Bianca Rusu


Two desperate pioneer women escape together across the midwestern desert in 1848.
Two desperate pioneer women escape together across the midwestern desert in 1848.
The Institute
En el siglo XIX Baltimore, Isabel Porter, una chica afectada por el dolor de la muerte prematura de sus padres, se investiga voluntariamente en el Instituto Rosewood. Sometida a extraños y cada vez más violentos experimentos pseudocientíficos en la modificación de la personalidad, el lavado de cerebro y el control mental, debe escapar de las garras del palo de rosa y exigir su venganza, o bien perderla para siempre.
Curious Stories, Crooked Symbols
Anthology of award-winning films including The Eyes of Edward James, The Demonology of Desire, and The Facts In the Case of Mister Hollow.
The Demonology of Desire
Late one night, Ramona makes a powerful wish. The following day, her prayer is miraculously answered when she meets Eric, a boy with no idea of the dark, fantastical depths that a boyhood crush can lead him.