Roland Caillaux


Lieutenant Jean Dumontier
Filmed in French Morocco, Itto's dialogue is spoken primarily in the tribal Chleuh language. The jingoistic story concerns a series of clashes between French occupational forces and a rebellious Chleuh chieftain. Itto (Simone Berriau), chief's daughter, becomes embroiled in a romance with a Moroccan tribesman who has gone over to the French side. It is implied in Itto that it's okay to betray one's own people if it will preserve French colonialism in Africa. To modern viewers, the rampant chauvinism in Itto is a difficult pill to swallow.
That scoundrel Morin
Life is so dull in a quiet little neighborhood that gossips, eager for some kind of scandal to brighten things up, imagine their haberdasher has been having quite a raunchy sex life.
André Duval
In Morocco, a French sergeant falls in love with the sister of an Arab colleague, a dangerous situation that could result in death for both of them.....
Let Us Be Gay
This is the French-language version produced by MGM of Let Us Be Gay (1930))
The Stream
A naval officer has to abandon a young girl he has rescued as a stowaway, to the mercies of his sleazy show business mother and her plans.
A silent adaptation of the 1778 Beaumarchais play The Marriage of Figaro, with material also used from its two sequels.
Escurrir el bulto
Le Sergent
Jean es un poeta al que le disgusta su próxima incorporación al ejército. El trago se le hará más llevadero al coincidir en el cuartel con su criado Joseph. Mientras tanto, una tía suya se esfuerza por hacerle más cómoda la vida militar, recomendándolo al coronel Brochard. Mientras Jean se convierte enseguida en el blanco de las clásicas bromas cuartelarias, su criado, el mujeriego Joseph, se adapta sin problemas.
La barraca de los monstruos
La vida del payaso Riquet y su esposa, la bailarina Ralda, se ve amenazada por el propietario del circo donde trabajan, que desea a la joven y no dudará en intentar asesinarla cuando ésta lo rechaza.