Clara Schwartz

Clara Schwartz


Clara Schwartz
Clara Schwartz


Take What You Want
The Burning Question
After three long years, the young legal secretary Bodil is reunited with his former girlfriend Carsten. Their love affair flares up again, but unfortunately Bodil has meanwhile come a little too close to his boss' son, the skirt hunter Hugo. And he has no intention of making Bodil happy.
Alle mand paa dæk
Eva, Hartungs Kone
Come Home With Me
Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig
Fru Sommer
Lad det være sagt med det samme. Musikken i "Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig" er fantastisk. Den bliver faktisk bedre og bedre med årene. Men det er også en operettefilm, hvor Kai Normann Andersen har komponeret, og hvor Teddy Petersen dirigerer. Så kunne det næppe gøres bedre i 1941. Handlingen i filmen er rimelig. Den er i hvert fald bedre end tilsvarende film fra samme periode fra den anden side af "dammen". Det er musikken, der løfter filmen op i de høje skylag. "Toner fra himlen" og selvfølgelig "Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig".
The Thunderstones
Den mystiske dame
Hans and Elinor are in love, but have to meet clandestinely to avoid the keen eyes of the headmistress at the home for girls where Elinor lives. When they are discovered, they seek refuge in a Chinese gazebo used by the vagabonds Pat and Patachon as a cheap summer residence. However, the two vagabonds quickly vacate the premises to let the young couple stay there. As a thank you, Hans, who is a sailor, enrols Long and Short as part of the crew on his rich uncle’s boat and invites the entire girls’ institute and its headmistress on a sailing trip. In disguise, Hans hopes to spend some time with Elinor, but once again they fail to deceive the headmistress. Long and Short now come upon the idea of hiring a brickworks, whose owner turns out to be Elinor’s uncle. But mysterious things happen at the factory, which does not make entirely ordinary bricks, and Long and Short find themselves caught up in yet another heady drama. (