siendo un hombre emocionalmente inestable e inmaduro, tiene una aventura extramatrimonial.
Tintín y el Templo del Sol
Dupond (voice)
Cuando siete arqueólogos encuentran un antiguo templo inca, se convierten en víctimas de una antigua maldición. Una vez de regreso en Europa, caen uno por uno en un profundo sueño y solo una vez al día, todos a la vez, se despiertan durante unos minutos y experimentan alucinaciones donde aparece la siniestra momia viviente de Rascar Capac.
The Ghostly Rental
Le clown
At the end of the 19th Century, young Fanning finishes his studies in theology at the University of Cambridge. During a walk through the countryside, the boy, inspired by the lecture of romantic novels, discovers an abandonned house, from which an old man is coming out. He returns to the house regularly without ever seeing its mysterious inhabitant. Fanning finally surprises the old man while he is sitting on a bench at the cemetery and manages to gain his confidence...
Le roi Lear
le fou du Roi
An aging King invites disaster when he abdicates to his corrupt, toadying daughters and rejects his one loving, but honest one.
El pretendiente
Las aventuras amorosas de un hombre tímido. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Fenouillard Family
The Fenouillards (Sophie Desmarets and Jean Richard are the parents, Annie Sinigalia and Marie-José Ruíz are the daughters) are shopkeepers with higher aspirations. The Monsieur wants to run for mayor of their town, but the family acknowledges he has little experience of the real world -- and so they all take off to experience it together. After starting out by getting lost, the family goes through an odyssey that takes them to Brazil, the Antarctic, and Japan in a series of episodic adventures.
La luz de enfrente
Olivia cumple su promesa de casarse con un transportista, a pesar de que un accidente le causa impotencia sexual. Ambos abren un restaurante de carretera, y claro, muchos viajeros tiran los tejos a la bella Olivia.
Les Hussards
le soldat comptant les chevaux
The Scheming Women
Un machiniste
The renowned theatre manager, Paul Rémy, is accused by his general secretary Andrieux of having killed his partner. On the advice of his wife Mona, Paul goes into hiding in a psychiatric hospital to escape from the police. But Andrieux seduces Mona who then turns against her husband.
Lettre ouverte
A tenant (uncredited)
Martial, Colette 's husband, is madly jealous. One day, he catches his wife writing a letter and he does want to know what this message contains, to no avail.
Les bonnes manières
The Red Rose
The Jacques Brothers, their temporary replacements, Yves Gérard and his troupe, as well as a famous movie star looking for a new partner, Evelyne Dorsey, are causing disruption at the "La Rose rouge" cabaret, the most famous cellar in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, to the delight of regulars.