Lena Dörrie

Lena Dörrie

Nacimiento : 1982-07-15, Nürnberg, Germany


Lena Dörrie
Lena Dörrie
Lena Dörrie
Lena Dörrie
Lena Dörrie


Die Innenministerkonferenz
The new Federal Minister of the Interior and Community (Lena Dörrie) is used to mastering big challenges. But a murder at the Conference of Interior Ministers is something else. Especially at the back of the Bavarian beyond, without any cell phone reception, isolated from the outside world. To make matters worse: The 16 interior ministers of the federal states (including Jan Böhmermann, Henny Reents, Christoph Zrenner) are of no help in clarifying the matter.
Climate Rescue for Beginners
Maren Schwertfeger
What use is a good Abitur if the climate is changing? For 17-year-old high school student Lilly, there are more important things than school. It looks correspondingly bleak with their admission to the Abitur! While father Martin fails with a bang to lure her with a dream trip, mother Nina makes an unusual deal: if Lilly really crams from now on, her parents will in return help protect the climate. From now on, only fresh food will be cooked at home, lavender will replace industrial washing powder and you can go to work by bike! There are only exceptions for little brother Tom. But the road to an emission-free life is not a sure-fire success. After weeks, agency owner Nina and chief physician Martin are not only looking for secret exceptions to the rules, but also get into discussions about their lives up to now. And since Lilly doesn't quite stick to the deal with her parents either, the initially abstract discussion about climate-friendly living escalates into a true family crisis.
The Kangaroo Chronicles
Julia Müller
Un canguro comunista se muda con un artista en Berlín.
Girl meets Boy
Best friend
Monday – A German Love Story
Kollegin mit Baby
Klaus has a new job. And it's brilliant. The best job in the world. There is just one small snag: after work.
Der Sohn
Katharina and her son Stefan (16) live in a small town where everybody knows everybody. Stefan has been born with severe asthma. Katharina has ceased to count the nights that she has spent at his bed listening with fear, his breath. Their care and care have accompanied the child's growing up. Very deeply in Katharina is a doubt whether she really loves her child. Stefan's burgeoning sexuality finds its way in a disturbing way. He scares women during nightly journeys through the city, escorts prostitutes in front of a brothel, and watches couples in sex. When a young woman is found dead, the suspicion grows in Katharina that Stefan can be the culprit. He winds more and more out of Katharina's clasp and is increasingly aggressively seeking his own space. When a second woman is found murdered, Catherine's suspicion becomes evident. The relationship between mother and son implies a tragedy.
A Gentle Noise Between the Lines
George is in his 40s, a family man, on the fast track in his job - until one day a stranger claims ownership of 2m² of his house, enters the home, sets up his bed in the living room and stays. While the stranger is expanding his space in the house bit by bit, a gloomy feeling is taking hold of George.
Who Am I: Ningún sistema es seguro
BKA Investigator #1
Benjamin, un joven alemán genio de las computadoras, se une a un grupo de hackers subversivo que quiere hacerse notar en el escenario del mundo.
Tour de Force
Belgium, of all places. What's Belgium got besides chocolates and fries? No matter, this year it was Hannes' and Kiki's turn to choose the destination of their annual bike tour with their closest friends. They all looks forward to the adventure, after all they know that what counts the most is the time they spend together. It's only after the tour has begun that Hannes tells his friends that he's suffering from an incurable disease. The trip is to be his last. At first, the group is shocked and helpless, but after they hit the road again, they embark on a wild and one-of-a-kind adventure. Through Hannes, they realize how precious life is. Equipped with a list of things that still remain to do, and aware that nothing will be the same after this trip, they celebrate life as they never did before.
Hannah, a young Jewish girl, is rescued from a concentration camp by her Polish boyfriend, and believes he died after their perilous escape. More than 30 years later, the married Hannah faces an emotional crisis when she learns he's alive.
Jeder Mensch braucht ein Geheimnis
Katharina 'Katy' Lürzer
En la estela de la noche
Tres jóvenes desilusionados con la vida deciden atracar un banco para intentar empezar de cero. El plan sale a la perfección, pero cuando parece que por fin pueden respirar tranquilos algo se tuerce, convirtiendo los detalles más sencillos en auténticas pesadillas y lo que parecía un trabajo sencillo se convierte en una pesadilla mortal. Temerosos, huyen todo lo rápido que pueden, dejando tras de sí un rastro de sangre y violencia difícil de borrar. La tensión en el grupo aumenta casi tan rápido como sus crímenes. ¿Conseguirán detener esta macabra locura?
Zwei Zimmer, Balkon