Madame Delaunay


Le Bouif errant
Bicard nicknamed Le Bouif earns 1,000 francs for lending his body to the experiments conducted by Professor Caligari. Further adventures await him when he encounters Ladislas, a young reveler, who happens to be the crown prince of Corinthia. This one, who favors living it up over his royal duty, commissions Bicard to replace him on the throne.
La barraca de los monstruos
La vida del payaso Riquet y su esposa, la bailarina Ralda, se ve amenazada por el propietario del circo donde trabajan, que desea a la joven y no dudará en intentar asesinarla cuando ésta lo rechaza.
The Red Inn
Two young doctors, surprised by the storm, take refuge in an inn. A diamond broker joins them and, for lack of space, shares their room. At dawn he is found dead. A few years later justice is done.
La folie du doute