Andre Puca


KWAK or Kassandra with a K
This film is part autobiography, part fiction, with a healthy dose of self-conscious realism and tongue-in-cheek humor. Nursing a broken heart from his first breakup, Ahmed decides he's going to be homeless-this is his naive, lovesick attempt to get over the girl whose name is the inspiration for the film's title. Being the hopeless romantic that he is, Ahmed wants to document his days living as a change peddler. He does so thinking he will make a film about his adventurers and finally exorcise the memory of Kassandra. In true millennial fashion, Ahmed abandons the first film when the fancy strikes him to make a movie about his breakup instead. This is the film within the film he sets out to make, "Ten Nights Bliss."
AP and AK
The second film carries the initials of both creators, AP & AK: little mysteries carved into a tree, but also something more binding, less prey to whim. You make your mark to signal approval of important revisions in an agreement, and these are detail-oriented filmmakers. These filmmakers are all details.